
Thanks for the meal (3) R18

Tara, now unable to decide on what to do due a multitude of conflicting feelings obeyed the clear and demanding orders rather than think for herself.

She parted her lips and sucked down on his fingers tasting her own shame in the process but she didn't care at the moment. She was just relieved that she got a look of approval from Esdras.

Even more shocking Esdras started kissing her beginning under her earlobe, he brushed her hair back gently.

Tara was enveloped by his big and muscular body, his body was much bigger and stronger than hers it was only right for her to obey his commands, the more she listened the better she felt so how can that be wrong?

"Crawl to the bed and spread your legs."

Hearing that order she immediately walked over to the bed—

She only took one step before she was chocked and found herself looking at Esdras, this time his face was not gentle but stiff and stoic.