
Reborn From A Promise

Damian finds himself in a not so easy life with a rough family life and zero care for anything life doesn't seem to go his way. but one day he makes a choice that will change his life forever. forced into a new world that is waged in war, bent on revenge and blood lust will he survive this harsh new world.

UnprofessionalJay8 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 3 One More Round

Damian walks to the gym and peeks his head in to see Roman talking on a radio "is it done? How much longer? Get it done!" He then puts the radio away and talks to the crowd of people "There has been a change of plans everyone. Some recent events we are only taking a handful of you. The rest can stay and die."

Damian grabs his pistol and tucks it into the back of his pants and walks into the gym. Roman turns to face Damian, he lifts his gun but doesn't shoot "Ah if it isn't the wanna be hero. I think you deserve a round of applause" Roman claps his hands slowly while handing his pistol in his other hand. "Let me guess all my men are dead?" Damian says nothing, just standing there aiming his gun. "Would be a shame to lose such a motivation like yourself. But it seems like your time is close to its end" Roman says as he points to Damian's hip. His shirt was covered in blood, he lifts his shirt to see he was shot in his stomach. Flashbacks to the last man he killed flooded Damian's mind. "When did he shoot me? I never felt it. This is bad, real bad."

A Girl screams out "BEHIND YOU!" Damian turns around fast but is hit right in the head with the stock of a gun. Damian falls to his knees and before he passes out Roman crouches in front of him. "Looks like your time is not done just yet. I'm going to make sure you work your hands to the bone before you die."Roman stands up "Make sure this one lives, got to get our use out of this one" Then he slams his knee into Damian's face sending Damian onto his back, knocking him out.

Damian fades in and out of consciousness as he is being dragged down the hall. Being dragged through all the body's of students and teachers Damian couldn't save. He feels himself being thrown onto a table and his shirt was lifted and a sharp pain hits his wound on his stomach. The guard holds him on the table as another guard staples Damian's wound. "Hold this little shit still, boss doesn't want him to bleed out" Damian tries to fight but gets knocked out again.

Damian wakes up in a truck full of body's "what the fuck" he says as he tries to move the body's that are on top of him. Once he was free slowly made his way to the only way out. He falls out of the truck and lands on his chest. The truck starts to drive away leaving Damian lying in front of the school. He starts to crawl out of the street and lays on the sidewalk. He looks down and sees he slightly reopen his wound on his stomach. He fights his way to his feet and slowly makes his way back to the school. "I….i have to save them…..only i can…..save them" once he makes his way to the school he falls to his knees and starts to crawl down the hallway. Blood drips from his stomach and because he had to use his hand a lot the blood starts leaking out of his hand wound.

He makes his way to a dead shooter and grabs his gun. He climbs to his feet and slowly makes his way in front of the gym doors. Damian looks through the door and sees just Roman on the radio. He pushes the door open and starts opening fire. *bang,bang,bang,bang,bang* The shots rang out but Damian was too unsteady to hit most of them. He hits Roman twice in his left leg before Roman turns around and they both shoot the gun out of each other's hand."HAHAHAHAHA YOU SON OF A BITCH, AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE MILES AWAY BY NOW" Roman yell out loud. Damian smiles "I'm not leaving into your dead at my feet".

Roman pulls out a knife "I gave you a chance to leave alive. Now you won't even leave in a body bag." Damian looks around "everyone now your chance to leave, i'll hold him back" Roman swings his knife but Damian grabs his hand and starts to hold on as the crowd of kids start to pour out of the gym. Roman Laughs "they can leave now but there time will come soon enough" Damian slams his head into Roman's face "there live longer than you" Roman stumbles back then charges Damian, swinging the knife but Damian doges then tackles Roman to the ground. The blood loss starts to take hold of Damian as Roman easily overpowers Damian, kicking him off. Roman speeds to his feet why Damian struggles. The moment Damian stands, Roman stabs him right in the chest. "You had a good run kid, but it ends here" Roman says as he pushes Damian to the floor. Damian lays there on the floor as roman starts to walk off. "I don't care how many times it takes. I WILL KILL YOU" Damian says, trying to crawl. "AHAHAHAHA, okay kid. Keep dreaming" Roman says as he still walks away.

As Damian fades away a voice speaks to him "it's this all you can do? You saved the kids and you just gave up? What a waste of a life. Did you not tell him you will kill him? Was that a lie? You must give into your anger, your hatred. You are dying already, mind as well give everything to see that man burn." Damian slams his fists on the ground and forces his head up. "I WILL KILL HIM" He crawls to a gun and the knife and rises to his feet. He looks around and sees a path of blood leading him. He followed it to the roof.

"How much longer, one minute? Okay Roger that. We are all set he" Roman was saying before he was shot. Damian unloads every bullet left in the gun. Roman falls to his knees with his back facing Damian"Damn kid, why can't you just stay dead?" Damian threw the now empty gun at the back of Roman "I told you as long as you live, i will be there to kill you. I swear this to you and anyone else listening". Roman chuckles a little "no matter. You couldn't stop any of this. You think this stops because you saved some kids? Ahahhahahaha. You couldn't be more wrong" Damian walks up and grabs Roman by his hair and puts his knife to his neck. "What are you talking about'' Roman lifts his hand and points at the city"Just watch"

Buildings just started exploding, cars started to explode. The city began to burn and gunshots rang all around the city. Planes and helicopters started to fly in and bomb the streets. "Wh…what? What's going on?" Damian yelled out. He slammed Roman's face into the floor "Tell me, tell me why this is happening!" Roman laughs "It's not done just yet" a huge plane flies over the school, flying close to the ground, he crashes into a building. The ground starts to rumble and a bright white light comes out of the plane. Roman coughs "see you in hell kid". The white light takes over everything. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Damian screams as the light takes hold of him.