
Side Chapter: Visit of the Winshern Royal Family (III).

Side Chapter: Visit of the Winshern Royal Family (III).

As the young princesses and princes introduced themselves.

The King and Queen of [Winshern] needed to meet up with the Puronia king for a private conference. Most likely about the topic of marriage and the cure in exchange.

"If you don't mind I'll be going on ahead to meet with your father, my sons will protect you if there will be any need." The king of Winshern excuses himself and they leave together leaving the young ones to mingle.

"..." (Princess Rosarie)

"..." (Princess Catherine)

"..." (Prince Alexanderk)

"..." (Prince Nikolas)

The crown princess was first to break the ice, and with a sudden awkward laughter, she tells the Winshern princes to follow her inside the castle.

"Let's go inside now shall we? I'm sure you're both tired of your journey and would love some refreshments." (Princess Rosarie) offers and the two princes look at one another and nod.