
Amidst breasts and peaches (R-18)

~You don't like some smut ? Well the smut loves you, anyway.~ by William ReaderVult Shakespeare

( I tried to outdo myself, should be good. It's not all the chapter, though)


Two weeks later

Lannisport, 286 AC

When I got back to Casterly Rock, I found it extremely difficult to sleep soundly. The recent events replayed repeatedly in my head. Thus, I decided to combine my need for sleep and the poison training. How ? I consumed some Sweetsleep I got from Napti, and immediately fell asleep.

The night was longer than expected, having stayed almost fifteen long hours under the sheets. Although I hadn't slept that much in what felt like centuries, only fatigue and a terrible migraine greeted me when I woke up. This unpleasant substance degraded my mood and made me irritable for a week.

In this annoying state, I wanted to seek some warmth. It seemed natural to seek Lynesse's touch, perhaps to kiss her. But I discovered reluctantly that she was still a bit too prudish for now. Of course, that didn't help my sh*tty mood. She didn't even understand the Hornvale story at all, unable to support me morally or whatever.

After racking my brains during this nasty migraine, I came to have a clear minded moment which helped me to build my basic view of how I should work for the future of the Lannisters.

Initially, I planned for us to avoid an economic bankruptcy and helping as many people of my house as possible to survive the events of 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. And I would have taken advantage of my knowledge to maximize the benefits that could be brought to us by the war.

But I realized that I was seeing things from a biased angle. It is not by attaching myself to a pre-established melody made for the glory of other houses that I will be able to gain the most. No, I have to create my own symphony, 'A Song of Gold and Blood'. This means not just relying on Petyr's plots to create my plans, but rather building my own chaos ladder separately. This would allow me to earn more for my house than the leftovers of Littlefinger, much more. I want house Lannister to have MORE.

Of course, I'm not going to go out in the streets and kill people on sight like a second version of the Mountain. My actions must remain meticulous and strategic.

In the other hand, all of this is more simply said than put into action. If I want to create my own political intrigues, I have to find more opportunities. To do so, more knowledge is required. I need to know more about the every single noble of Westeros. What they want, what would push them to commit the worst, where their allegiance lays, etc. It promises to be a major headache...

Then yesterday, my fourteenth names day arrived. This day marked the end of a long year full of mess. It came with a little growth sprout, but I haven't reached my final height yet. Still, I am already more mature physically speaking. My stature makes me more of less look like a man, but I still don't have a beard. Well in my past life, I barely had a beard at twenty-two, so it doesn't stress me more than that.

I took advantage of this moment to get myself a new horse. While I didn't want to replace Ablet, travelling without a horse would be more than problematic.

My final choice fell on a strong boy of a horse that I named Hermes. It's a pitch black horse with some white areas, including the muzzle and lower legs. He likes to show off by raising his right hoof and muzzle upwards, to show his noble posture to the world. Apart from that, he is faster and more aware of obstacles than Ablet. His skills therefore convinced me to buy him.

Tytos Brax also sent me a letter to thank me for trying to save his sister. I already had a good relationship with him, but that only made it stronger. We now converse in the same way that I would converse with James, Vincent or Adrian.

Speaking of Brax, his dad still seems way too dodgy to me. He didn't want to come to the hills with us, and we ended up in an ambush of uncertain reason. Doesn't matter if he's responsible or not, this time. He has proven to be way too annoying to my taste. If I understood something, it would be that I need to put my methods and mindset one notch above.

Considering that his heir Tytos has a bad relationship with him but a good one with me, I might as well offer him the seat of Hornvale in advance. It also requires a suitable regent to be prepared, because Tytos is not yet old enough to succeed his father's position. Now all I have to do is to speak with Tywin and find a good way to assassinate Andros.

After that, I decided to send a letter of thanks to house Lefford for their help. It got me in touch with the only daughter and heiress of the Leffords, Alysanne. To my delight, this brings me ever closer to the other houses of my lands. This is important, to avoid internal conflicts. This taught me that there are good sides to be found, even in misfortune.

In addition to my reinforced and sharpened convictions, I felt like I needed a meaningful confirmation of the legitimacy of my path. It is for this reason that I am currently finding myself at the Sept, conversing with the new septon.

''Septon Kyrie, what do you think of the Father's judgment ? I find it difficult to grasp what the view of the seven is, in regards to justice.''

Septon Kyrie doesn't need to think long, as if the answer has always been known to him.

''Very well, I will tell you what the truth of the seven pointed star is. The knowledge of the deadly sins passed down to us by the faith states that incest, kingslaying and bastardy are unforgivable. Unnatural paths such as homosexuality are also a sin, albeit a lesser evil compared to the three previous aspects. But the Father Above is just to his children and forgives all lesser sins for those who pray to the god of seven with fervor and faithfulness. Following the path traced by the faith is often the best answer to many questions.''

So what, do I have to burn down Jaime because he commited the three deadly sins ? Don't make me laugh, it's way more complicated then that. I believe my brother to be worthy of a divine forgiveness.

As much as I want to believe in the faith of the seven, the way the septons are solding it seems wrong to me. I better find my own place in the faith, like the Dornish. If I can't find satisfying answers, I ought to create them myself.

It leaves me frustrated, no doubt. But it doesn't change the fact that I will continue to go regularly to the Sept, to at least be a good believer.

Coming out of the Sept, I then decide to go finding some informations in the Amber Mane. I don't get free info, but the major discounts I get make now Leroy's service more than profitable for me.

When I find myself facing the inn, a hooded blonde comes out. It reminds me of the situation I had been in before. There are quite a few blondes in Lannisport, in general. But they remain a minority, making possible the theory that the girl I saw was indeed a Lannister.

If so, chances are she's an informant working for my father or another member of my house. It does not bother me, but I would like to have two words with her to check some details. It could be a good lead to have access to more informations, when Leroy isn't able to reveal everything to me. So I directly decide to approach her.

So she takes off her hood, agreeing to reveal her face to me. That's when I realize that her hair isn't quite like the one from last time. This blonde hair is way too light. I'm sure the hair was more like dirty blonde. It seems that I was too hasty in my conclusions, creating an unnecessary situation.

''Excuse me, Miss. I think I confused you with someone else. Good day to you and sorry for the inconvenience.''

But before I walk away and enter the Amber Mane, the girl grabs my sleeve. So I turn around, my gaze meeting her purple eyes. Maybe a half Valyrian girl, or something.

''Wait. You are lord Leonard Lannister, aren't you? We haven't met yet, but I work at Sea of ​​Aromas. My name is Thaella. Nice to finally meet you, milord. My little sister is one of those who will leave the brothel and work for you. You can't even imagine how happy she is to get out of there. It's not that the establishment is bad, not at all. But when you grow up there without having had a choice, and don't adhere to the job... it inevitably makes you unhappy.''

Ah, Thaella. It does tell me something. I must have heard her name once or twice, while passing by Sea of Aromas.

''Nice to meet you, Thaella. I would have introduced myself, but you already seem to know me. And your sister must be the little Laena, right?''

''Yes, that's right. I'm glad she can do something she likes to do. In fact, I wanted to thank you for that. In a professional way of course… at the Sea of ​​Aromas. Sooooo… if you will follow me, milord.''

And just like that, she begins to advance towards the establishment while leaving me perplexed.

That wouldn't really be 'right' in my books. On the other hand, I'm still a little pissed off with my poison fatigue and all. I didn't get the warmth that I was expecting from Lynesse. And I need it now, not in five years. I feel the need to stop restraining myself, and the time honestly seems to be right to me. If I go now, I'll be an asshole. But it's better to enjoy my life one last time and not sabotage my marriage when I'm a father and husband. Yeah, I really need someone to change my mind. Am I trying to find excuses ? Maybe. But after all this sh*t, I think I deserve at least that much. Let's just say it's a names day present. It's now or never, so let's go.

So I follow her to Sea of ​​Aromas, before being guided to the top floor of the brothel.

I am then left in front of a door larger than the others, and I open it with a hint of excitement.

What I found myself in front of is a spacious room with a welcoming decor. A bed for three people is placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by small draperies of slightly above average quality. On the left, an opening leads to a balcony with a direct view of an isolated part of the harbor. While the soft sound of the waves relaxes me, the aromas of an incense placed to the right of the bed caresses my senses even more.

I clear my throat in anticipation, before laying down on the bed and waiting to be joined.

Contrary to what I thought, no one comes after fifteen minutes. But as I was wondering what she was waiting for, I see the door open and reveal two naked women. This makes me get up by surprise.

While I directly recognize the first, I was far from suspecting that the second would come. Was it planned by these ladies ?

''Hello, miss Xuandia. I have to say that I didn't expect you to join the fun, today. It's a surprise, but a welcomed one.''

Thaella and Xuandia earn a teasing look, surely seeing my gaze betraying some growing anticipation. Xuandia then responds.

''Well, I would say that our partnership deserves to be… enhanced. So many comings and goings here, yet you never had your moment. It's time to right the wrongs, I believe. Don't you think so, milord ?''

''I… am not going to spit on it today, definitely not. I am rarely surprised like this, so it would be a shame to disappoint such magnificent ladies.''

In response, Thaella raises an eyebrow in a kinky way and giggles lightly. She then turns in Xuandia's direction.

''Magnificent, he says. The young lord might just be more romantic than he first let's on.''

''Well, let's not forget that we did our best. If it weren't for the valuable information provided by Leroy, we would never have known that being washed was an essential point for him. What a pity, it seems that it is no longer possible to know more about our client at Amber Mane.''

I then realize that they are washed and shaved. It is useless to remind that these are actions rarely done in brothels of Westeros. Is it thanks to Leroy, then ? He must have realized that I was staying away from the dirtiest places of his inn.

Add the fact that the maester working with me spreads the importance of hands washing to the population, and you get the profile of a noble who loves hygiene. He thus took advantage of this conclusion to make me have a good time. Damn… how much of a wingman are you, Leroy ? Just thanks.

As I sniff the air, I also notice that they have sprayed themselves with a subtle perfume that fits perfectly with the established ambiance of the room.

''Oh, my ! It means that we will have to withdraw informations from him in another way. Is not it, Xuandia ?''

''Aye, exactly.''

''Let's get to work, then.''

It's a prepared trap, but the kind of trap I gladly accept.

Both of them slowly approache me, giving me the type of look that kills at first glance. Seems like it's going to be playful.

Thaella begins to undress me slowly, while stroking my back through my clothes. Meanwhile, Xuandia fully captures my attention by kissing me passionately. She also undresses me and caresses me everywhere at the same time.

When I find myself naked and my abs are clearly visible for these ladies, Xuandia caresses the corner of my lips before slowly kneeling in front of me.

All the while, Thaella began to press her generous breast against my back and began to put her arms around my pecs. While feeling her warm breath that makes me feel an incredible thrill, she begins to whisper whatever she wants me to do to her.

When Xuandia takes my manhood in her hand, I'm already hard. They are so good at what they do that I'm acting more sensitive than I truly am.

Seeing my quick reaction, Xuandia gains a certain glint in her eyes as she smiles mischievously. These women, my goodness.

She then begins to gently stroke the entire length, gently enough that my shaft begins to pulsate with the need to feel more. Her hand then suddenly stops moving and the effect is too frustrating.

''By the seven, don't stop. This is going to drive me crazy.''

Taking me by surprise, she then starts again with more strength and faster. I'm now rock hardened, fully ready for what's to come.

All of a sudden, Thaella begins to kiss me along my neck, going up towards my face. She then turns my head towards her to start kissing me for a long time. So I return her gesture by placing my hand on her jaw, before kissing her in a deeper way.

While we were kissing, I felt a series of kisses being placed on my member. And before I could register what was happening down there, a humid heat began to cover the same area. In and out, her mouth engulfs my shaft while her tongue works wonders.

When I feel like I can't hold back anymore, I put my other hand on Xuandia's head and pat it briefly as a signal. But instead of stopping, she takes the full length in one go, until her tongue comes into contact with my nuts.

This makes me groan into Thaella's mouth, as I fill Xuandia's with everything I had. But when she begins to take back my manhood in her hand, I quickly become as hard as at the beginning.

Thaella then breaks our kiss and looks Xuandia in the eyes, before she gets up.

As if communicating with each other by their gaze, they proceed to guide me to the large bed with each holding one of my hands.

They suddenly leave me there, in front of the bed, and get behind me. When I turn around to see them, I sense a slight danger and they push me at the same time, causing me to lie back first in the soft bed.

They win a seductive smile, as Xuandia approaches me and speaks softly.

''The serious things are going to happen now.''

Thaella then places her hand over her mouth, laughing lightly.

''Indeed, let's get down to business.''

They both kneel on the bed, before Thaella gets right over my face. At the same time, Xuandia gets between my legs.

My left hand caresses Thaella's opening first gently, before giving a little strength to her clitoris.

''OOooooh myyy, OH MY !''

After that, I move the same hand to her left buttock and grab it, making her bend down so I can start licking her intimate area with vigor.

''MMMhmmm, Oh yes ! RIGHT THERE !''

While I work hard, Xuandia grabs my c*ck with her hands and strokes her entrance two or three times with it. After getting ready, she gently plunges her whole body onto my member.

As I feel all the warmth inside her, my right hand grips her butt firmly and she arches her back violently. Xuandia places her hands on my abs, before grabbing my waist to get into a more comfortable position.

''HAAaaaaaaan, yes. Don't mind if I go deeper, milord.''

As we pleasure each other, the two of them begin to stifle their orgasms by kissing each other on top of me.

''HOAAAAaaa-aaaaaaan !!!''

But that's not enough to drown out the sound of Thaella's final orgasm. She then pulls herself out of the bed briefly, letting me take a deep breath of air.

I can then contemplate Xuandia's body in all its splendor, before my left hand also comes to grab her other buttock and I begin to give more strength to my movements.

''By the seVEN, just LIKE THAT !''

''HAA-AAAaaaaan !!!''

No longer able to remain calm, I rock her on her back in one quick movement. My left hand comes to caress her thigh before holding it firmly, while the other hand comes to enjoy her soft breasts.

I bow until my breath warms her neck and begins to make powerful ins and outs of the pelvis.

''Seven… YES ! Haaaan, yes yes !''

Eventually, I get up and grab the top of her thighs on both sides to better penetrate her to the very depths.

We then cum together, our juices mixing in an explosion of passion.

''HAAAAAAAAAH… F*ck yeah…''

''HO-OAAAAA-AAAaaaaaan… yes.''

As sweat pours profusely from my forehead due to intense exertion, Thaella jumps into the bed and gives me a certain view that excites me again. As she lies on her stomach, Thaella serves me with a perfect view of her arched back and ripe peach just waiting to be picked.

Feeling me approaching her, Thaella slightly turns her head towards me and begins a roleplay that I wasn't psychologically ready for. I can clearly see her cheeky smile widen as she eyes me seductively. What is she planning for ?

''Milord, I am in great need of help. It's been so long since I've flown the sky... my Valyrian p*ssy needs a dragonrider. Please…''

Oh ? I can play to that game too, you little dirty player.

''With pleasure, my lady. When duty calls the lion, he responds with a mighty roar. Let me ride you as a proper lord should always do.''

Then, I grab her by the waist and take my time to fully put my length to the end of her warm depths.

''OOooooooooh, yeeees. Faster, now. I need it faster.''

Obeying orders, I begin to pound her progressively harder. It excites us both, making her profusely wet and making my member even harder and blood-soaked.

After a few tens of minutes, I end up making love to her with the ferocity of a real wild lion. After some faster resonant slamming of my nuts against her vulva, I finally squirt all my thick juice. At the same time, I grab her buttocks and pull them towards me to be able to push way deeper.



And I end up falling straight back into bed, too tired to do anything more. I swear, they just emptied me of everything I had...

Before falling asleep between the two beauties, I have just enough time and energy to hear Thaella's murmur of satisfaction.

''By the seven… it's been a while since a client made me that tired.''

Long time dream number X, having a threesome: Check.

At the beginning of the afternoon, I wake up and see Thaella still present, surrounding me with her arms. Xuandia is no longer there, but she must be managing the establishment. This is the difference between an employee and a manager.

Thaella then wakes up painfully, yawning with fatigue after so much effort.

''Hello, there. Slept well ?''

''Yeah… we don't actually 'sleep' after f*cking with clients. But you're kinda like THE special partner-client. So yeah, you got all the maximum special treatment. Not that I'm complaining, I also needed some sleep.''

''Is that so ? Then I must be a lucky bastard. Better for me that it remains the last time, though.''

As pleasant and needed as it was, I have someone to take care of now, after all.

Another question comes to my mind, while I stroke her hair for a bit.

''Where are you from, by the way ? You said you were a…''

''Valyrian ?''

''Yeah, that. Not that I have anything against Valyrians, in general. But, yes… the ones ruling us were living problems.''

''…I don't belong to anywhere. My father was from Lys and my mother from around here, I think. It's the banal story of the wealthy Lysene making love during his trip here and gets the girl pregnant. He took her home out of honor, so as not to abandon his child. But she could only be a mistress, because he already had a wife. And after my little sister's birth, his wife became morbidly jealous because she had still not managed to give him a child. She got rid of my mother and asked my father to choose between us and her. That's what he did... and that's why we ended up here again. At least, he was kind enough to not turn us into Lysene slaves. He has slightly more honor than the standard man of Lys. But here, we had nothing to survive, nothing at all. So I started working and raising her here. I got used to the job, but I'm glad my sister can do something else.''

''I see. I'll take good care of your sister, Thaella.''

Well, as a killer. But it's already better for her if that's what she prefers, I guess.

Coming out of Sea of ​​Aromas, I feel fully invigorated and ready to start my next plans as soon as possible.

The report of the advancement of the Leon towers has reached me and it should be finished in less than seven months. It's going pretty well.

Considering that my father had authorized me to form my own group of guards after making this project a reality, I know what I have to do. I will do my best to make them stronger and better trained than others.

Before that, I have to go to Amber Mane. And let's not forget all the tiring duties, sigh.

''That was a damn fine pause. Now, time to work. Here we go again.''