
A Mountainous Challenge

After pikachu ran away I just meditated for a while. It felt like I had a breakthrough in my Mind Palace. The scene of her having her nose pressed into my balls while licking my dick would never leave my mind. In a way it materialized into a memory I could watch anytime while meditating. Having a point of reference helps tremendously with doing the same to every major memory in my mind.

After just a day of meditating I had made a gallery of my memories. While meditating I can now explore any memory I've witnessed through my soul. I also learned calm mind while having this breakthrough in my mind. Soon I would feel safe staying among psychics.

Now it was time to find some berries for sustenance, before continuing on towards the last few trees. It didn't take long before I saw the grass instead be rock, and trees a very sparse sight. I could even see the difference in energy. Here it was filled a lot more with rock and ground energy than the much more populated grass and bug energy in the forest.

While I was running and jumping on the stones I suddenly felt my intuition tell me to jump. While I jumped I also heard the grinding of rocks, which I assumed was a geodude. After turning around what I saw was not a geodude, but a graveler.

That is one scary pokémon I would prefer not to fight. But instead of running, I took a risk I felt needed to continue to evolve. I used agility to give myself better reflexes and movement, then without stopping I used a nearby boulder to jump into the air to do a backflip iron tail. Graveler wouldn't just stand there and take a beating so the boulder pokémon used rollout as both defense and offense.

When I saw Graveler use rollout I was happy, since it's a move not easy to stop. Which made Graveler very predictable. We both hurt each other with this move, but I felt it was worth it. All I needed to do now was to lure Graveler into another boulder to stop rollout and deal recoil damage. Which was easier said than done.

After I finally lured Graveler into a boulder, I was on the brink of exhaustion. Before falling to exhaustion I had to use double kick as a finishing blow. I laid down in exhaustion after my intuition told me there was no danger. After regaining some energy I used wish to heal myself from the damage I took, and then I continued ahead to the top of the mountain.

After reaching halfway to the top I met an unexpected pokémon. A vulpix. It was alone, curiosity glimmering in its gaze. It seemed like she smelled me from afar and went to explore the new smell. She didn't know I knew that she was close by, and I pretended like nothing, letting her stalk me while I was going to the top.

After another hour of walking up the mountain I could see the top. So before Vulpix could even react I started running to the top, so fast all she could see was a blur before I reached the plateau at the peak. The magnificence I could see from the top was astounding, the beauty of the pokémon world is still shocking for me. Perhaps I might be alone in the world with this sentiment.

After laying on the top watching the scenery for a couple minutes I could finally hear the heavy breathing of the vulpix that followed me. When she reached the top and saw me very close to her face she got startled. I sent her my feelings of goodwill making her a bit more at ease, but still obviously cautious.

After Vulpix looked around a little more you could see the appreciation of beauty in her eyes as she took in the view. It seemed like it was also her first time coming here. We both just layed there for some time before I heard a thunderstorm at the horizon behind. I stood up and climbed around to the other side of the plateau where I for the first time found myself looking at a city.

Indeed there was a city not too far away from here, and it should be Pewter city if my earlier guess was correct. Far ahead of pewter I could see the thunderstorm I heard. I laid there watching, until the storm cleared up, and that's when I saw it. Ho-oh flying in the distant horizon, where the thunderstorm just was. My assumptions were indeed true, but I learned so much more. This was the day Ash started his journey.

'No like his journey will have anything to do with me anyway' I thought before going to look for a place to rest. After leaving the plateau the Vulpix hurriedly followed me, and she sent intentions that would translate to 'where I'm going'. I just sent back a simple intention 'tired'.

This Vulpix was so easy to predict, so it would be no problem to even manipulate her later. She quickly started to run after she told me "I know a place", and so I followed her.

I gotta hand it to her, this place was quite well hidden, it is only a cave, but it was actually warm. The walls were letting off heat, most likely a sign of lava not being too far under. There was also some grass in the middle, most likely her sleeping spot. I knew what would happen if I sleep here, I would fill this cave with pheromones and Vulpix would become horny. So I went ahead and did just that.

The first thing I felt when I woke up was surprisingly nothing. I looked around and saw that Vulpix was sitting a bit further away in a daze. When she noticed I was awake she became embarrassed. What I saw in her eyes told me what she was embarrassed about. She thought she had pissed over herself and me while sleeping, 'oh how innocent she is''. I then asked if she wanted to play a game best friends do, mating. When she heard 'best friend' you could literally see the stars in her eyes, 'it seems like she has been alone for most of her life' I thought.

She didn't really know what she accepted to play, but she hurriedly did like I asked her. She lifted her hind limbs while crouching with her forelegs. She didn't know why her pussy was wet, but I knew. It was waiting to welcome my massive member. I didn't let her wait long before I slowly inserted my vulpine dick into her pussy. Her pussy was the best feeling bar none I've ever felt. It was so hot, the fire type having an intense effect on her walls. And let's not forget the tightness. My dick so squeezed so hard, but she was so wet I could easily push forward. Then I reached the back of her vagina.

The second my dick hit Vulpix's womb she immediately sprayed her juices all over the floor. Vulpix was barely breathing,with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and only the whites of her eyes could be seen. This wasn't the end though. I then started to pound her faster and faster, and I could feel her squeeze harder the rougher I was.

So I pounded her as hard as I could, my thick tip of my dick kissing her womb at every thrust. I even tried some of the moves I deemed useless at birth. I used helping hand to massage her womb from outside, while also pinching the nippels on her stomach. Meanwhile I also used charm so Vulpix would be even more infatuated and aroused. I felt the results quickly, with her thigh walls getting even warmer and even tighter.

I felt I was close to cumming at this point, so I pounded a couple times as hard as I could before I howled in pleasure. My seed shooting of my dick straight into her womb. The base of my dick began to knot, so I just stayed there and enjoyed the pleasure for a couple minutes while filling Vulpix's womb so much it was visible from the outside.

Vulpix wasn't coherent right now from all the pleasure she has been given, so I decided to go find some food for us. I started to go back to the peak of the mountain. I found it suspicious that no pokemon had claimed that plateau for itself. 'Perhaps it was hunting those hours we stayed there' I mused to myself.

It didn't take long before I saw the boss of this small mountain. A rhydon, but it doesn't look too old. 'This will be an interesting fight' I thought to myself, before using quick attack to jump into the air, dodging the earthquake the rhydon used immediately after seeing me. Before starting to do a flip I used tail whip, making rhydon's defense just a bit weaker, before my tail crushed into rhydon's head.

The rhydon, now very angry for that big hit it just took, started to gather the normal energy close to its mouth. I instantly knew that it was charging hyper beam, I used agility once before going back to using quick attack to move around. The rhydon, not able to aim at me, roared and just blindly shot his attack, hoping the side effects of the attack would hurt me. Me being as quick as I was at the moment, easily dodged the attack, before jumping towards rhydon's back. I then used one of the moves I've perfected, double kick. My feet instantly charged with aura made my kick hit like a truck.

Then I once again felt this rush of energy that you could only get in the pokémon world for beating your foe. I don't have to murder the pokemon to get this experience, even just getting them to run away will give you experience, the same goes for mating, dominating others, etc. I then started to rip the hard layer of stone on the stomach of the rhydon open with my claws using cut. I then started to munch on this much softer almost cake like texture. The taste reminded me of a coffee soufflé. The meat on this world was heavenly for my new taste buds, and I couldn't help but almost eat the whole rhydon. I barely stopped myself from eating it all, but I had to save a large piece of rhydon for Vulpix.

While running back towards Vulpix's hideout, I was getting used to the changes from my breakthrough. Except the usual feeling of growing stronger through experience, I was feeling something more. It was hard to say what this feeling was, but it felt like the world was my cradle for a second.

The feeling didn't last long, barely a second, but it was powerful enough to make me stop during that second. I then resumed my way towards Vulpix, not thinking too much of the feeling. I soon reached the cave where Vulpix laid, her stomach still bulging with seed. I could see her start to drool the second I entered from the smell of the rhydon "meat". I walked towards her and dropped the meat beside her, then left to cut some stones for a workout.

I used cut until I basically made a weight rod to sling over my back, and then I once again used cut to make a barbell for my tail. After getting ready for the incoming exhaustion I started to use focus energy, then I started to visualize my whole body getting stronger in both muscle and soul. I slowly felt power start to grow within, the weights I just made that was quite heavy became bearable. I was almost fully drained of my energy from using Growth just once.

Before succumbing to exhaustion, it felt like I broke some chains that held me down. I instinctively knew my physique had reached perfection. I fainted with a smile, knowing I've reached a stage no eevee has ever been.

Here's another chapter :DDD

Not sure if there will be a chapter tomorrow, having a friend over.

I also put some info about the power system/world that the MC won't know for some time in a paragraph comment so check that out if you want.

You reading this warms my soul that there are fellow kindred of degenracy.

ExaltedCrowcreators' thoughts