
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · アニメ·コミックス
650 Chs

chapter 119


Look-at Uchiha Tsuki throwing the ghost in front of him, and then look at the faces of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, Hyuga Hiashi's mood instantly sinks to the bottom of the valley. Moreover, staring at Uchiha Tsuki's provocative gaze, Hyuga Hiashi can control his own mood very well, but at this time there is still some anger that can't suppress the heart, and the next second screams: "Uchiha Tsuki, both Ninja of Hidden Leaf Village, what do you want me to give to you !"

Speaking, Hyuga Hiashi may also feel that his actions are somewhat rash, but the arrows are on the strings and have to be sent.

Then, Hyuga Hiashi only protects Hyuga Anya and the others behind him, and then faces Uchiha Tsuki in front of him, and continues: "The mission I am performing is to escort the information to the frontline and hand it to Lord Orochimaru of the frontline ! This is In relation to the village's survival, this is related to the frontline countless companion's information! Information absolutely can not be lost, even if I transfer the attention of the enemy ninja, you can sacrifice your trifling two Genin, in exchange for the security of the information, I feel it is worth of!"

"Hyuga Hiashi, you scoundrel!"

Almost at the moment of Hyuga Hiashih barely fell, Uzumaki Kushina hit the face of Hyuga Hiashi with a punch and directly knocked him down on the ground. If it wasn't for Namikaze Minato to stop Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina would have been violently rushed to Hyuga Hiashi stopped. However, even if Namikaze Minato blocks there, Uzumaki Kushina still screams in his heart, shouting: "The information you want to protect Hyuga Hiashi is important, isn't the life of the month and Kakashi important?"

Saying, Uzumaki Kushina paused and pointed his finger at Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi. He continued: "Moon and Kakashi are Jonin who have just graduated, and you need to prepare for the sacrifice of the month and Kakashi for an information. Life, are you not ashamed of what you are doing? As the Jonin of Hidden Leaf Village, the elite of Hyuga Clan, is your Hyuga Hiashi protecting the ninja of the village? Is this the partner of the village?"

"hmph, Uchiha Tsuki is our companion?"

When Uzumaki Kushina said it, even Hyuga Hiashi had no room for rebuttal. Who would like the Hyuga night star, trifling Chunin, to swear in front of Uzumaki Kushina: "Uchiha Tsuki is the nija of Uchiha Clan, I am the ninja of Hyuga Clan. What is the relationship if he sacrifices him? Besides, Uchiha Tsuki did not help us after solving the three Chunins. Is Uchiha Tsuki doing the right thing?"


Listening to the Hyuga night star, she said that the sensitive words such as clan, Hyuga Hiashi can not help but secretly whisper the Hyuga night star, but also cast a bad eye on the Hyuga night star. The poor Hyuga Night Star, now does not feel any wrong with his words, still insists that his remarks are correct.

Then, when Namikaze Minato couldn't hold his heart and anger, and he fell on Hyuga's night star, he immediately took a deep breath and said: "Hyuga Night Star, you are the subordinate of Hiashi, it's reasonable to come. Say I don't have the right to teach you. But don't forget that you are the ninja of Hidden Leaf Village, not the nija of Hyuga Clan! Do you want Hyja Clan's ninja to renegade Hidden Leaf Village? If you still admit that you are Ninja of Hidden Leaf Village, now give me a apology like Moon Jun!"


Namikaze Minatoh barely fell, Hyuga night star face suddenly rose, but he still has no intention to apologize.

But at this moment, Hyuga Hiashi suddenly slap fan on the face of Hyuga Night Star, full of anger said: "Night star, apologize!"


Hyuga night star saw the angry face of Hyuga Hiashi, in ones heart trembled, even if she came to Uchiha Tsuki, she said, "Yue Jun, sorry, I was just rude!"

"You don't have to apologize, you are right."

Look-at other side The insincere apology, Uchiha Tsuki thought himself and Hyuga Clan have completely sinned, completely did not leave any face to the other side, then turned to look towards Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, said: "Minato Jun, Kushina, I think we have to continue to complete the mission? Because of Mr. Hyuga Hiashi, our mission has been delayed for too long. Moreover, I feel that Mr. Hyuga Hiashi can send the information to Lord Orochimaru without us at all. Go there , or let us act separately!"

"I agree!"

When Uchiha Tsuki just said it, Hatake Kakashi, who had been silent, started to talk: "I have been sold out once a month, and I don't want to be betrayed for the second time. Teacher Minato, I hope to be able to move separately. No longer with this group of Hyuga Clan guys. Lest, I, Hatake Kakashi lost his life in the future, and I don't know who is in the dead!"

"Well, I am understood."

I heard Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi saying that Namikaze Minato was both nod, then looked forward to Hyuga Hiashi in front of Kushi said, "Hyuga Hiashi, please forgive a little excited. My team All of the members don't want to walk with you, so please forgive me."

"I am sorry, Minato."

Hear this, Hyuga Hiashi can accept the results immediately, even if it is nodding gently, said: "Minato, Kushina, this period of time many thanks your care, and since also don you that many troubles The members of your team don you 't want to keep going, so I will leave with the team members of our team."

"Hurry up!"

Seeing that Hyuga Hiashi was still there, the character's violent Uzumaki Kushina sneered and said, "And, Hyuga Hiashi, don't let your hypocritical face appear in front of me, or I will see you at Uzumaki Kushina. Once!" Uzumaki Kushina paused a bit, then seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned his head and said to Hyuga Hiashi: "Yes, I need to say something else. At the beginning, you asked Minato to ask for Teacher. Jiraiya, don't think about it anymore! Our Teacher Jiraiya is definitely not the guy who can help you to sell a villa companion!"


When Uzumaki Kushina said it, the Hyuga Hiashi pupils clearly flashed a remorseful expression, which was clearly captured by Uchiha Tsuki. Apparently, Hyuga Hiashi turned to Namikaze Minato for help with one of the Sannin's Jiraiya, who was able to climb the summit of Hyuga Clan, and even needed the help of Jiraiya to make Hyuga Clan the second Noble Clan guy in Hidden Leaf Village.

Unfortunately, Hyuga Hiashi's plan is now completely shattered, and even if he can retain the friendship of Namikaze Minato, maybe.

In the end, Hyuga Hiashi was only deeply sighed, with Hyuga Anya and Hyuga Night Star and the others disappearing within the line of sight of Uchiha Tsuki and the others.

However, when Hyuga Hiashi and the others left, Uchiha Tsuki noticed that Hyuga Anya reluctantly looked back at herself.

"Raito, goodbye!"