
Reborn In King Of Gods

After dying in his original world, young Zhao Yang Tian found himself in a world known to him after receiving some God-given wishes! See how he makes his way, and goes on with his life in a fantasy world.

Give_me_one_real · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Time Skip (1/3)

Two years passed in the blink of an eye!

On the bed in his room, Yang Tian who was now seven years old opened her eyes once more. He had just come out of his special world, where he was absorbing the newly purified energy. 

"Huh, it doesn't even feel like I've been in this world for seven years! It seems like yesterday that God gave me the opportunity to enter a new world, with some Perks..."

Rising from his bed, Zhao Yang Tian stretched slightly before walking to the bathroom. After washing up, he went downstairs to the kitchen.

Walking over to the fridge, Yang Tian looked at her mother, who was sitting eating her breakfast with a smile. Zhao Yin also turned towards him as soon as he felt his presence in the place.

"Good morning, Son-" Before the words left her mouth, she was already shocked to notice her young son's cultivation.

"Yang'er, you!! When did you enter the 5th rank of the martial path?" Leaping across the table, she ran to her son before gripping his wrist tightly.

Are you kidding? It wasn't many months ago that Zhao Yang Tian had broken through to the 4th rank of the Martial Way, which was once unprecedented within the clan, and now it looks like he's managed to make another breakthrough again! Who wouldn't be shocked by this speed?

It should be noted that she and her husband only reached this stage with twenty few years of hard training and adversity. However, her son who was not even ten years old was already in the same cultivation as they were before. This could no longer be considered a genius, but an aberration for cultivation!

"Hmm… I think it was last week! I suddenly felt that I was about to make a breakthrough, so I did!" Yang Tian said, as if this breakthrough wasn't something to be proud of.

"Also, it looks like I wasn't the only one to make a breakthrough… You also reached the 8th rank of Martial Master, didn't you?" Yang Tian turned to his mother before smiling.

Zhao Yin smiled sheepishly, trying to disguise her embarrassment at losing control of her cultivation in a moment of surprise. If any elder saw this, he would be shocked by this news! The clan leader himself was still trapped in the 7th rank of the Martial Master for many years; but now a young woman of no more than thirty had overtaken him.

"Yes, I managed to break through yesterday! I still haven't fully mastered my new strength!" 

Yang Tian looked at her mother's flushed face, before lightly kissing her on the lips. "I would be very surprised if you could do that in one day!" He said before sitting down at the table.

"Speaking of which, where's Daddy? He hasn't spent time with us in a long time!" 

Zhao Yang Tian knew that his father was always fighting beasts, trying to get even stronger to protect his family, but that kept him from purifying his body to speed up his practice.

Unfortunately for him, in order to purify other people's bloodlines, they must be at a close distance from him to receive the effects of his cultivation. Proof of this was his mother, who seemed to be getting even younger after expelling the impurities from her body by having her Bloodline purified.

"He is having a meeting with the clan leader and elders. It looks like there's going to be a martial arts tournament in a few months, and the leader doesn't want you to participate. "Zhao Yin said. 

She wasn't afraid her son would be irritated or angry about it. She knew that Yang Tian was a very sensible child who would not act without thinking first. It even made her lose the feeling of being a 'real mother' for having such an independent child. But still, her son was her greatest pride in the world!

"That's expected…" Yang Tian said, while biting into an apple.

Yang Tian's cultivation was no secret to people with higher status in the Zhao family clan, but most people still didn't know that a monstrous genius like him was in their clan.

"Besides, I'm also not keen on participating in a tournament with those people..." 

Zhao Yang Tian was somewhat lonely in his life in this world, not because he wanted to, but because his affairs and that of others were not compatible. Furthermore, he also prefers to spend most of his time in secluded cultivation, improving himself further.

Currently, his Devil Immortal body was already bordering on the second level after years of training. Only his body was already as strong as someone in the 4th rank of the martial path, being possible to fight with someone in the 5th rank with some difficulties.

So it was seen that he didn't have a suitable match that could force him to use all his strength. The only times he could truly fight was when his mother allowed him to go out into the woods to adapt to his newfound strength. But still, she would go along with him to see his development, and also out of concern.

"That is good! You wouldn't find someone of your level either even if you won the tournament…" Zhao Yin said. "Also, it looks like a very powerful organization will be visiting our family in a few years, and we should take this time to get even stronger!"

Yang Tian nodded in understanding. He knew that someone from Lord Guanjun's palace would come to the tournament in a few years to recruit disciples, but that would still be a long time coming! Until that moment, he had no idea what his strength would be after so many years...


After eating with her mother, Yang Tian put on her clean clothes before going for a walk. His mother allowed him to roam the outskirts of the Zhao sect alone, without needing company.

In a few minutes walking, Yang Tian suddenly found himself a few meters away from the training ground. Several Zhao Sect disciples were already training hard, as the noise of exchanged blows flooded the atmosphere.

Most of the disciples there were already in their 13 or 14 years, with very few disciples under 10 years old training. However, most disciples were training with swords or spears, with few exceptions using bows and short daggers.

'… Now that I think about it, I still haven't found a weapon suitable for my style...'

Yang Tian looked around before finding a small compartment where there were some weapons of different shapes and features that were exposed to the disciples.

Walking to the compartment, he soon became the center of attention as the disciples there began to turn to him with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Hey, who is this young, handsome boy? Why haven't I seen him around here before?" A young girl, holding two daggers, asked her fellow disciple.

"I do not know. I also don't remember having a boy as handsome as him around here... Maybe he's one of those hidden children of one of the elders…" The other young woman replied. Her face was slightly reddened as she looked in the direction where Yang Tian was walking.

Even though he was just a young man under the age of ten, Zhao Yang Tian already showed extraordinary potential to be a very handsome young man in the near future. So of course many people would be attracted to her cute looks and extraordinary temperament.

The other youths present were also staring at Yang Tian with complex feelings, but none of them dared to walk until he took satisfaction. Not that they knew of Yang Tian's strength, but rather that Zhao Yang Tian naturally exuded the temper of someone who didn't belong here like they did. He looked more like someone with high status who had descended into the mortal world.