
Reborn: Eclipse

A man forgotten by all. A man put to the sidelines by the very nation he served under. A man whose life and happiness was forcefully removed. He got another chance. Another chance to be happy, another chance to live a life he never got to live. But this time it will be different for him. No one will ignore him, no one will forget him. He will make sure that his talents and abilities get praised throughout the centuries to come. Reborn into a world of magic as the talented son of the principle of one of the world's most esteemed magical academies , he will make sure that his name will be immortalized for eons to come. ----------- Update frequency depends on my mood mind you but I'll try to publish at least 1 chapter per day.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Affinity: Eclipse

Grice was shocked. His son, his pride and joy had a natural affinity of eclipse. Soon that shock was replaced by unprecedented joy. He immediately lept to his son and caught him in his arms, all the while his face had the largest smile possible.

He new his son would not disappoint him, and it turned out that He had a divine affinity. This surely meant that he and his entire family and institution would rise in power and glory, as throughout the kingdom the only other mage to have a divine affinity was the king.

William (who I will be referring to as Vale) was shocked at first. He did not know why his father was so ecstatic about his affinity but judging by his and the old mans reaction, his affinity was great. However he did not loiter upon those feelings as his father was hugging the life out of him.

"Fa-Father, c-cant brea-the. " Said Vale as he could feel himself get lightheaded due to the lack of air. Yeah the body of a 4 year old had it's limits on breath holding.

Vale's father came to his senses and let go of his son. "Sorry about that. " Said his father, all the while the huge smile never left his face.

Vale gasped for air as he felt his father let go of his death grip. In between pants he asked his father. "What the heck was that? Is my affinity that great? Besides what does an eclipse affinity even do? " Even though he knew the answer to the second question, I mean that affinity was literally classed as a divine affinity he asked it anyways, to show that he was still a child. An anomalous child due to his intelligence but still a child nonetheless.

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I was just too excited. As soon as I saw that you had a divine affinity I couldn't stop myself. " Answered his father. "And as for what the eclipse affinity actually does, we should discuss that in private. "

After saying that he bid farewell to the stupefied old men and led me down the hallway from which we came.


After walking down the hallway for a good 5 minutes the duo of father and child reached a door. Vale did not recognise this door. The door in question was made of wood, with what seemed to be gold on its outer rim. The door was 2 meters tall and it too had inscriptions on it but this time they depicted

a monster with six wings. Two covering it's face, two covering it's body and two wings that helped it fly. The only thing Vale could associate it with was a Biblically accurate Seraphim from earth.

Grice opened the door and entered while Vale followed suit. The room behind the door was.... in the simplest of terms luxurious. With several couches a fireplace, a carpet, and even a big ass chandelier.

Grice sat down on of the couch and motioned Vale to do the same. Vale sat down on the couch next to his father without a word.

After a few seconds of silence his father said. "I'm pretty sure you have many questions about your affinity and other things so go on ask away. "

The first question that Vale asked wasn't even about his affinity as he was marvelling at the luxurious room. He had never been to such rooms back on Earth. He almost instinctively asked.

"Where the heck are we? "

His father giggled a little when he heard Vale say that and said. "Well son, we are... let's just say we are in my private relaxation room. "

"Okay.... " Said Vale. "Now onto the real questions at hand. What is a divine affinity, and what does an eclipse affinity do? "

"Well then, sit down boyo because this will be a long ass explanation. " Said his father. "First of all if you want to understand affinities I have to explain magic to you. Well magic, is not actually magic it's just science but extra. So it's basically like this. In our world various sources leak various types of energy. The earth leaks earth energy, fires and the sun leaks flame energy, water hydro energy and so on. Our bodies can store these energies and convert it into other forms of energy. Like you can absorb tons of earth energy and convert it to use fire, but it's somewhat inefficient so we don't use it,only magical or daemonic beasts do as they can't convert the energy. So instead we use the tons of stagnant energy we have on the planets atmosphere.

This stagnant energy is an energy with no known source and no known elemental type. It just exists and it never runs out. It can be stored into our bodies. This stagnant energy can be converted into true energy more efficiently than converting one true element into another which causes stuff like fireball to appear as it changes the way particles behave. Changing the temperature molecules in the air to form fire, dropping the temperature of air to form ice and stuff. Similarly to this stagnant energy there are mages who harness the true energy coming from the earth or the sun. These mages though rare are extremely powerful in their respective field. The reason they are rare is because a True Flame mage cannot use any other element other than fire in a battle as it is takes days if not weeks to convert one type of true energy into another while it doesn't even take a second to change stagnant energy to true energy.

Now back on Topic affinities are you innate energy structure. These innate energy structures help in converting the stagnant energy stored in the body to a specific type of true energy faster. Like the Flame affinity which helps in converting the stagnant energy to flame energy more efficiently thus making it easier to cast the flame spell. Generally the more elemental types the natural affinity of a human has the better it's quality. All mages must have atleast one affinity type to be enter most institutions and be a full fledged mage. Depending on the quantity of affinities they are as follows:

Common Grade: 1 affinity

Uncommon Grade: 2 affinities

Rare Grade: 3 affinities

Epic: 4 affinities

Divine/Legendary: 5+ affinities

Although not all affinities are equal as one persons affinity to flame might be better than another's, but it's generally considered that the more element types a person has the better. Matching affinities can sometimes mix to more new and better affinities.Your Affinity, the Eclipse is a mixture of the Sun and the Moon affinities making it a Divine Grade affinity with the Element types of Wind, Ice, Metal, Ultra Gravity, Light, Flame, and Radiation. So you will focus your magical studies in these specific fields. Yeah I also forgot to mention that the ability of a person to store stagnant energy can only be awakened by another mage. "

'Dayum that was a whole ass info dump. ' Thought Vale as he pondered on his fathers words. Atleast it turned out that his inability to use magic was not his fault. He then turned towards his father and asked.

"Will I be able to attend you institution and learn there father? "

Grice stared at Vale for a few seconds before smiling. He patted Vale on the head and said smiling.

"Silly boy with such a great affinity why would I let the institution teach you? "

Vale was confused on what his father meant but his confusion was cleared by what his father said next.

"When you reach six I'll awaked your ability to store stagnant energy and then, I'll teach you personally. "