Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)
Dante wasn't willing to allow them to get the first shots in, before any could blink he had already shot 3 Beasts dead and smacked the bottom of Ebony into skull of an unfortunate Samurai, killing each of them instantly.
By the time the first gunshots echoed, all of the spectators began fleeing, speed limited by the traditional Japanese garb they had been wearing. With the Beasts dead, the Samurai quickly moved into action against Dante.
After the first 4 had died, Dante took wasted no time disposing of the others, ducking beneath a sword headed at him and shooting the attacker upwards through the chin.
He holstered Ebony, then used his free hand to grab the corpse and push it into the oncoming blade of another Samurai, simultaneously turning and kicking his foot back to parry a flanking Samurai's sword.
Quick as a flash, he shot down both of the now stunned men and walked forward to the last man left alive, finishing him off with a single punch to the face with his now free hand.
Flexing his fingers, Dante rubbed his wrist and looked on at the now pulverised skull of this poor, poor man, questioning whether he used too much force before giving up on that line of thinking and carrying on with his business.
Looking at his surroundings, Dante came to realise that he was now alone save for the faint whirring of an alarm in the background and the sound of panicked shouting in the town further from where Dante stood.
His presence and that damn alarm was no doubt going to alert Kaido and his All-Stars to foreign invaders, and Dante didn't want that. He wanted to save Kaido till the very end, a nice dessert to his time in Wano, and at this point Dante's barely tucked into breakfast.
His mind set Dante turned in a different direction, deciding to come back to Bakura Town later when the heat was dying down somewhat, and began walking forward through the forests once more.
Hopefully he'd find people that won't try to murder him for exploring a teensy bit, god forbid he meets a single peaceful person.
After enough time spent walking through forests, several winding twists and turns, Dante came to a gap in the trees that exposed him to the rest of Wano. The parts he saw from above, the Wastelands.
Separated by a body of water, the island next ahead of him was tainted, no life growing on the rotten soil it housed. He couldn't imagine how the hell anybody could live here, or say Wano was a beautiful place if this was what it had to offer. Bakura was nice, sure, but that didn't make up for whatever this was.
Hopping over onto the Wastelands, Dante took notice of how the earth crunched beneath his boots with every step he took. The ground was withered, the air was smoggy and nothing stood out for miles to come aside from a silhouette far off in the distance.
'There's genuinely nothing here. Why's Kaido so damn proud of a dead zone?' He thought as he strolled along calmly.
He stopped. Noise? Wind disturbed. Somethings coming. His assessment was interrupted by a voice coming from tens of feet above him, flying in the air.
"Ya know, I was sent to take a look around Bakura after a disturbance was reported, but man... I never thought I'd see the one and only Dante himself on my turf."
Looking around at the area around him, Dante quietly muttered under his breath that there 'isn't much turf to speak of', before looking at the man who had now dropped down to the floor, his enhanced hearing allowing the pirate to hear Dante's words.
"I don't take kindly to disrespect, Dante. You really don't wanna fuck with the Batman."
It took all of 5 seconds for Dante to try, and fail, to not burst out laughing after hearing the man's name. Batman. Of all names, it was one he more than recognised from his time on Earth. Oh, great, now Batman's pissed. He doesn't seem to like that Dante was laughing.
"Heh, alright Batman-"
Dante burst out laughing once more upon saying it aloud himself, wiping his hand over his mouth in a bid to regain composure.
" -anyways you got about 10 seconds to get out of my sight before I bury you alive."
Batman, for all his gutsy confidence a moment ago, was left confused at Dante's sudden shift in tone, from laughing and joking at his name to staring the man dead in the eyes, the same goofy smile on his face.
"Well? You're the one who threatened me, pal. Clock's ticking."
Batman was still in a stupor, unable to comprehend the drastic shift of Dante's demeanour, nor understand what he meant by burying him alive.
Finally understanding the dire consequences, Batman turned around, unfurling the wings he had gained through his SMILE fruit. As he was preparing to take off as he looked back one last time only to see Dante stood, impatiently, with his arms crossed.
Just as Batman was about to jump into the air and begin flying away, as fast as he possibly could, Dante seemingly had a change of plans, realising that he could get some information out of Batman.
Dante dashed forward, grabbing the slightly airborne Batman by the ankle, slamming his body back into the ground with enough force that extreme amounts of dust floated in the air from the surroundings.
Batman's scream of pain was ignored momentarily as Dante stepped forward and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up for easier access, closing his arm around the Beasts throat and allowing him to slowly fall unconscious.
The pirate clawed at Dante's arms continuously, hoping to inconvenience Dante enough that he would loosen his grip, but it was all for nothing as eventually he fell limp against Dante's arm.
Looking at the now downed Beast, Dante wondered if it was a good idea to knock the man out when he could have just asked the questions then and there, but filed it under wanting to maximise intimidation.
With the goal in mind of scaring Batman enough that he spilled just about everything he knew of Wano, Kaido, and anything else with merit, Dante began digging a hole in the ground, intent on fulfilling his promise of burying Batman alive.