
Prince Alexanderk.

Chapter 53: Prince Alexander.

Kein's POV

I was holding Rose's hand. Her body was swaying less than before. The snow crunched in our footsteps leaving prints, we left Mr. Snowman there hoping that he'll get to stay being a snowman and not a puddle once the sun goes up.

"Do you think Natasha is okay?" (Rose) suddenly asks and I tilt my head in thought. Has she been worried about Natasha because of the bar?

Is Natasha okay?

Natasha... is a strong woman so I know she'll be alright.

"Don't worry I've known Natasha for a while. She's the type of girl who won't break easily." I reassured her and she just pouted. She hits my shoulder gently and complains, "Natasha is also a girl! A girl's heart is always fragile when it comes to love, you know." (Rose) shouts a little angry and I was confused.

I'm a girl too?