
Reborn in an other world with a creation system

welcome to a new world of fantasy Ash is reborn with a creation system helping him in exploring the depth of this new world, that is filled with people of different humanoides races that use magic and martial arts. ~Ding [you have received the Manifestation device that allow you to generate a replica from something that you have memorized] ~Ding [You have created a new technology able to create overpowered beings as your subordinates.... Ash is overpowered, the story is a bit slow as he his more actively exploring the World he is living in but once things gets together it will be more interedting and the chapters more long with more interactions and depth the cover is ai generated

systemwriterK · ファンタジー
16 Chs


The music played in the streets, the sound echoing through the buildings. People danced, singing songs of celebration and happiness. The whole city seemed to vibrate with the sounds of the music. Ash walked among the crowd, seeing how happy everyone was, smiling happily himself. 'I'm glad I came here.' he thought to himself. He stopped and listened to the music for a moment, then moved along. As he passed a group of people dancing, he suddenly felt a strange sensation.

He paused for a few moments, trying to figure out what it was. It felt like someone was staring at him. Looking around, he couldn't find anyone who was paying attention to him. Feeling uncomfortable, he left the area quickly.

While wandering in the busy merchant place, Ash recognized the girl he met in the forest, Sophia the water magician. She was talking with another woman, laughing. Seeing her, Ash smiled. He approached them.

Sophia noticed him approaching and greeted him. "Hey there! How've you been?"

"Oh, since that day i have registered at the guild and explore the secret realm, its fun!"

She laughed. "That's great, i present you Reina a white magician."

Reina nodded.

"Nice to meet you Ash" showing him her hand, shaking it.

"Hi, nice to meet you too" 'what a beautiful girl!' He exclaimed in his heart. Reina was wearing a long blue dress with a golden belt around her waist, covering most of her body except for her legs and arms. Her face thin and oval and her skin pale.

They talked for a bit, discussing the party held for the day and some other things. Finally, Ash realized he needed to move on, he wanted to see what the merchant were selling today.

He said his farewell to the two girls, promising to meet at the guild in the next few days. After waving goodbye he headed towards the central square.

The sun was starting to set. The sky was painted in shades of purple and pink, the light shining down on the buildings, illuminating the colors of the paintings on the walls. Arriving at his destination he heard the merchant talking about their wares.

"And this is our newest product," a man spoke. "Our special elixir is guaranteed to make you grow stronger!"

Ash listened intently. This sounded interesting.

The merchant continued, "We guarantee you'll gain levels within three weeks. If we don't live up to that promise, you get your money back." He said showing a blue flask filled with liquid.

Ash walked closer, looking at the bottle. It was very expensive, probably because of the fact that it contained a powerful drug.

"What does it do exactly? And why would it help me?" he asked.

The merchant answered, "Well, it contains a potent mix of herbs and minerals, specifically designed to increase your movements and casting speed!"

Ash was interested.

"How much is it?"

"Since it's the shiva party i will sell one to you for 1 silver coin" For other people one silver coin might be a lot since it can cover normal meals for a week, but for Ash it's really nothing.


Ash bought the potion and put it in his storage ring after using 'memorize' directly. He then walk around, but nothing really piqued his interest 'maybe later'. He went to the guild, but seeing that it was closed he came back to the inn.

The ambiance had changed dramatically during the night. There weren't many people anymore. He greeted the owner and went up to his room after a shower.

"Ah it was really entertaining..the music, the dance and the food, Reina and Sophia seems like really nice people, i still have to respond to the help Sophia gave me earlier!" He said to the air.

He laid on the bed thinking about his next steps, making a list of his focus for the next few days, remembering something he said 'status'

[Name : Ash GoldenPlum

Age 18 (30)

Lvl 1 exp 66/100

Unique talent :

-Heart of creation lvl 2

-Will of shiva lvl 1

Creator class Rank F : lvl 1 : 16 /100xp

Passive skills : Creator luck lvl 1

Martial Arts :

-Rabbit fist : rank 1

Magic Spells :

-Earth armor :rank 1

Equipped : spatial ring, MD

Creation points : 918 CSP

System shop : Locked (hold 1000cs to unlock) ]

He only needed less than a 100 csp to finnaly see what this shop was, not being able to do in his exhausted state, not physically but mentally, he took a rest for the evening and went to sleep.


When he woke up the following morning he ate breakfast and after a short walk to wake up he directly created an orange cow herb from a red one using 10 points, He ate it and entered meditation, the energy flowing through his veins as he focused on the power he obtained yesterday, his vision became blurred, the world around him changing color.

Suddenly, a door appeared in front of him, it was large enough for him to fit through and inside, a familiar feeling. He stepped forward into the portal, finding himself in a dark cave, his feet touching cold stone flooring.

A bright light shone ahead of him, illuminating the darkness of the cavern.

There, in the center stood a giant statue, carved with intricate detail, depicting the God Shiva, the embodiment of creation itself.

His hands spread wide, the fingers forming a circle, the thumb pointing upwards. His mouth open, lips parted, exposing rows upon row of sharp teeth.

Ash slowly walked towards the sculpture, admiring its beauty.

In his previous life, he never knew anything about religion, but now he understood what the statue represented.

Shiva was the lord of destruction, the destroyer of evil.

He reached the base of the statue, standing before it, he bowed his head, not in form of reverence but as a student learn from a teacher.

The statue responded by opening its mouth and releasing a stream of fire.

The flames shot high above, leaving ash behind in their path.

Ash watched in awe, mesmerized.

After a few seconds, the pillar of fire disappeared, leaving only a faint glow where it once was.

Ash straightened up and turned to leave.

A memory flashed through his mind, causing him to pause.

It was the first thing he saw when he arrived at the temple, the image engraved on the wall.

The words written there made no sense to him, but they had meaning nonetheless.

As he gazed at the words, he remembered what his father told him when he was younger.

'Knowledge is everything. You need to know more about the world if you want to survive it.'

Those were wise words indeed.

He looked back at the statue, nodding silently.

Then, without warning, a blast of wind hit him, strengthening his mind and filling him with energy.

He gasped.

This was unlike any other magic he had ever experienced. After staying in the cave for a while, he came back out of the portal.

He felt himself returning to his body, feeling more determined now than ever. The system voice started


[Ash has unlocked the shop, 24h will be needed to open it]

Ash looked at his CSP and it was already at 1360, thanks to the item he had created earlier it was really a big acceleration!

[Orange cow herb+]

[An herb strengthen by your unique talent 'will of shiva' the energy provided by ingesting it, will open your mind and allow you to understand the true nature of reality. Use this herb wisely, use it to enhance your own ability and become a strong creator]

I hope you like it! thanks for reading

systemwriterKcreators' thoughts