
Reborn As Harry Osborn - Marvel

Being a superhero is a dream of every comic lovers but waking up in a son a villain The Goblin is a nightmare. As Harry Osborn, he decide to defy destiny by using the Marvel Knowledge he has to become a Hero and meet all his favorite chars. Warning: Please be patient my starting is bad (chapter 1 till 6)... Note All Marvel chars does not belong to me... Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

godfreyngsze · その他
83 Chs

'The Hand' (3)

Daredevil rushed toward the large man and started swinging his baton at him, the large man blocked Daredevil's attack before smirking as he said "Impressive!!!". Daredevil gritted his mouth in annoyance as he started exchanging blows with the large man.

Powerman in the other hand, smashed his way through the group of ninjas like a raging bull and displayed his durability and strength. None of the ninjas' attacks has any effect on Powerman as their attacks bounced harmlessly off him.

As the ninjas tried to overwhelm Powerman with their huge number, both Colleen and Iron Fist that followed Powerman closely from behind displayed their moves. Colleen brandished her sword with terrifying speed that forcefully chop the ninjas into half.

A steady flow of ninjas quickly fill in the ranks but Iron Fist leap forth with his glowing right hand and blow away the ninjas resistance with a single powerful punch.

Spiderman muttered to himself "Time to let loose!" as he started swinging acrobatically around the abandoned building and provided assistance by shooting webbing to help prevent 'The Defenders' from being besieged. At the same time, Spiderman winced slightly when each of his punches or kicks connected.

Jewel who is flying overhead displayed her strength to her full content as she fly at high speed and raised a storm as she fought her way through the group. Jewel fought fiercely and unleashed carnage as her attack's send the ninjas scattered everywhere.

Several ninjas attempt to restrict my movement as more ninjas rapidly approached us from all directions. I quickly knock back and spin my body like a top as my sword slice through the crowd that approached me.

Few hundred ninjas simultaneously leap towards 'The Defenders' in attempt to strike us down with their sword but I step forward saying "Not so fast!" and started throwing explosive wingdings in their directions.

Explosions ensues inside the building as the blast blow away the unending flow of ninjas. I quickly brandished my sword to instantly slice the ninjas that got through the gap into pieces. The ninjas continue to stubbornly persist but only death await them.

The remaining ninjas in the building quickly retaliated when suddenly a man wearing a suit of lightweight steel alloy body armor which is modeled after traditional samurai armor and carrying a katana appeared from the shadows. The samurai said in a commanding voice "Retreat!" as his words cause the ninjas to disappear from our sight and sending them running away into the shadows.

Looking at him, I recognized him as the character named Silver Samurai aka Kenuichio Harada.

Silver Samurai is a mutant with the ability to generate a tachyon field. He is also master of kenjutsu, hand-to-hand combat, and military tactics.

Silver Samurai looked toward the large man said "Kirigi, stop playing and don't wasting the clan resources! Since they won't acknowledge their allegiance, JUST KILL THEM!".

The large man named Kirigi is a ninja assassin for 'The Hand' who has seemingly superhuman resistance to pain and injury. He able to lift at least 1000 pounds who is a weapons master and an accomplished martial artist. Other than that, he has the ability to recover from mortal wound with the help of meditation which makes him virtually impervious.

A short moment later, several more figures appeared behind Silver Samurai. Seeing one of the person, Colleen muttered in anger "Bakuto, so you are not dead".

Bakuto replied "There is no damage you can do to me that can't be undone". Bakuto is Colleen's former sensei who recruited her into 'The Hand'. His ability is enhanced durability and with the help of The Hand's Resurrection Elixir, he has longevity. Bakuto is also a weapons master and an accomplished martial artist.

"Elektra!" Daredevil exclaimed in shock but Elektra aka Black Sky expressionlessly stared back at him.

"Hey buddy! Spider theme costume is already taken" Spiderman complained and fired his webbing at one of the person that I recognized as Black Tarantula.

The burly Black Tarantula easily tear apart Spiderman's webbing from his body and glared at Spiderman in an intimidating manner. Black Tarantula possesses superhuman strength (25 tons), superhuman speed, reflexes and reactions, agility, and durability. He also has powerful healing factor as good as Wolverine and the ability to fire laser-like beams from his eyes.

In the comics, Spider Man claims that Black Tarantula is much stronger, faster and agile compare to him. Black Tarantula is also a skilled martial artist with genius level intellect.

A man wearing armor made out of bones said in a creepy voice toward another man dress nearly alike "Brother, she looks delicious!" which the other man replied with a simple nod of his head while salivating at the same time. Glancing at them, I recognized them as the Buzzard Brothers. They are a pair of cannibals with unique arsenal of weapons made of bones such as bone guns. The Hand gifted them the ability of super durability with superhuman strength and speed.

Their final member wore a pair of dark sunglasses stood in silence is 'The Gorgon' aka Tomi Shishido who possesses mutant ability that can turn any individual that make eye contact with him into stone and psionic abilities to read people's mind. He is born with extraordinary level of intelligence and heightened superhuman strength, speed, reflexes agility, dexterity and endurance. 'The Gorgon' also possesses an accelerated healing that can rival Wolverine's healing factor. He is also an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and an expert swordsman.

Without warning Kirigi sneered as he ruthlessly brandished his sword and attacked Daredevil who is distracted when he detected Elektra's heartbeat. Raising his baton stick to block Gorgon's attack, their weapons heavily clashed against each other and it forcefully send Daredevil smashing through the wall.

"DD!" Spiderman shouted in concern but each members is suddenly faced against their own opponent.

Buzzard Brothers charged at Black Cat with their bone sword and bone gun, one of the Buzzard Brothers said in a creepy voice "You smell delicious!" while the other licked his mouth in anticipation and started laughing crazily.

"Stop talking! Both of your breaths stink!" Black Cat dodged their attacks and she frantically tried to distance herself from them as bullets made out of tooth flew in her direction.

Both Bakuto's and Colleen's sword continuously clash against each other as they attack, defend and dodge each other's weapon. As their battle progress, they use their formidable skills to withstand each other.

"You talk to much!" Black Tarantula growled as he charged towards Spiderman and stuck Spiderman's face with his fist. The blow connected but Spiderman leap backward to reduce the damage with Black Tarantula in close pursuit as he quickly chase after Spiderman.

Black Sky's body blurred slightly as she rushed towards Iron Fist and attacked him with her sai. Iron Fist blocked her attacks with his staff and defended himself as their weapons clashed. Several of her attacks struck him but he didn't bleed as the costume protected him. Even though her weapons didn't pierce through his body, the impact of the weapon slightly injured him.


Silver Samurai didn't give Powerman any time to think as his sword struck his body. "Ouch!" Powerman exclaimed in pain and surprised as Silver Samurai's weapon slice through his thick skin and muscle. Powerman gave out a cry of pain as bleeding wounds started appearing on his body while he try to dodge Silver Samurai's sword.

"What!?" Jewel exclaimed in shock but seeing that Powerman is in danger, she quickly flew to his assistance. Silver Samurai without slowing down his attacks, took a side step to avoid her attack and delivered a sharp right kick towards Jewel's stomach. The kick send send both of them crashing into each other.

As I glance at Jewel and Powerman in concern, Gorgon rushed toward me growled "Your opponent in me!". Spinning the sword in my hand as I turned around to divert Gorgon's attack, I took advantage of my agility to jump in the air to break Gorgon's neck with a spinning kick directed at his head before jumping over towards Silver Samurai.


I flew in the air toward Silver Samurai and aimed a kick towards Silver Samurai's back but I was forced to defend myself as Silver Samurai without turning, aimed his sword at my groin.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed in anger as I force myself to spin in the air and defend myself by kicking the flat surface of Silver Samurai's sword away from my body.

Although I managed to escaped unharmed, Silver Samurai started wielding his sword at great speed and started continuously attacking me. While I am still in mid-air, our swords clashed a dozen of time before I landed on my feet. The impact of our swords clash caused the ground around us to splinter.

Silver Samurai seeing that I avoided his attack said "Your skills is impressive, but they are not enough to best me! Your death shall be swift and painless!".

"Victory is not yet yours!" I replied as I stood in front of both Jewel and Powerman while consecutive fight broke out around us as 'The Defenders' fought to defeat their opponents. Jewel in concern checked on Powerman's condition. While all this is happening, Gorgon twisted back his neck and walked towards Silver Samurai's side.

"I am disappointed, Nightwing. I had hoped that through you, we could have finally unite the Hand and rule the world but looks like I will have to kill you too!" Gorgon said arrogantly.

"Give it your best shot! But like many that have tried, you will also fail!" I replied as I pointed my sword at both Silver Samurai and Gorgon.

Pls review, write or provide feedback.....

the conclusion of the Hand will end with the next chapter

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts