
Reborn as Host of Archangel Michael

Another name: With Six Clover Grimoire in Black Clover. After the death of Mc, he finds himself in Black Clover world as a Elf, a world of magic with Enormous mana and he trains to beat the odds and live his life. He was chosen by a six-clover grimoire resides archangel, Michael. Six-clover grimoire indicates the six wings of an angel. MC is in the same year as Asta and Yuno. ...-..-..-..-. Another name: With Six Clover Grimoire in Black Clover. After the death of Mc, he finds himself in Black Clover world as a Elf, a world of magic with Enormous mana and he trains to beat the odds and live his life. He was chosen by a six-clover grimoire residing archangel, Michael. Six-clover grimoire indicates the six wings of an angel.

Mashiro_1 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 1

I had just arrived at the supermarket and was browsing the aisles, picking up some groceries for the week. It was a typical Saturday morning, and the store was crowded with other shoppers doing the same.

Suddenly, there was a commotion coming from the front of the store. I heard shouting and the sound of smashing glass.

I quickly made my way to the front, trying to see what was happening.

That's when I saw them. A group of thugs had stormed the supermarket, wielding weapons and demanding money and valuables from anyone in sight.

They were dangerous, and I could feel my heart racing as I realized I was in the middle of a violent situation.

Instinctively, I tried to find a way to escape. But one of the thugs spotted me and began to approach, pointing a gun in my direction. I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to survive.

With no other options, I decided to fight back. I picked up a nearby bottle of soda and hurled it at the thug, hoping to distract him. It hit him in the shoulder, and he stumbled back for a moment.

But my victory was short-lived. Before I could react, another thug had come up behind me and struck me with the butt of his gun.

The blow was hard, and I felt myself start to fall to the ground.

As I lay there, in pain and confusion, I realized that I might not make it out of this alive. I thought of my family and friends, and the life I had built for myself.

It all seemed so fragile and fleeting at that moment.

But I also knew that I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting, even if it seemed hopeless. So I mustered up all the strength I had left and tried to get back up.

But it was too late. The thugs had already turned their attention elsewhere, and I could feel my body starting to shut down. I knew that this was the end.

In my last moments, I thought about all the things I had wanted to do, all the places I had wanted to see.

I wished that I had more time, but I also knew that I had given it my all.

And with that, everything went dark

I took my final breath, and suddenly, I found myself floating in an inexplicable void. It felt surreal—like I was detached from everything and everyone, watching my life as if it were a distant memory.

Then, a powerful voice echoed in my mind. "Greetings, traveler. You have passed on from the mortal world, but your journey is far from over. You've been chosen to undertake a grand challenge that will determine your fate in the afterlife."

Curiosity and anticipation surged through me. I had always wondered about what lay beyond death, and now it seemed like I was about to discover something extraordinary.

"The challenge is simple," the voice continued. "You must traverse through the Nine Dimensions, each ruled by a potent cosmic essence. In each dimension, you'll face trials that will test your strength, wisdom, and compassion. If you can conquer all nine, you'll be reborn in a new world, where you can start anew."

Excitement bubbled within me. I've always enjoyed facing challenges, and this was an opportunity like no other.

The vast void transformed around me, and I found myself standing in a vast, snowy wasteland. The chilly wind whipped against my face, and I realized that I was in Niflheim—the first of the Nine Dimensions.

The first trial tested my endurance as I trekked through the tundra, battling the harsh elements and hunting for food. It was tough, but I pushed through, determined to prove myself.

Next, I was transported to Muspelheim, a realm of fire and quick thinking.

There, I navigated a maze of fiery obstacles, outwitted cunning foes, and stayed alert to every challenge that came my way. It was an exhilarating experience that tested both my intellect and reflexes.

Asgard, the realm of gods, was next—a place that demanded courage and morality. I faced powerful adversaries and stood up for what I believed in, determined to show the gods my worth.

The following dimensions were equally diverse and challenging. In Vanaheim, I connected with nature, learning to work in harmony with the natural world. In Jotunheim, I faced hordes of giants, honing my combat skills and physical strength.

In Svartalfheim, I delved into craftsmanship and ingenuity, crafting intricate and powerful items with my newfound skills.

Alfheim tested my speed and agility, navigating through a treacherous forest while dodging dangerous creatures.

Then came Helheim, where I encountered lost souls and spirits, showing compassion and empathy to guide them to peace.

Each dimension presented unique trials, testing different aspects of my character. I faced realms of creativity, leadership, adaptability, and introspection, discovering hidden depths within myself.

Finally, the moment arrived to confront the last dimension—a place that defied classification. Here, my choices and actions would shape reality itself.

It was a realm of profound significance, forcing me to confront my beliefs and values.

With every challenge, I felt myself evolving, growing stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.

Upon completing the final trial, a surge of energy enveloped me, and I was lifted into a bright, white light. A sense of peace and contentment washed over me, and I knew that I had successfully navigated the Nine Dimensions.

The voice returned, warm and congratulatory.

"Congratulations, Evan. You have conquered the Nine Dimensions, proving your worth. You'll be bestowed with a System—a great power according to your performance."

And with that, I was presented with a door leading to a new world—a world of ninjas, as the voice hinted. Excitement filled my heart as I stepped through the door, eager to embrace this new chapter of my existence.

The journey through the Nine Dimensions had changed me profoundly, and I was ready to make the most of my newfound wisdom, strength, and experiences in this fresh start.

As the door closed behind me, I embraced the mystery and wonder of the new world that awaited me, prepared to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.

The Nine Dimensions had been a transformative experience, and I was determined to flourish in this new realm of ninjas.

Wanted to make re-edit the novel

Mashiro_1creators' thoughts