
Reborn as Uzumaki Rose

Rose is your average rich Naruto fan. While watching Boruto her apartment complex collapsed killing her. She then meets God and gets her wishes. What will she do as Uzumaki Rose, jinchuriki and sister of Naruto? This is my first, maybe only novel/fanfic so don't be too harsh. Cannon will most likely change cause this is my take of the fics I have read. I do not own Naruto or any other manga/anime related copy right or trademarks but I do recommend watching or reading the series if you can. Hope you have fun reading

Alex_Helton · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Death and meeting GOD

A girl with red hair is seen eating pizza while staring at a screen, that is emitting deafening noises. "baryon" and "Kurama" were barely heard through the sound of the girl's cry. "This is bullshit, rewrite the story! Don't kill off Kurama!"

Seemingly in response to the girl's cry, a loud cracking is heard causing the girl to look up.

"Shit I knew I should've moved out of thi-" Was all the girl could say before her apartment complex fell onto her, swiftly killing the girl.

"Rose $#@$@ death due to universal collision. Before you ask, yes I'm am a god-like being. And yes your death was a mistake therefore you will be reincarnated into the world of the series you were watching. You shall state five wishes but be careful and think them through. I shall be back in an hour." said a voice that seemed to be both male and female. "Huh, huuuhh what the $#@& is happening?" Rose cried.

Seemingly days passed before "Have you decided?" the strange voice was heard again.

"Yes I have" oddly calm, Rose answered. " Firstly I wish to be reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki's twin SISTER. Not brother SISTER." Rose stated emphasizing she wished to stay female. "Accepted, though you will awaken in your mother's womb" "Second I wish to STRONGLY inherit the Uzumaki's bloodline. Third, I wish to learn far faster than most kages could dream of. Fourth, I wish to be great with all chakra natures including space. And finally I wish to be born with a pure Tenseigan!" she finishes gasping for non-existent air.

A booming voice responds " Accepted though the Tenseigan shall unlock it's abilities as you grow in strength and may not be the same as you remember. As your death should not have occurred I shall give you a willingness to kill as a final parting gift, GOOD LUCK ROSE UZUMAKI!" was the last thing she heard before she lost consciousness.