
Reborn As The Administrator In My Fantasy World

Her name was Aileen Woods. She used to be a bright child, but she was not fortunate enough to have a normal life. Ill and bedridden, she slowly lost affect and cut herself off from outer reality, as her only joy was to construct a complex fantasy world. Eventually, she met her demise. Nevertheless, her story did not end there. Who is to say that death is our last path? For her, it was just the beginning. She had been given a second chance now as Lynett Maedis Whiteheart. Reborn as a goddess in the very world she created, it was now up to her to write her own story. "This time, let's try to live normally."

Ozen_Ice · ファンタジー
115 Chs


[Lynett POV]

Today is Friday and here, Fridays are special. There are only morning classes on Fridays. The afternoons are reserved for spare-time, cultural activities, and most importantly: duels. It was on Friday afternoons that all the duels that had been declared during the week took place. Although they were allowed -and even encouraged- in the school, duels followed a very strict code of conduct, so they were strongly supervised by teachers. It was one of the reasons why all duels were held at the same time: because it's simply easier to organize.

The duels took place in the academy's arena. Originally, they were simply held in an open field, but since duels are open to an audience, it didn't take long for them to become a public event where the students would come in droves to watch them. It was not only a great source of entertainment but it could also be very instructive. So, ultimately, the headmaster deemed it wiser to contain the public and hold the duels in the school's arena.

I met up with Vivian and the others at the arena a quarter of an hour before the beginning of the fights. I spent the past few days coaching her, but I wanted to make sure to give her one last overview about her training before we went in. As I thought, she is pretty nervous. She was already pretty tense about fighting Lucius before, and even though I did manage somehow to raise her confidence these past few days, now it's all gone. Hopefully she'll be able to get a grip on herself soon, because we need to part ways now.

The duels were held in order of level, and since beginner classes were not allowed to participate, combatants from intermediate classes would be the first to fight. Vivian was among the first participants. It was probably what she was thinking about as she stepped inside the arena, blood completely drained from her face. Come on Vivian, you can do it.

As she disappeared into the participants' zone, Frost, Jalone and I went to find a seat in the stands. The arena was already quite crowded. Definitely not crowded enough to the point where it would fill even a third of the stands -it was designed to hold thousands of spectators after all- but it was an impressive amount of people for a duel between children. Since I was in the advanced classes and considering Aoban's reputation, I knew I would be among the last to duel. So, I decided to watch the fights with Frost and Jalone in the stands until then.

As the two boys simply tried to find seats with a good view, my eyes were surveying the stands, looking for someone.

"Is Mustache coming?" I asked, still looking.

"Huh? Of course he is, he is in charge of the magic department," Frost responded as if it was obvious. "All of the head-teachers need to be present for duels. They are the judges after all."

Yeah, I thought so. I need to know where he is going to be.

"Is he going to be in the stands?"

"Nah," the boy shook his head. "They have special seats down there in case they need to intervene. The other teachers will be though, if they're coming."

My eyes followed the direction his finger was pointing in and I immediately spotted the head-teachers arriving, as the duels were about to begin. Among them: Mustache.


As Frost and Jalone were about to sit, I called them both.

"Guys, we can't sit here," I told them. "We need to go a little bit further."

"Huh?" They exclaimed in unison, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Why?"

"Just trust me. It'll help Vivian to win."

Although they weren't too convinced about this, they still decided to trust my guts and follow me.

"Is this some kind of superstition?" Frost tried to guess. "Like if we sit facing the sun it'll bring good luck or something?"

"Yeah, something like that."

It wasn't the reason at all. The reason why I wanted to move was to sit as far as possible from Mustache.

We managed to reach our seats just in time, as one of the head-teachers walked in to announce the beginning of the duels. Two students entered the arena, facing each other, and on his signal, the duel started. It wasn't as loud as I expected it to be. Although I could see the expectations in their eyes, the audience was staying still, throwing a remark or two once in a while, but they weren't cheering. I can't say if I'm relieved or disappointed. I'll be the one down there shortly so I'm glad to know my future spectators are somewhat indifferent, but when I heard the word 'arena,' I had a totally different atmosphere in mind. It is a bit of a letdown, I guess.

Eventually, after a few minutes, the first duel ended. Well, that was a boring opening.

A few more duels followed after that, but it was pretty much the same thing. The boys, however, didn't seem to share my opinion. Jalone was only showing interest when the combatants were mages and completely stopped paying attention when they were of another class. Frost, on the other hand, seemed quite engaged in all duels, even though he was silent.

Ultimately, after maybe half an hour, the moment we had all been waiting for arrived.

"Next, Lucius Bain and Vivian of Lorns!"


I woke up Jalone who was falling asleep, bored from the previous fight.

"It's her turn," I told him.

The demi-human boy quickly straightened up as he started looking for Vivian with his eyes. When he finally spotted her, he got up to cheer for her.

"Go Vivi!!" He suddenly yelled, enthusiastically waving his arms in the air. "We believe in you, you're the best!"

I doubt she can hear him, but it's the thought that counts. The others around us, however, definitely heard him.

"What the hell?"

"She's going to lose for sure."

I recognize some of her and Lucius' classmates. Perfect. Watch properly. She's going to blow them away.

To be honest, Vivian had no chance of winning yet.

I trained her the whole week, telling her that she would be able to beat Lucius, and I was thinking about what I said. But I forgot about something. I omitted one parameter when teaching her how to use [Hijack], and that one parameter makes the difference.

The intellect stat.

By now, Vivian has no problem controlling all kinds of water sources. She's not proficient at it yet, far from it, but it should have been enough to control a human being's water. If it hadn't been for the intellect stat.

I noticed that way too late yesterday night, as I told her to try her new spell on Frost, who had volunteered for it. It didn't work at all. Like, not even a bit. We had tried before on all kinds of plants and it worked just fine, but as soon as we switched the target to a human being, it stopped working. When I wondered what could have gone wrong, it didn't take me long to understand. The difference between a plant and a human: consciousness.

The more sentient a being is, the higher their intellect is. The intellect stat influences two things: magic attack but also magic defense. Plants do not have intellect but humans do. Thus, unlike humans, plants have no defense against magic. Well, to be exact, all living beings possess some kind of defense against magic. But we definitely can't compare the defense of a plant and a man.

I have checked neither Vivian's nor Lucius' status, but I'm pretty sure that it's not necessary. Using [Hijack] on someone is different from throwing a fireball at them. The attack isn't external but internal. So you would need to completely go through their natural magic defense. And that, unless there is a significant difference between the intellect of the user and the target, is impossible. I totally overlooked that fact since it doesn't apply to me. A few years ago, I used something similar against my aunt. It wasn't the skill [Hijack], but it basically worked the same way. I simply took control of the water in her body to torture her. And it was easy. But it was easy because of the colossal difference between our stats. Because I'm not a mortal. Vivian is.

So we found ourselves in a deadlock. Because if she can't use [Hijack], then she can't win. But I promised her a victory and I intend to keep that promise. We just need to change strategy. We just need to cheat a little bit…

I told Vivian to follow the original plan. Don't think about anything else and eventually, it'll work. I will be the one to do the cheating, and that is exactly why I wanted to be as far as possible from Mustache. I'm going to use magic and that annoying teacher has the annoying ability to detect mana. But even if he is more sensitive to it than his peers, he is still human in the end. He shouldn't be able to detect it from that far away. Even if he is, he won't be able to tell who is using magic among all these students. And he's not allowed to leave the arena to check until the duel is over. So I should be safe.

I inspected my surroundings and, as Frost said, there was indeed a couple of teachers seated among the students. They seemed to be strategically scattered in the stands. It didn't particularly bother me, though. I spotted Mrs. Borge not too far away, but she couldn't detect my mana last time, and she's a teacher in intermediate classes. So the only one I need to be worried about is Mustache. And Mustache is far away and very busy.

Alright, now, where is Vivian? There she is…


The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

I only intended to raise her intellect, but that's not bad either. That's not enough though. Again.


The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

And again. 『Buff.』

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

『Buff.』 『Buff.』 『Buff.』 『Buff.』

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

The target's following stats have been raised for the next 10 minutes:

Vitality +10, Mana +10, Strength +10, Defense +10, Intellect +10, Agility +10

Buff failed

Hmm? Again.

Buff failed

Buff failed

Buff failed

I see. It must have reached some kind of cap. Oh well, it should be enough.

Now moving on to Lucius…