
Reborn As Severus

After his death, Paul had anticipated moving on to the afterlife. However, a goddess approached him, seeking his help to rectify her mistake. This marked the beginning of Paul's extraordinary journey into another world, assuming a new name and occupying someone else's body. His mission: to correct the goddess's error and, unbeknownst to her, create chaos for his own amusement.

Daoist0MaTY9 · 書籍·文学
7 Chs

Born as Severus and Surprising Changes

Not long after Paul lost consciousness, he was jolted from his slumber by the distant sounds of a familiar voice. It was the midwife who had been in charge of his delivery, and her presence stirred a fleeting sense of recognition within him. Despite the interruption, Paul made a conscious choice to disregard the noise, knowing that he had all the time in the world to attend to matters.

With a tranquil sigh, he surrendered himself to the peaceful embrace of sleep once more. In this new realm of existence, time held little sway over him. It was a realm that offered infinite possibilities, where the boundaries between reality and fiction blurred. Paul's mind, still hazy from his recent rebirth, cradled these thoughts as he drifted deeper into his sleep.


2 months later

Days turned into weeks, and weeks melded into months as Paul gradually emerged from the depths of his slumber. His rebirth had transported him into a world that bore a striking resemblance to the fictional realm of Harry Potter. It was a realm where magic thrived.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Paul immersed himself in his new surroundings. He sought to understand the intricacies of this magical world, to gather information about his own situation. Though he had been assured by the goddess Nemesis that his family's problems would be resolved, Paul remained eager to uncover the details of his new life.

In his investigations, he learned that his parents—Tobias Snape and Eileen Snape née Prince—bore the same names as their counterparts in the novels. However, unlike the books, both Tobias and Eileen hailed from pureblood families. Their lineage held an air of nobility, intertwining with the fabric of wizarding society.

Both of his parents had graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in June of 1948, emerging as proud members of the cunning Slytherin House. The early days of their relationship had been marred by complications arising from Tobias's humble origins, as he hailed from a small and impoverished pureblood family. Eileen, on the other hand, was the heiress of the influential Prince family, whose wealth and influence cast a long shadow.

Yet, their love triumphed over adversity. Tobias, driven by ambition, dedicated himself to the mastery of potion-making, eventually becoming a renowned Master Potioneer in late twenties which was quite unlikely to achieve. His accomplishments earned the respect and acceptance of the Prince family, bridging the gap between their disparate worlds.

Eileen, equally skilled in the intricate art of potion-making, stood as a testament to her family's legacy. Spinner's End, their place of residence, belonged exclusively to the Snape family in this reality unlike in the book where it was a lower-class peoples living area with dark and nasty environment. The ancestral Snape Manor, situated within the confines of Spinner's End, radiated an aura of grandeur, albeit falling short of the opulence displayed by the homes of the revered 28 sacred families.

Paul also find that his father, Tobias, stood as the sole surviving member of the Snape family in this iteration. However, his mother, Eileen, had a younger brother named William David Prince. William, a promising apprentice Potioneer in his early twenties, had also donned the mantle of Slytherin during his time at Hogwarts. Despite the age gap, they shared a close relationship, with William providing unwavering support to Eileen during her tumultuous encounters with their family.

On the other hand, Paul's maternal grandfather, Abraham Percival Prince, emerged as a towering figure within the family lineage. A formidable wizard and a Master Potioneer in his own right, Abraham initially harbored reservations about Eileen's marriage to Tobias. He believed that he had failed his deceased wife, whose memory he cherished, by allowing her daughter to enter into a union he deemed beneath her station. However, the birth of Severus breathed new life into Abraham's world, reigniting a flicker of hope and reconciliation.

In the wake of Severus's birth, Abraham dedicated much of his time to Snape Manor, yearning for the attention and affection of his only grandchild. Little did he anticipate the mischievous and spirited nature that resided within Severus. The charismatic and enigmatic soul who had embarked on this rebirth journey embraced his newfound childhood with unbridled enthusiasm. He reveled in the joy of being a child again, savoring each moment and seizing every opportunity to playfully torment his doting grandfather, whether through mischievous pranks or impromptu water fights.

And how he relished it! In the span of just two months since his rebirth, Severus Paul Snape had managed to bewitch and bewilder the entire Snape and Prince families. His mischievous antics, akin to those of a mischievous imp, had left the members and even the house elves exasperated, yet secretly amused. The Snape and Prince households had never experienced such chaos and uproar, and Severus reveled in the chaos, finding immense delight in his newfound freedom.

The most important thing, he was named Severus Paul Snape. Yes, he did retain his previous life name, Paul. Looks like it is a name that carried deep significance, as it encompassed a tribute to his paternal grandfather. his late paternal grandfather, Paul Abarax Snape. A remarkable individual, who had dedicated his life to the study of herbs as a Master Herbologist. His thirst for knowledge led him on a perilous expedition deep into the uncharted depths of the Amazon Rainforest, in pursuit of a legendary herb plant with mythical properties. Tragically, fate had not been kind to Paul Abarax Snape. He met his untimely demise amidst the dense foliage of the rainforest.


10 months later

1 year had passed since Severus Paul Snape's rebirth, and today marked a momentous occasion as Severus celebrated his first birthday. In this short span of one year, he had already established himself as a prodigious child, astonishing his family with his intellect and abilities.

At the tender age of seven months, much to the surprise of his family, Severus began to speak in a clear albeit childlike manner. It was a remarkable feat, considering that most children typically utter their first words, such as "Mama" or "Dada," around the age of twelve or thirteen months. But Severus defied expectations. And as if that wasn't enough, by the age of eight months, he started to take his wobbly first steps, defying the limitations of his young body. Compared to his peers, he displayed an uncanny aptitude for walking, leaving his family in awe. It was as if he possessed an unfair advantage, earning him the playful moniker of a "cheating baby."

Today, Snape Manor was adorned in a vibrant and festive atmosphere, celebrating Severus's milestone first birthday. The occasion drew not only the Snape and Prince families but also numerous other families with whom they shared friendly relations. The guests were eager to witness the growth of the extraordinary child they had heard so much about.

As the guests arrived, Tobias and Eileen busied themselves greeting and welcoming each one. Meanwhile, the ever-doting grandpa, Abraham Percival Prince, held baby Severus in his arms, showering him with love and attention. He delighted the guests with his playful antics, showcasing a side of him that had remained hidden behind his esteemed reputation as a renowned Master Potioneer and a noble wizard. The sight of the regal and influential wizard engaging in whimsical activities created a lasting memory for all those in attendance.

Time flew by in the joyous ambiance of the celebration. The Snape family and Prince family, along with their guests, came together to commemorate Severus's first birthday, an event that had never occurred in the books. This gathering marked the beginning of a life-altering journey for the man who had known nothing but misery throughout his existence.

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