
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Stand Proud. Your Strong.

(3rd Person Pov)

The moment Midnight announced the beginning of the match, Ida suddenly wore a support gear causing Midnight to frown as she spoke.

Midnight: "Tenya Ida. I'm sure you should be aware that Hero course students need to petition beforehand any support gear they will use during the tournament."

Tenya nodded his head as he replied. 

Tenya: "I am indeed aware of that originally Midnight-Sensei. But Mei-San gave me this support item at the last minute as she said this will make our fight more even. And I just couldn't ignore her passion and fighting spirit!" 

Midnight squirmed in delight as she cracked the whip in her hand harshly before speaking. 

Midnight: "I'll allow it!" 

The crowd cheered in excitement at Midnight's words as up in the commentary booth, President Mic spoke with barely any surprise. 

PM: "Ah. She allowed it afterall huh? By the way Eraserhead. Doesn't this match feels kinda off?"

Aizawa couldn't even reply as Ida had already begun rushing towards her. But instead of anxiousness, or fear, Mei had a grin on her face as she lowered an earpiece microphone and spoke towards the rushing Ida.

Mei: "Isn't that acceleration just wonderful Ida-Kun?!"

Ida: "H-Huh?"

Although confused by her words, he ignored them and continued rushing towards the pink haired girl.

Mei: "Well it's to be expected, those leg parts are helping with the wearer's movement and mobility!"

Ida almost reached her before suddenly Mei avoids him with her hydraulic attachments from her backpack as she explain to spectators how it works. Mei then uses her Quirk to look at the spectating support courses, and she is happy to see that they show interest in her gadgets.

Tenya tries to take advantage of her distraction, but she has sensors on her backpack that automatically activate her hydraulic attachments. Tenya trips over the attachments, but the Auto Balancers on his back allow him to keep from falling and easily change his course back towards Mei.

Present Mic and Eraser Head are displeased with Mei turning the match into a commercial for her gadgets. And Sirzechs chuckled in amusement at Tenya Ida's frustration as he watched Mei avoiding Tenya again and explaining how the balancers keep him from falling unless he actually wants to.

Tenya charged her again, demanding her to fight fairly, but this time Mei uses her Electromagnetic Soles to evade him once more, while explaining how the gadgets works. Tenya tries to attack when she lands, but she uses a Capture Gun to trap Tenya inside a net. Mei turns her attention back to the support companies and introduces herself again.

After introducing a few more gadgets in the next ten minutes, Mei eventually walks out of the ring, having accomplished her goal. Midnight announces that Tenya is the winner since Mei walked out of bounds.

Sirzechs: "Honestly, people tend to forget that technology can help overcome alot of obstacles in life. That's why, when your fighting against a genius inventor that is passionate of their work, and the gadgets they make, it's always the most frustrating because you never know what they have in store for you. And if you do want to overcome their genius, your raw power must be overwhelming in might that their inventions become obsolete when used against you."

Tenya Ida, with tears of frustration in his eyes yelled out. 

Ida: "You tricked me!" 

Mei apologised to him, although she doesn't exactly show any remorse for her action's. 

Mei: "I'm sorry I used you to help promote myself to the support industry."

Ida: "I hate you!" 

Midnight coughed into the mic drawing the audiences attention 

Midnight: "Ahem. Moving on, our next contestants are as followed."

The screen showed Mina Ashido versus Yuga Aoyama.

Midnight: "Both contestants please hydrate yourselves before coming on stage."

After a few minute's, both contestant's walked onto the stage as President Mic gave both of them an introduction.

PM: "On one side, we have our pink skinned alien from class 1-A Mina Ashido! And on the other side, also from class 1-A, the ever sparkling and Dazzling young man Yuga Aoyama!"

President Mic's word's caused the crowd to cheer in excitement as Mina spoke with a smirk on her face. 

Mina: "This match is going to be an easy victory for me. I've already seen what you can do during our classes joint training, and I'm also well aware of your weakness."

Aoyama: "You claim I will be an easy opponent mademoiselle?! I'm deeply offended, and am prepared to show you the true might of my Navel Laser!" 

President Mic: "Both contestants looked fired up! So without any further delays, BEGIN!" 

As the match began, up in the stands of class 1-A, Midoriya was analysing the fight between his two classmates as he pondered aloud. 

Midoriya: "This match is fairly tricky for the two of them. However, that depends on how well Mina can dodge Aoyama-Kun's lasers."

Meanwhile next to him, the purple haired midget Mineta was rooting for Aoyama-Kun for a very wrong reason. 

Mineta: "Aoyama-Kun! Burn her clothes so I can see Ashido's underw-" 

Mineta couldn't finish his sentence as he felt his body froze in fear as the gaze of Sirzechs Gremory fell upon him. But no one else noticed this other than Mineta himself who gasped for air once Sirzechs no longer bothered looking his direction as Mineta wisely chose to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the game. 

Meanwhile Sirzechs shook his head in dissapointment as he thought to himself. 

Sirzechs: 'Just how did he even make it into the hero course I wonder. With a personality like his, I'm surprised he isn't on some sort of document for sex offender's that must be under constant surveillance.'

Sirzechs snorted at his own word's before he turned back to the match only to realised it had already ended as Aoyama laid knocked out clutching his stomach with his belt broken, and his pants fallen allowing everyone to see his underwear. But Sirzechs frowned as he thought to himself. 

Sirzechs: 'He only shot a few times and he's already lost his ability to fight? Didn't he get his ability by age four or five? So this would mean he had between ten or eleven years to train his powers. Well, I'll just pass my observations to Nezu. Whatever he does next isn't my problem. And speaking of Nezu, I believe I should go see him to inform him of my month of absence to begin my training to reach Multiversal levels of power.'

Sirzechs began walking away before dissappearing from where he stood as he approached the principals office. However, a few people did take notice of his disappearance from the stadium rooftop. Aizawa, Nejire, and All Might realised that Sirzechs had dissappeard as they wondered where he went.

-(Scene Break)-

(3rd Person Pov) 

Sitting within the principals office were Sirzechs and UA'S principal Nezu who both were taking slow sips of their tea as Nezu spoke. 

P.Nezu: "So, what can I do for you young man?" 

Sirzechs: "I'm going on a month of training once this festival end's."

Nezu blinked in surprise as he spoke. 

Nezu: "Your leaving to go train for a month after the event huh? How much more powerful will you grow by the end of your one month training?" 

Sirzechs: "If all goes well, my level of power will dwarf my current self."

P.Nezu: "Ah yes. And that is in no way concerning."

Sirzechs: "Moving on, there's something I'd like to ask you about."

P.Nezu: "And what might that be?" 

Sirzechs: "The student of class 1-A, Yuga Aoyama... Is the quirk he uses truly his?"

-(Scene Break)-

(3rd Person Pov) 

Sirzechs walked the quiet hallways of UA High enjoying the tranquility of the moment. His steps echoed in the empty hallway, but his peaceful walk was broken by the sound of sobbing. Sirzechs walked towards the source of the noise which brought him standing face to face with the janitor's closet where he tried opening the door, but it was locked.

Sirzechs proceeded to rip the door off its hinges causing the person who was sobbing behind the door to scream in terror as Sirzechs spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Piece of advice. The janitor's closet isn't a good hiding spot you know. Especially since the hallway where its located is quiet thus making your sobbing very easy to notice."

Sirzechs spoke to the girl with long black hair, tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes are big yet sharp, dark in color, and paired with short eyebrows. It was Class 1-A's vice president Momo Yaoyorozu who looked conflicted on the fact that the person that found her was none other than Sirzechs Gremory who spoke quite bluntly. 

Sirzechs: "You lost didn't you."

Momo felt her heart being stung by his blunt words as she looked away and muttered weakly. 

Momo: "Leave me alone."

Sirzechs: "I will. Just after you've indulged my curiosity. Tell me, why is it that your crying after a single defeat? Did your parent's abandon you for being defeated?" 

Momo: "What?! No!" 

Sirzechs: "Ah. It's because you weren't able to do anything were you? The bird boy's quirk is Dark Shadow correct. It attacked you without enabling yourself to do anything but defend. And whenever you tried going for the offensive, Dark Shadow attacked you from the back preventing you from switching to offense as you were too busy defending yourself."

Momo: "So what?! I'm pathetic! I joined UA as a student with a recommendation letter. But yet I couldn't do anything during the entire match and was defeated in less than a minute! And then there's Todoroki. He's also a student who joined through recommendation, and yet the difference between the two of us is so obvious! If he had been the one going up against Tokoyami-Kun, he wouldn't have been defeated at all."

Sirzechs: "That's right. In a match between himself and Tokoyami-Kun, Todoroki is most likely to win. After all, the difference between the two of you is like night and day. In an actual match between the two of you, Todoroki would end it in less than five seconds if he's taking you seriously."

Sirzechs words stung the young girls heart even more as tears continued streaming down her face as Sirzechs continued speaking. 

Sirzechs: "However. Why must you go and compare yourself to Todoroki?" 

Momo: "Huh?" 

Sirzechs: "Answer me this, why are you all of a sudden comparing yourself to Todoroki after being defeated by Tokoyami?" 

Momo: "I was just giving my observations on how the fight would've gone if Todoroki was in my shoes."

Sirzechs: "No. Its because you've been kicked off your pedistal."

Momo: "My pedistal?" 

Sirzechs: "As a student who got in through a recommendation letter, you naturally thought yourself superior to most of the other students because you knew you were born with a powerful quirk. And that unlike the other's, your also alot more intelligent than them."

Momo blushed slightly at Sirzechs's praise, feeling an unknown sense of pride well up in her heart that someone as powerful as Sirzechs complimented her intelligence. 

Sirzechs: "However, your intelligence is also your greatest weakness."

Momo: "Huh? Why? Isn't it better to have a high intelligence?" 

Sirzechs: "It's because you think too much."

Momo: "I think too much?" 

Momo's eye's widened as though she was enlightened as Sirzechs continued. 

Sirzechs: "Exactly. During your fight against Tokoyami, you kept thinking of various ways to defeat Dark Shadow and Tokoyami leaving you unaware of your surroundings as your mind was too preoccupied with finding ways to counter him."

Momo: "And because I wasn't aware of my surroundings, I never realised how close I was to being defeated until I was out of bounds."

Sirzechs: "Exactly. That is what you'd call over thinking. Sometimes, it's far more simpler to switch off your brain temporarily and just trust your instincts. That's not to say that you shouldn't think all the time. Sometimes having multiple plans is useful for various situations you might find yourself in, but that's only when they've all been planned in advance and you do not over think which plan you should go with at the moment you find yourself caught up in a chaotic situation."

Momo: "I-I see. Thank you very much for your word's."

Sirzechs: "It's alright."

Sirzechs petted her head as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Stand proud Momo Yaoyorozu. Your strong. Alot stronger than you currently credit yourself. Like many other's, you've put alot of time and effort into understanding the nature of your quirk and how to best use it. I'm sure you've always been praised for having a powerful quirk, but others don't bother seeing how much hard work has gone into mastering it."

Somehow, a breeze of wind flowed past the two of them causing Sirzechs hair to flutter as Momo looked into his gem like blue-green eye's and felt her heart racing as her face flushed and she looked away from him. Sirzechs raised an eyebrow in amusement before he began walking away causing Momo too look at his back feeling conflicted about the feeling's in her heart as she clutched her arm where her heart beated erratically. 

Sirzechs paused his steps as he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Momo Yaoyorozu. Essentially everything I've said boils down to a simple fact. Don't go comparing yourself to other people. It's fine to use others as goalmarks for yourself, but never compare them to your own being. It will always bring more harm than good when you keep comparing yourself to other people. You are your own self, so strive to only compare yourself to the previous you. It's honestly very surprising how enjoyable it is to witness your own growth and development and realise just how much you've grown to surpass your previous self."

And with that Sirzechs dissappeard from her line of site as she patted her own head remembering the feeling of Sirzechs palm on it. 

Momo: 'Ah... Did I just fall for the devil?' 

However, Momo couldn't continue pondering as she was quickly brought out of her thoughts when she felt someone blow air into her ear causing her to jump and let out an adorable shriek. 

Momo: "Kyaah!" 

Momo turned her eyes and covered her ear to see a surprised Mina who gasped and cooed. 

Mina: "Kawai~ Who knew you could shriek so adorably!"

Momo: "Ashido-San! What was that for?!" 

Mina: "Ehehehe. Sorry. We tried calling out to you, but you weren't responding. So I thought blowing air into your ear would help. Turns out it did! And we got to hear such an adorable voice come out of our vice president!" 

Momo: "Hold on... We?" 

Momo looked behind Mina and noticed, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Kyouka Jirou, and Toru Hagakure all looking at her concerned. Her eyes softened as she spoke. 

Momo: "I'm sorry to have disturbed you all. I didn't expect that all of you would come searching for me."

Uraraka: "Your our friend. When you suddenly ran away, you made us all worried."

Momo: "Ah. I'm truly sorry for that. I just needed a little bit of time for myself. But, after a bit of self reflection, I'm now better than ever. And now, I have a new goal to strive for."

Mina: "Oh? And what might that be?" 

Unaware that her hairband had fallen because of Mina's antics, and that her long hair was now freely fluttering in the wind that passed through the hallways. Momo raised a finger to her lips before giving her friend's a magical smile full of happiness, joy, innocence, love and hints of maturity and childishness as she spoke. 

Momo: "Sore wa himitsudesu... Fufufu."

The girl's of class 1-A were entranced by Momo's smile. It reminded them of their mother's when they told their stories of how they came to marry their father's. A magical story that if could be said in one word, was the smile Momo just gave them. The only difference she had to their mother's, was that her tone lacked the melancholic tone their mother's had. 

Mina fell to the ground clutching her heart as she dramatically exclaimed in her mind. 

Mina: 'Guh! M-My heart! I-I can't! Her smile! It's physically hurting me!'

Meanwhile, the man that caused Momo to give such a smile stood on the stadium rooftop watching the boy made of stone fist fighting the boy made of steel. 

-(Scene End)-