
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The attractive devil

"Please, don't go.. darling~" He said. Was this man mad? Someone better take him to the mental hospital. Why was he obsessed with me? He wasn't like this in the original book. He was actually one of my favourite characters in the original book. He was described as a cold tyrant before Lily the main character met him.

"Prince Nicottis..." I tried to push him off me.

"Yes, darling?"

"Please get away from me what if someone sees us." I said.

"Then let them see. I don't care." He rolled his eyes

"Why do you have to be so clingy?!" I kept hitting him on his chest but he just wouldn't go away. "Away from me! Whenever you see me, put a distance of two feet between us."

"Two feet?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay. One, two.." He walked away.

I finally felt relaxed. Just as I breathed a second of relief, he pulled me by my hand and..... Kissed me. His warm hand behind my head. His soft, red lips on mine. It was an out of the world feeling. To my disappointment, he pulled away. His eyes stared into mine. His face was barely an inch away from mine. I could feel his breath on my face.

My face felt scorching hot. He opened his mouth to say something but I ran out before he could. I felt a lot of things at once. Anger, embarrassment and worst of all disappointment at him.

I was out of breath because of running and accidentally bumped into Kyle. I almost fell on the ground because if the heels but he caught me. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Sorry but I have to really go right now."

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"Female problems. I have to go." I said. It was too late when the realization of what I just said hit me. His face flushed and he said nothing as I ran away once again. This time with heels in my hands.

In between the tall dark trees, I saw two red eyes like rubies glaring at me. A gurl with dark hair and red eyes was staring at me. Upon meeting my eyes, she realized that I had noticed her because seconds after, she ran into the forest. I rushed after her. She was running really fast and it was not long before I failed to keep up with her.

My clothes were soaking wet because of the rain and it was old. It didn't take me too long to realize I was lost and the last time I was lost, it didn't go too well. Why did I even follow her in the first place? I was extremely cold and scared. There was lightning and thunder everywhere. I searched around the year and found a cave. I had four options either to freeze to death, get hit by lightning, get eaten by a magical beast or go into the cave.

The answer was obvious, to go into the cave. I took a deep breath as I entered the small cave opening. The cave was very and hollow large inside. Thank god there were no signs of any wild animals. The cave was not bad. It was clean which I didn't expect. There was something written on the stone walls which I didn't understand.

As i touched the stone carvings, a voice echoed through the entire cave. "Who dares to enter?" I felt as if I was being watched as I turned to my left but there was no one there.

"Is someone there?" I yelled.

"I see, you're nothing but a mere mortal who dares to trespass." The voice echoed once again but this time from behind. I turned but there was no one there again.

"Trespass? Who are you?!" I yelled.

"You dare to ask me who I am, mere mortal. I am the greatest wizard to ever exist in human history." It echoed again but there was no one really here. Was I hallucinating?

"If you are as you say, why hide from me?" I shouted.

"Hide? Ha.. Me and hide from a mortal?" His laugh rang through the entire cave.

"If you are not hiding then why aren't you here in front of me? And wizards and magicians are mortals too." I said.

"You really are bold. It's been a long time since I had a visitor I guess I could grace you with my presence." I blinked for a second and next thing I knew I was no longer in a cave but rather a fully furnished place.

Everything was so extravagant. I looked at the man sitting on the throne in front of me. He was tall and handsome as hell. He had long flowy black hair and shining red eyes. On his face there were some markings. He was wearing black robes with golden lining. You could see most of his chiseled chest. He had his legs crossed and was holding a wineglass. It couldn't be. This man was as hot as the main male leads if not more.

"Speak, mortal. Were you not the one who wished to see me?" He spoke in a sarcastic manner. His lips were the color of blood.

"You're attractive..." I said out my thoughts out loud without thinking.

"Pfftt.." He started laughing. I was truly mesmerized by his beauty. His laugh revealed his pointed canines.

"That's a first. Most people cower in fear in front of me." He said, putting down his wine glass.

"Why? Are you a vampire?" I asked.

"No, honey. I'm the devil." He said. Honey? My heart had a mini heartache. It should be illegal for a man to be so attractive.

"Where are your horns then?" I laughed.

"Well, I thought they might scare you too much but I guess not." With a snap of his fingers, two black horns appeared on his head.

"Oh, shit! You really are the devil." I cursed.

He gave me a blank stare.


Dear readers this book is on pause til December.