
ch. 3 orphanage

AN: for those wondering why Nicholas and juniper didn't just unlock his aura just continue reading I'll answer that later in the chapter.)

'So they're throwing me away instead of they're pride huh.' I thought tiredly 'and here I thought I had super luck. Well whatever no use crying over spilled milk and I guess it's to protect they're other kids.' Finishing that thought I opend my eyes and stared at the crying woman holding me as she walked to the local orphanage.

"I'm sorry baby but this is for the best, the other huntsman families and clans will make your life hell. I wish I could keep you but it's to dangerous, but don't worry I'll come and check on you from time to time. Maybe I can take your sisters out for a walk and just stumble into you at the park." She whispered as she pulled the hood of her cloak up a little to look me in the eyes.

'Hmm wouldn't mind that but I gatta make sure it doesn't seem that I remember her.' I thought as I looked around seeing the wooden houses and shops as we walked down the street at night.

After a few more minutes of walking she stopped at a wooden house that looked more like an old white church. 'Well ain't that cliche. A old run down church turned into an orphanage.' I mused to myself as I looked at it.

"Hmm we already told your sisters we would call you jaune months ago so we can't have them recognizing you, they're a smart bunch." My new mother spoke with both pride and sadness lacing her voice. "Ah I know." She mumbled before taking out a piece of paper and writing on it. Placing it on my chest she put me down before ringing the doorbell and disappearing in what I could only guess was a burst of speed.

'Damm either my eyes are weaker than I thought or aura is complete bullshit.' I thought in awe. Than hearing the old door creak open my eyes shifted to it only to see an old crone open the door.

"Hmm hel-.." she cut herself off seeing no one before catching me in the corner of her eye. "Oh hello there little one." She spoke softly as she picked me up. Taking a hold of the paper on my chest she held it up and read. "Please take care of my little silver, we can't afford to take care of him so we gave him to you."

Blinking I thought 'that's it… wow not even some words for future me.'

Sighing the old woman put the note in her pocket before looking down at me. "Unfortunate circumstances but not uncommon. Well little silver I'll be taking care of you know my names iris." She cooed at me than walking inside she closed the door.

Looking around I took in the open space than was probably once a prayer room going off the alter and the portrait of the brother gods in the back. It was turned into a sort of play area/ classroom going off of the toys and white bored with some basic math equations written on it. Going farther in she opened a side door leading to a long hallway with multiple doors on each side. They all had at most four names on each. Going past them all she entered the last door which opens up into a small room with multiple cribs for babies. Some were taken by other babies but most were left unused. Humming the old lady put me in one before walking to a desk, taking out a name rage she wrote on it before walking back over and placing it on my crib. 'So silver huh since I'm going to be a blond with blue eyes when I grow up I guess they just used dads middle name for me.' I thought as I tried to get comfortable.

"Alright good night Silver I'll be back in the morning with the other helpers." The old crone iris spoke before walking out the room and gently closing the door behind her.

Sighing internally I just closed my eyes with the thought of.. 'this is ganna suck I hate not being in control of my own body I can't even grab anything.' After a few more minutes I finally passed out for the night.

*next day*

Feeling someone shake me awake I looked up seeing a woman around the age of 30 with black any yellow hair picking me up. Looking at her confused I thought 'so this is one of the helpers the old hag talked about huh. She's kinda hot but the scare and pale white eye is kinda a turn off.'

Looking down at me with a neutral frown she mumbled "huh usually they cry in the morning." Than bringing me closer she walked off with another woman with dark brown hair and a pair of bunny ears who was carrying another one of the babies who was screaming.

"Looks like you got a quiet one bee, lucky you." The other lady spoke out sounding annoyed.

Smirking the one holding me replied "yup he came in last night apparently his parents are to poor to care for a sick child."

Frowning the faunus woman sighed sadly "to bad he seems like an easy child but it's to early to decide. Little velvet is bubbly and happy I can only hope she stays that way."

"Don't worry violet I'm sure your daughter will be fine ansel doesn't care fire race." The now named bee spoke

"Ya ya I know but jack has been thinking of moving into vale for a better job. It's nice here but he thinks the city is safer." Violet spoke

Humming bee replied "I don't know bale might be dagger from the Grimm but crime and general racism is higher in the big city. Without the constant fear of grim keeping people working together it's turned into a shit hole. That's why the towns outside the walls are better in my opinion. Everyone works together despite race or personal differences."

Nodding violet sighed before replying "yes I know I tried telling him that but jack lost his parents to grim so he wants us as far from them as possible."

"Ahh ya makes sense there are plenty of people with that opinion but i personally think it's better out here." Bee finished before opening a door to another room. "Come on we have to feed the little ones before handing them off to the older kids to look after."

Nodding violet closed the door behind her before locking it and taking a seat on one of the couches. 'Huh I don't see any fridges or anything for baby formula or milk.' I thought looking around before I felt bee shuffle around. Looking back up I was greeted with the view of 'damm those look squishy.' I remarked looking at the now topless woman as she brought me to her nipple. Licking my lips i latched onto her tit. 'Now if I wasn't so damm hungry I'd play with it for a bit.' I mused before I closed my eyes.