
Breakfast in bed for you (II).

Chapter 71: Breakfast in bed for you (II).

Kein's POV

With my apron on, and tying my hair up into a ponytail I was ready to make some bed and breakfast for my girlfriend. I was determined on making her first wake up during doing sex would be a lovely one!

"Need any help with anything, milady?" 

The chef asks me and I think, I mean is there any-


"Actually if it's no trouble, do you have any vegetarian meals for breakfast? The girl I brought over isn't allowed to have any meat." I asked since I know Rose isn't allowed to eat meat due to her light church religion and I respect that. I should research more if there's any other alternative recipes I could master too.

Chef raises his eyebrows and puts a hand under his chin thinking. "You brought a vegetarian with you." He goes on to hold down his beard, looking like he's got all the wisdom in the world.