
reborn as superman younger brother

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What is reborn as superman younger brother

WebNovel で公開されている、Uday_Gurjar_0071 の作者が書いた reborn as superman younger brother の小説を読んでください。arthur got transmigrated into dc universe the day superman come to earth he got adopted by kent couple . arthur got copy system by which he copy almost every power he can and kill who ever got in the ...


arthur got transmigrated into dc universe the day superman come to earth he got adopted by kent couple . arthur got copy system by which he copy almost every power he can and kill who ever got in the way of his brother or family let wenture into the kent family what they will do in the worldor the whole multiverse

4 タグ

Echoes from the Eternity

In the heart of an ancient forest, where the trees whispered secrets older than time itself, a lone figure stood amidst the shadows. He was known by many names, but in this place, he was simply called the Wanderer. Once, he had been a young man named Aiden, whose life had been marked by profound tragedy and betrayal at the hands of those he once called friends. Aiden's childhood was not one of warmth and comfort, but rather of loneliness and neglect. Born into a family of wealth and influence, he was the youngest of three brothers, yet he felt like an outsider in his own home. His parents, consumed by their own ambitions and desires, had little time for him, leaving him to fend for himself amidst the opulence of their estate. His only solace came in the form of his two childhood friends, Marcus and Caleb. They were more than just friends; they were his brothers in all but blood, bound together by bonds of loyalty and shared dreams. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of their family's expectations, their bond stronger than steel. But as they grew older, the cracks began to show. Marcus, the eldest, was consumed by ambition, his thirst for power driving a wedge between him and his friends. Caleb, the middle brother, struggled to find his place in the world, overshadowed by Marcus's charisma and Aiden's innocence. Caught in the crossfire of his family's drama, Aiden found himself torn between loyalty to his friends and the desire to forge his own path. He watched in silence as Marcus's thirst for power grew ever more insatiable, his once noble heart twisted by envy and greed. And then came the ultimate betrayal. In a bid to solidify his power, Marcus orchestrated a series of events that would forever shatter the bonds of friendship. He framed Aiden for a crime he did not commit, turning Caleb against him and tearing their friendship apart in the process. As Aiden stood trial for a crime he did not commit, he watched helplessly as his friends abandoned him. Marcus, his closest friend, turned his back on him, choosing to believe lies over the bond they had shared since childhood. Caleb, torn between loyalty to his brother and his friendship with Aiden, ultimately chose to side with Marcus, betraying Aiden in the cruelest of ways. In the end, it was not just his family that betrayed him, but his friends as well. Marcus and Caleb, the brothers he had loved like his own flesh and blood, had become his greatest enemies, willing to sacrifice everything he held dear in pursuit of their own selfish ambitions. And so, it was at the hands of those he had once called friends that Aiden met his untimely end, betrayed and forsaken in the very place he had once called home. But even in death, his spirit refused to be extinguished, and as the Wanderer, he roamed the realms of existence, seeking redemption for the sins of his past and vengeance for the betrayal that had cost him everything

4 Chs

Titan Gel Russia

TITAN GEL adalah Cream/ Gel Herbal Pembesar Penis yang berkualitas dan sangat bagus aman untuk memperbesar dan memperpanjang penis secara alami tanpa efek samping ,sehingga aman di gunakan bagi anda yang mempunyai penyakit dalam seperti penyakit JANTUNG , KANKER DAN PARU – PARU begitu juga penyakit dalam lainya. gunakan sebagai terapi aman dan hasil pasti tanpa efek samping bagi tubuh anda, Obat Titan Gel ini terbukti Bikin zakar pria makin besar panjang dan Perkasa. Telah dibuktikan Bahwasanya Gel ini bukanlah Gel – Gel biasa yang hanya membuat penis besar sementara tetapi Gel ini bikin besar dan benar-benar besar hasil permanen . Kenapa Anda Harus Pakai Titan Gel Russia? Lebih Dari 15.000 Pemakai Titan Gel Merasakan Kepuasan Dan Sampai Saat Ini Produk Titan Gel Sudah Terjual Hampir Mendekati 50.000 Botol Dan AMAN Tanpa ( BKO ) Bahan Kimia Obat Aman Tanpa Efek Samping. Hasil survei ini jelas menunjukkan bahwa Obat Titan Gel telah membantu ribuan orang untuk meningkatkan kinerja seksual mereka dan memperbesar penis mereka. Dengan lebih dari 80% pelanggan yang disurvei melaporkan kenikmatan yang lebih besar selama berhubungan seksual, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa pelanggan Titan Gel kami di terus datang kembali. Setelah lebih dari BERTAHUN – TAHUN di dunia, Titan Gel adalah salah satu merek terbaik dan paling terkemuka. Titan Gel juga merupakan salah satu produk yang paling populer yang tersedia di dunia saat ini. Obat disfungsi ereksi seperti Viagra, Cialis dan levitra hanya dapat membuat anda ereksi, tetapi tidak dapat meningkatkan kepuasan secara keseluruhan dan ukuran penis Anda. Titan Gel berbeda,Gel ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kualitas ereksi, tetapi juga meningkatkan hasrat seksual dan kenikmatan seksual bagi pria dan pasangannya. https://www.tokoobat.id/product/titan-gel-russia/

toko_obatid · 都市
1 Chs


Gazing lifelessly down at the thin Japanese sword in her clenched hand, the fifteen-year old's dull brown eyes followed each drop of crimson liquid hang off the tip of the sword and land soundlessly on the ground. "Celestia." The voice of a familiar creature reached her human ears. Her gaze trailed up to meet her masters pair and this initiated his anger but she remained emotionless as he began to complain. "What the hell was that just now? I've been training you for the last ten years and I don't remember you fighting with the speed of a snail. I wouldn't have been surprised if these weak demons killed you." The straight black strands of Celestia's silky hair sway slightly under her hood as she stepped off the pile of dead bodies. The sharp weapon she summoned earlier transformed into light, allowing itself to be absorbed by the tattoo on the palm of her hand. The male glared as she disregarded his last words and spun on her heels, intending to leave the sickening scene. "How many times have I told you to not act like that towards me?" His form materialised in front of her, this allowing his long fingers to wrap around her neck. Celestia choked as her body was driven back and smacked against one of the trees in the vast forest. He released her once her face grew pale and watched smugly as she coughed and desperately inhaled as much as oxygen as she could. She bowed stiffly towards her master as soon as she managed to sort herself out. "I apologize, Zerro." His lips formed into a cruel grin and he unexpectedly planted a kick in her stomach causing Celestia to hit against the rough bark a second time. "You are just a weapon…nothing else." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ During a majority of her life, Celestia suffered through misfortune after misfortune, thanks to the demon, Zerro, who tricked her into creating a contract with him. When Han, a new student transfers to her school, he makes it his mission to help lift away her suffering. Will he succeed or will Zerro stop him from doing so?

KHRIKY · ファンタジー
25 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

The quality of writing should be improved. It makes it difficult to understand the story. Other than that, the idea is good. I hope there will be more episodes. As I said, the biggest problem is the writing quality.



General Audiencesmature rating