
The Cunning Queen.

Chapter 65: The Cunning Queen.

We went inside of their palace home, the same place I've often visited for Princess Cecilia's invites to her tea parties. I have not set foot in this same hall for two years, after she cut me off from her life.

"Whoaaa..." (Vivienne) mutters looking up, down, behind and front. It seems that her curious eyes have taken course. This should be her first time coming to such a glamorous place. It seems that she can't help herself from squirming around Rose's embrace.

I couldn't help but lean over and scold Vivienne, "Behave. Don't move around too much, mommy over here will drop you if you do." I joked but it seems Vivienne really took it to heart and from then on she actually stopped moving and just laid her head into Rose's shoulders.

"Umu. Mommy..." (Vivienne) pouts her blue eyes glistening with tears and I immediately felt guilty but she really shouldn't move around too much. I think she was more afraid that Rose would drop and leave her behind.