
Borrowing a Healer (I).

Chapter 83: Borrowing a Healer (I).

Kein's POV

"Why don't you try it on?"

The [Draconis Armor] was given to me, she helped me move it out of the crate and found a room for me to fit onto them. 

"It's one of our expensive armor prototypes back when my parents were investing a few of these babies and then selling them to the many adventurers that came by, even the heroes that were summoned decades ago wore something similar.

She gave me one of her guest rooms with a fitting room having a huge mirror. I took off my adventurer clothes and slowly got into them, wiping off the dust that gathered over the years it was left untouched.

"You doing good over there, kid?" I could hear Big Sister Valentina ask me from the other side of the changing room. 

"I'm good here- weirdly it's like this armor was made just for me." I laughed feeling like this was all scripted. 

The gauntlets fit my hand like a glove.