
Reborn: Eclipse

A man forgotten by all. A man put to the sidelines by the very nation he served under. A man whose life and happiness was forcefully removed. He got another chance. Another chance to be happy, another chance to live a life he never got to live. But this time it will be different for him. No one will ignore him, no one will forget him. He will make sure that his talents and abilities get praised throughout the centuries to come. Reborn into a world of magic as the talented son of the principle of one of the world's most esteemed magical academies , he will make sure that his name will be immortalized for eons to come. ----------- Update frequency depends on my mood mind you but I'll try to publish at least 1 chapter per day.

Dora_the_Destroyer_0312 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

A new life

3 weeks later.

William adjusted to his life as a baby rather quickly. Yeah he still could not understand the language that everyone was speaking but still, and he could see now! That's a plus.

The people he saw the most were a brown haired man and a red haired woman, presumably his parents. And he learned that the mysterious liquid that he was drinking was actually breast milk.

When he saw that after he first opened his eyes, he was shocked after all he still had the memories of a 92 year old, but begrudgingly accepted, due to hunger and natural instincts.

Now three weeks had passed, and he could still not do anything other than lay on the bed, roll around, sleeps, cry and poop. Although he had gotten some info like the name of his Mother which was Gretta, his father who was Grice and Himself whose full name was Valedarin ver Anguis. That name was too long so he will be calling himself Vale.

He was thoroughly enjoying life. His parents were spoiling him, alot. If it were a regular child and they spoilt him like this, the child would turn out as an arrogant prick who believed himself to he superior to everyone else. But he was not some regular child. He was a 92 year old in disguise.

Today was a special day for Vale, as for the first time in his new existence, did his parents take him out of their house, and his jaw dropped. It took them a whopping 30 full minutes to exit the house. 30! How big was this 'house'?

But regardless, he on his mothers arms, safely tucked in by a layer of blanket, was looking everywhere. Even after getting reincarnated for 3 weeks he still did not have a gist of what this world was like. Was it a world of magic, just like the ones his childhood friends used to always talk about? Or a world of science like earth? He hoped to get the answer to that question soon.

His attention than peaked when they exited the 'house'. Outside was a gigantic yard filled with what seemed to be training dummies and there were people everywhere dressed in what seemed to be a uniform of a blue overcoat, white vest, and black pants. And they were all doing things like.... casting fireballs? Yeah! They were actually doing things like casting fireballs, lightning spells and whatnot.

'Yeah this is a world of magic alright. ' Thought William as he saw the men and women throw various spells on the wooden dummies. How those dummies weren't immediately destroyed he had no idea.

The people who were practicing various spells upon seeing my father immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed.

'Dayum, seems like my 'father' is a man of high position on this fine establishment. ' Thought William as he saw the men and women bow.

His sights were then drawn to an old looking man, with white beard, hair, eyes you name it. The man silently approached father and said something in a language I still did not understand and walked off, but judging by the slightly pissed expression of his, whatever that man said was not good news.

He wanted to look around some more, but this little body of his was very limited in stamina and he soon felt sleep overcome him, thus he fell to a deep sleep.


4 years later.

(I know this is abrupt but just writing and reading about a child can get pretty boring for me and probably for the reader as well.)

4 years had passed since William came to this world, and he had made significant progress. He had learned the language of these people and could actually now understand what they were saying.He even shocked his parents as he started walking and learning to speak at barely 9 months old. He even learned a few basic things about this world from the night time stories his 'mother' used to tell him.

Apparently this world was divided into 2 continents, the Western Continent Also known Ayuvnair and the Eastern one, whose name was too complex for him to bother understanding. Magic was also a thing on both continents but apparently it was known as Qi or something in the eastern continent. He was currently situated in the largest kingdom in the Western continent named Koyaniv.

He did not know what magic was nor it's properties. He had tried multiple times before to practice it but he just couldn't as he didn't even have an idea on what to do. It was like trying to swim for the first time in your life, except it's harder and no one was teaching you.

Nonetheless even though he could not practice magic, he could train his body. He had been secretly exercising without his parents knowing, and even though his frail 4 year old body could only handle so much strain, it still made him stronger than most kids his age. In fact he was exercising this very moment. That was until the door was to his room was opened. It was his father and he was..... happy? It was hard to tell due to the poor lighting but he could feel him smile.

"Alright Valedarin it's time for your aptitude test. " Said his father as William could practically feel his father smile.

"Aptitude test? " Asked William, slightly tilting hid head, his metallic silver eyes glinting with curiosity. It was a quite cute sight to behold.

"Yes Little one. This will determine what magic type you have natural affinity with and also you magic learning speed. "

Normally words like Affinity would not make sense to a child 4 years old but Grice his father new that his child would understand it. That little gremlin had a vocabulary as good as an adults at 1 year old!

"Okay. " answered as he got out of his bed, still covered in sweat from the exercise.

"How do you even get so much sweat on you boy? " Asked his father in a curious tone.

"It's hot in there. " Lied William with a shrug after all who would believe that their child would start exercising at 4,no matter how much of a genius the child was.

"Okay, follow me. " Said his father as he walked down a hallway.


William walked down the hallway with his father untill he reached a peculiar building. The building had a white wall, with 12 white pillars surrounding it and a blue dome roof on the top. The Building had a 3 meter tall wooden door at the from which had inscriptions which were the shape of a western dragon.

"This here is the Affinity and Aptitude Testing Domain. Here we will test your magic affinity as well as Aptitude. " Said his father while entering the building.

Inside the building were 3 Elaborately carved pillars surrounding a blue sphere which emitted a glow. The pillars were surrounded in a semi circle by some kind of metal railing and on the other side of the railing were 3 old looking men. The men upon seeing his father enter immediately bowed and one of them presumably their leader said in a respectful tone albeit worried tone.

" Head Master, why have you come to our humble domain? "

Yeah it turned out that my Father was actually the head master of the third most prestigious magic academy in the kingdom, it's name being the Takhsila Magical Institution.

My father answered " Relax Darick, I'm not here fire you, yet. I'm here to test the Aptitude and Affinity of son. "

"Yes of course sir. " Said the old man named Darick.

His father pointed to the blue sphere and said to William. "Go over there and place your hand on the sphere, Valedarin. "

While the old man who was bowing before his father went back to his original position William went up to the blue sphere and did it. He felt a tingling sensation on the palm of his hand but nothing special.

"First up the Aptitude test. " Said the old man Darick, and afterwords the sphere seemed to glow a bright shade of light blue. After the light subsided the numbers 10 we're on full display.

His father upon seeing the number had a big smile plastered on his face and said something akin to " That's my son! His Aptitude even surpasses mine! I knew he was destined for greatness the moment I saw him. " while beaming with pride. But William ignored it and instead stared at the number on display.

10 judging from the expression on his fathers face and the fact that he literally stated it was a number that surpassed his own. He was shocked at such a high number, as he had a very basic understanding of Aptitudes. An average person had an Aptitude of 1. An aptitude of 3 was required for a mage and an aptitude of 5 was considered a genius. And he had just gotten it's double.

But the shock was soon overwhelmed by happiness. If he was so talented in this life then maybe, just maybe he won't he forgotten and tossed aside like on earth.

"Next the Affinity test. "

That snapped William out of his stupor as the sphere again glowed, but this time in a darker shade of blue.

After the light subsided the sphere had what seemed to be a small sun in it.

Grice, William's father was once again ecstatic, a natural affinity towards the sun! This was one of rarest affinities in the continent! But what happened next was even more shocking.

The miniature sun in the sphere was darkened by what seemed to be a moon, or another celestial body, forming a perfect solar eclipse.

"This! " One of the old men called out in surprise. "This a divine affinity! Affinity of Eclipse! "