
Hero meeting (III).

Chapter 72: Hero meeting (III).

Kein's POV

We welcomed Avery Williams into my home and she was just staring at everything that was inside. Stopping for a few seconds at some paintings at the wall before continuing her walk. 

"Such lovely artwork! Pretty awesome, back then I was more into digital art than traditional since the materials you usually need are expensive but seeing these make me want to try." (Avery) smiles really wide and hearing her talking about digital made me smile remembering the other side of art that I admire.

"The materials here are fairly expensive but their quality is high." We might have come from different times, her from 2020 and me from 2045 but we still have some things in common to talk about. "Mm... digital art is really something to behold, though if you'd want to try traditional art we could hold some painting lessons here and there when I'm free."