
Nearing 1st Threshold

"But why can't I use the draw four card to make the next person draw six?" Daylen asked in frustration.

Esdras had invited four of his friends over for dinner and a game night. When dinner was done, Esdras took out a deck of Uno cards and began to explain the game.

He had these cards custom made with great difficulty, if not for his identity as a member of the magic tower and the fact that he gave clear instructions and designs for the cards he wouldn't have seen the cards for a year at least.

Celine, David, Daylen, and Vivi looked at each other, a bit confused. Esdras demonstrated how the game is played by shuffling the cards and dealing them out. Since they were all people who participated in the escort mission together they grew closer as a result.

He explained that each player would draw and discard cards. He went over colors, numbers, and the four special action cards.