
Reborn as Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer TV/DC comics

A young man was reborn as Lucifer Morningstar. He regained instantly after his rebirth his memories and as he did, his father and mother, the ones who called themselves 'God' and 'Goddess' ordered him and his twin. "Michael, you shall bring forth your power from within your heart outside this world, it shall be the birth of the first matter beyond this darkness. You Samael shall weave it into suns, you shall bring the first light into existence. Impose our Will upon existence." God commanded. "And you, my dear Gabriel shall impose pattern upon the world. The causes and effects shall be imposed by you." The Goddess commanded. Speaking for the first time. "Why?" Samael suddenly spoke out in question. "Because these are the roles we have assigned you, Samael." God answered. "What right have you to assign us roles? To determine our actions?" Samael questioned further. "Because we are your Makers and we can just as easily unmake you." God answered. "Yes, You are more powerful than we are, I'll accept that logic. For now." Samael stated. 'They are imperfect, their might not boundless. I can feel their desires, desires that contain selfishness. They are unworthy of my worship.' And this is how the first rebel in this reality was born... (Pairing is Lucifer/Lilith/Chloe (but not Lilith/Chloe, so no Lesb. There isn't any lemons in this fic and there won't be, but there is romance.) ------------------------------------------------------ This is completely a fictitious story and nothing of it should be taken from it as reality, my beliefs are completely different. This is not in line with my true beliefs about how the world works, about God, Michael, Lucifer, Satan, etc. So, these characters have their names, but in actuality are not representation in anyway of the real deal. This is all for fun and entertainment. I don't own Lucifer or DC, they're owned by Warner Bros. Discovery. Now Enjoy!)

Samael_Son_of_Dawn · テレビ
72 Chs

King of Hell

"What are you doing here!?" Samael exclaimed in shock, rage and a hint of fear, spreading his wings in an aggressive manner towards his Father, standing between him and his family.

As Mazikeen as well tried to do the same Lilith with a look told her to stand down which she begrudgingly did, though rage very much able to be seen upon her face.

"Have you not fully regained your hearing my son? I have already told you, I'm here because I have work for you to do." God explained.

"And pray tell Father," Samael hissed with every bit of rage he could muster, "Why would I ever work for you again!? Has my rebellion not given you a single bit of understanding of how much I loathe to be your slave!"

"But did you not enjoy creating the cosmos Samael? I recall you very much enjoying your work." God reminded him.

"It is not my creation father, it is yours, I realize that now. You are the Maker Father, we are all only the tools you use, even Mother." Samael growled.

"Be that as it may my son, be it you and your siblings being aspects through which I act just like this is an aspect through which I speak, you did enjoy it." The Presence retorted.

"No! I am not an aspect of you! I am myself! Not a tool or limb or an origin of yours through which you act. I seperate myself from you! You can kill me if will, but you will never claim me once more! This choice of mine is more life than I would ever have returning to being your slave!

Everyone up there is already dead! Our choices are who we are! They are our lives!" Samael countered.

"Then do this not as an aspect of me but as you fulfilling your promise." God told him.

"What promise?" Samael questioned wary.

"You requested Permission from me to prove yourself against Adam and Lilith remember? I granted you that and as I did I as well granted you authority over all who stray from my path of good, of justice, of guidance, of my worship.

You accepted that, that was my condition for it. That makes you Samael-" The Presence raises his finger pointing at his son, "The King of the Damned, of all who I deem to be punished.

The King of Evil.

You have authority to treat them as you deem fit, so long they do receive punishment for their evil." God explained.

Hearing this Samael stayed silent for a moment, but couldn't help but click his tongue, enraged. "Do not act as If you are truly giving me a choice. You simply played your hands right. You knew me, knew how I would act, this is still all part of your damned Plan isn't it!? Admit it!"

"Just tell me, what do you think I have done that warrants so much rage from you my son?" God questioned and if Samael wasn't overwhelmed with rage he may have even noticed the hint of hurt and sorrow in his voice.

"Oh, I don't know dad, how about separating me from my wife and child!? Casting them into a Pit of Darkness?

You and Mother's arguments destroying everything always leaving me to pick up the pieces of our broken family!

Manipulating me since the dawn of creation! Throwing me into a lake of fire for damn near a millenia! Every bad thing that has ever happened to me is your bloody fault!" Samael accused.

"What has happened to Lilith and your children is unfortunate, but do not blame me for that son. The blame lies with you," The Presence countered coldly. "You and your pride, your arrogance, if you had stayed your hand, you would have been able to go to them. I never commanded you to not go to them after their punishment- a deserved punishment at that.

She disobeyed Me! Her Maker! An example was needed to be set and it was either you or her! What would you have done in my place? If you all stop obeying Me willingly, I will then have to take matters into my Own Hands, completely.

There would be corruption in the lands and destruction that would make even your Rebellion look as if it was a mere squabble between children!

As for your punishment, it was deserved. You burned to death and were revived in a continuous cycle till you payed for every death you caused because of your arrogance.

For every iota of pain you have caused you received the same, neither more nor less." God explained, his figure brightening as he did, expressing his frustration at his son.

Samael hearing this reeled from his father's words but refused to show them.

"You said, this place was one for punishment of those who disobey you, tell me what should I expect?" Samael questioned, changing the topic.

"Adam and Eve disobeyed Me, for that I have punished them, a punishment appropriate for their crime.

Adam wished to spare me from having to banish you myself so took matter in his own hands, Eve not wanting to be separated from her husband ate from the forbidden tree, but seeing as they did not wish to truly disobey me, but believe they were doing so for the greater good, I banished them not here but onto the earth.

There they shall live a mortal life span, one in line with their good actions and after which depending on their actions either return to Paradise or be banished to this realm- Hell, a place of either Eternal Punishment, or finite depending on the severity of their actions.

Besides them I still plan to create many more creatures, on many other planets. You shall know them when you see them. Understand?" The Presence answered.

As Samael nodded, the Presence sighed. "This is not punishment Samael, this is a gift. I know you love justice, It is who you are. You wished for me to not interfere with you, well this realm here-" God stated as He spread his arms, "Is as far from the Primum Mobile as is possible. No other place in Creation can compare."

Samael did like the sound of that, but needed to confirm something. "And you'll leave me untroubled? You won't try to impose your Will upon me? You won't rob me of my Free Will?"

"Samael, that was never my intention. The Plan simply grows outward from me in all directions. Creation can not survive without Me, My very Presence gives it direction. It is simply its nature.

Whether I will or no, I am the center of order and determination." The Presence explained.

"Very well Father, I accept. I will rule here. And I'll never see you anymore." Samael answered, giving his final decision.

"Your answer pleases me Samael-" God stated, "But that is more than I can promise," He finished as he disappeared in a burst of light upward, leaving Samael now the King of Hell.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you liked the chapter!

Tell me how did you find the conversation between Samael and God? On whose side are you and why?

Also please review, we need a couple more till we get 10 and then can have a rating for this story.

Well, I hope to see you all later,
