
Kein! Let's go build a snowman!

Chapter 52: Kein! Let's go build a woman!

Kein's POV

We managed to escape the castle having a clone of Rose being left in her room. I passed by the halls smoothly thanks to the pass given to me. Rose tried not to sway around excitedly as we found the exit to the outside.

"Snow... snow... snow..." she chants quietly, raising her hands up and down.

"Calm down, the snow is not going anywhere." I told her and she crossed her arms.

"No, the snow won't but we will. We only have two days left of stay here before we leave this place and I wouldn't have the guts to sneak out of here without you persuading me. I've missed going outside." (Rose) says happily and I felt glad seeing her spirits so high up.

"It's understandable you haven't left outside a castle just to have fun and stroll for two years already."