

.....Few Days Later....

while IGNIS is practicing with his magic he suddenly remembered that god give him the VERGIL's yamato. So he sudeenly ran towards the church.

Few Minutes later

Father Orsi who had been in church suddenly heard a voice

"Father do you have any sword for my practice magic"? IGNIS asked

Father Orsi thought for a moment than he remembered that when he picked up IGNIS there is SWORD type katanathen he went directly towards the basement of the church pick up a box with a cover then handed towards IGNIS an says "this box is when you came to the church that day along with ASTA & YUNO theres also a sword with you. Later we came to the sword pick up by myself but no one is able to weild it because i think only you are able to weild it."

IGNIS 'I already know about that because i already told the god' "Ok thanks Father Osri" Ignis turn around leaving the church and continue to run towards the the forest. He cant wait to practice with his yamato.

Few moments later when IGNISarrived in the forest he touch his yamato all of a sudden in his brain countless VERGIL battle experince swordmanship gun etc various weapon about tge weapon knowlege poured in his brain causing him to unconscious.

After 6hours IGNIS woke up from his sleep and try remember verigil battle experince while looking at the sky 'its already late. I better head towards the church others might be worry' with a thought Ignis walked towards the church.

...The Next Day.....

Ignis woke in the early morning with yamato on his back walked towards the forest. From today onwards he will practice both physical and magic.

.....Time Skip 2years later...

Right now IGNIS, ASTA & YUNO practice with their physical and magic training. Now IGNIS became more handsome tham before but now he can fight with a senior magician of clover kongdom without grimore while Asta cant even use magic magic thus today he was in a good mood because tomorrow is the day when they receive their grimore So everyone is excited today.

Asta: So tomorrow is the day?

Ignis &Yuno: yeah

Asta: After I receive my grimore in the future i will became the wizard king and merry sister lily

Yuno: I will became the wizard king

Ignis: I will became the worlds strongest wizard.

while they were chatting with each other far away from them theres a figure who had been secretly eyeing on them

"kuhahaha so tomorrow is the day when they receive their grimore i will sell their grimore to some noble and make some money kuhahaha but whats wrong with the handsome boy he ahas a insane amount amount of mana" the person in the dark says while


Its been a 15 years since i have been in this world. So tomorrow is the when i receive my onw grimore but i dont know what my grimore looks like

During these 2years Ignis memory and vergil memory became one thus noe Ignis know how vergil fight and think and he made a vergil custom design coat tailored with sister lily now he looks kinda badass while yamayo on his back resemble of a demon of his sword.