
A good lesson…?


All he could see was darkness for a long time

Or was it a short amount of time?

Maybe it was always like this, and maybe it just lasted for a brief moment.

In that darkness, he saw several visions, brief flashes, and then something else would appear.

He saw a man wearing a dark cloak of fur and a crow was on his shoulder, only the crow had a skull for a head.

He saw a hand cover the sky and hold the moon.

He saw himself looking slightly older in a lone black tower that was feared and whispered about by commoners in hushed tones.

He saw something buried beneath the ground so deep that it was long forgotten.

He saw himself again, this time he was floating in the air with some other people whom he couldn't make out their faces. They were looking at a gash in the sky, and then a hand emerged.

He heard a loud thud and woke up gasping. He clutched his chest in panic, he was fine. No better than fine there was not even a mark left to indicate that he was almost dead.