
Reborn : I became the god of my own world

Matthew is fired from his job while he and his 2 friends they are celebrating John's engagement. When he gets call from his boss he almost gots a nervous breakdown, after he got fired from job, he was looking through his phone and found an application that he didn't remember having before. After using it, he was transported to the void, which turns out to be his new world, which he will create from scratch. Playing God, he creates his own world with his own religion and when he comes into the world he behaves like a psychopath, pretending to be one of the inhabitants of his own world. a lot of profanity and inappropriate scene descriptions. (still being written)/(Daily updates, if not sick)

xMimik · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 16: The Divine Court and Council of the Gods

The integration of the Fae and Drakonids, along with the growing bond between Elara and me, had brought a new sense of purpose and joy to my existence as the god of Eryndor. However, the responsibilities of a deity were vast, and there were many layers to the divine hierarchy that governed the multiverse.

One day, as I pondered the future of Eryndor, the system's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Creator, you are summoned to the Divine Court and the Council of the Gods. The council wishes to discuss recent developments and provide you with important information."

I nodded, understanding that this was an essential part of my role. The Divine Court was a gathering of deities who oversaw various aspects of the multiverse. It was both a place of governance and a forum for resolving conflicts and sharing wisdom.

With a thought, I transported myself to the Divine Court. The court was a magnificent hall, its walls adorned with celestial symbols and shimmering with ethereal light. At the center was a grand table, around which the gods and goddesses of various realms were seated.

As I entered, a hush fell over the court. All eyes turned towards me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and expectation. At the head of the table sat the High God, a being of immense power and wisdom who presided over the council.

"Welcome, Creator of Eryndor," the High God intoned, his voice resonating with authority. "We have been observing your progress and are pleased with the advancements you have brought to your world."

"Thank you, High God," I replied, bowing respectfully. "It is an honor to serve and to be part of this divine assembly."

The High God nodded and gestured for me to take a seat. As I did, another deity spoke up, her voice filled with curiosity. "Tell us about your recent actions, particularly your decision to introduce new races and enhance the abilities of your world."

I recounted the events leading up to the integration of the Fae and Drakonids, the introduction of new evolutions, and my personal connection with Elara. The gods listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to approval.

"You have shown wisdom and creativity in your stewardship," another deity commented. "But there is still much to learn and understand. We are here to guide you and provide insights that may aid you in your journey."

The High God then addressed a more pressing matter. "There is a question of why the previous candidate for the god of Eryndor, Matthew, was removed. It is important for you to understand this, as it may offer valuable lessons for your own path."

I nodded, eager to learn more about my predecessor and the circumstances of his removal.

"Matthew was chosen as the god of Eryndor due to his potential and unique qualities," the High God began. "However, despite his initial promise, he struggled to manage the complexities of the world and the responsibilities of a deity."

Another god elaborated, "Matthew became overwhelmed by the vastness of his duties. He neglected the balance of life in Eryndor, allowing chaos and discord to spread. His focus wavered, and he failed to nurture the connections between the races, leading to widespread anarchy."

The High God continued, "When it became clear that Matthew could not fulfill his role, the council had no choice but to intervene. The world had descended into ruin, and the only solution was to reset Eryndor and select a new candidate."

I absorbed this information, understanding the gravity of the role I had taken on. "What can I do to avoid the same fate?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Learn from Matthew's mistakes," the High God advised. "Maintain balance and harmony in your world. Foster unity and cooperation among the races. And most importantly, never lose sight of your responsibilities as a god."

The other deities nodded in agreement, their expressions supportive. "We are here to assist you," another god added. "The Divine Court is a place of wisdom and counsel. Do not hesitate to seek our guidance when needed."

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, I thanked the council for their insights. "I will strive to be worthy of this role and to lead Eryndor towards a prosperous and harmonious future."

The High God smiled, his expression filled with encouragement. "We have faith in you, Creator. Go forth and continue your good work."

With that, the meeting of the Divine Court concluded. I returned to Eryndor with a deeper understanding of my responsibilities and a determination to avoid the pitfalls that had befallen my predecessor.


Back in Eryndor, I decided to visit the System Shop once more, eager to continue improving the world and my own abilities. The shop offered a variety of options, and I carefully considered my choices.

**[System Shop]**

- [New Race: Elementals] - 60 Points

- [New Race: Celestials] - 80 Points

- [Skill: Advanced Creation Magic] - 120 Points

- [Skill: Divine Insight] - 90 Points

With the points I had accumulated, I decided to invest in new races and further enhance my creation abilities.

**[Purchase confirmed: New Race - Elementals]**

**[Purchase confirmed: New Race - Celestials]**

The Elementals would bring the power of nature and the elements to Eryndor, while the Celestials, beings of light and purity, would offer guidance and protection. Both races would add richness and diversity to the world.

Next, I chose to upgrade my skills.

**[Purchase confirmed: Skill Upgrade - Advanced Creation Magic]**

**[Purchase confirmed: Skill - Divine Insight]**

Advanced Creation Magic would allow me to shape Eryndor with even greater precision and creativity, while Divine Insight would grant me deeper understanding and foresight, aiding in my decision-making.

With these new enhancements, I felt more prepared than ever to lead Eryndor towards a bright and harmonious future. The lessons from the Divine Court were clear, and I was determined to uphold my responsibilities with wisdom and care.

As I prepared to return to my duties, I thought of Elara and the bond we were building. Love and connection were powerful forces, and I knew that with her by my side, we could overcome any challenge that lay ahead. Together, we would guide Eryndor to new heights, ensuring a future filled with hope, harmony, and endless possibilities.