
Cutting Deals

"So you mean to tell me there are actually just these really old guys who run the World Government?"

"Mineself is not sure of the details, however they are extremely unknown among the global populous. They rule from the shadows and control the forces of the World Government, having considerable sway over the Marines."

Dante paused for a moment, in deep thought over his new revelation. He couldn't help but frown at the idea of the final boss battle being the elderly yet again. First Marine High Command and now these Gorosei? Was he cursed to constantly bully senior citizens?

"So what, are they strong? I mean, they gotta be pretty powerful to control such a large Government. Surely they can't just be some above average old men with abnormal political skills."

"Nobody knows. Never have they needed to intervene in a conflict before. As mineself has said, they rule from the shadows where they are safest. They haven't had to solve problems themselves for the entirety of their reign."

Dante kept the information in the back of his mind, this whole thing about the Gorosei had him suspicious. It seemed too easy. Some old men controlling the world. It felt too cliche. Surely there was some other big villain, an enigmatic force that controlled from the shadow of shadows? He didn't really know.

"Well, I doubt that'll be something to worry about for a while to come. If they're as shady as you say, I doubt they'll show themselves. Still can't believe they went so far for little ol' me. I dare say I'm pretty famous."

She once again laughed at his understatement of just how much they wanted him dead, forgetting to mention that all of the Shichibukai had been contacted with regards to hunting him down.

Jimbe had been coerced almost as heavily as Hancock, with Fishman Island being put under threat in the wake of Whitebeard's slowly worsening status, and his soon to be death. They had tried the same with Mihawk, however the man only mentioned he already had plans to clash blades with Dante, and hung up the phone afterwards.

Doflamingo heard only a few words from the Gorosei and immediately destroyed the Mushi he had been using. Either the man was still terrified, or wanted to continue his plan of siccing Kaido on Dante and wanted no interruption. After all, he had no use for the money they could offer him. He already sat as the King of the Underworld.

From there, the meeting between Dante and Hancock continued unimpeded for the next 30 minutes, which involved a variety of discussions about strategies to ensure the World Government would never lay hands on Kuja and maximise the safety of the island.

There was an obvious solution to the problem, however it would cause great dismay among the Kuja. At least, Dante assumed it would. To declare that the island was under his protection would certainly lead to a stir in the world, and the populous. Hell, it could even lead to an assault from the Beast Pirates given the grudge they more than like have against him after his slaughter of Jack.

It would be quite the shock though. Hancock would more than likely be disqualified from the Shichibukai system, however it was already in such a shambolic state that Dante wagered it had only a few years left in it.

It seemed like the only idea that would keep the Kuja safe for the future to come, that also wouldn't involve an elaborate faking of his death, which he feared would set off a psychopathic rage in Vergil at the mere idea of someone 'stealing his kill'.

With not many other options, Hancock accepted that the Kuja would dislike her decision, but that it would be for the best of her people. These were her people, and she wanted the best for them. Hopefully though the Kuja would come to accept that Dante was 'of a different heart, a man of warmth and compassion with strength to lift the mountains and swallow the stars and...'

She had gotten sidetracked again. It seemed to be a common occurrence recently that her thoughts drifted, her focus remaining on Dante as he stood against the table, polishing a weapon to which she knew nothing of the origins. Would it be used to keep her people safe? The thought gave her a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in years.

"So.. how're we gonna go about this? Do we send a simple letter, or do we announce it a little less diplomatically?"

Danted asked, pointedly holding Ebony up to ensure Hancock understood what 'less diplomatically' meant.

She thought for a moment, considering the pros and cons of either option before settling on the diplomatic approach, simply because it put less Kuja lives at risk.

"A letter of resignation and an announcement of our allegiance should be fine. Mineself will make both the letter and announcement, if you do not mind. I feel it would resonate better with my people, and make them less... against the idea. I would suggest you enjoy the natural wonders of my land but I doubt the Kuja would be so accommodating right now. It seems you will be stuck with mineself."

Despite how it seemed, she was more than pleased with such an outcome, much to her own bewilderment. For her to spend her whole life loathing the very notion of men only to find such joy in the presence of one brought her no end of confusion, yet she didn't feel against it. She welcomed such uncertainty.

"So, what do we do now? I'm not exactly well versed in Kuja culture, but I'm pretty sure you were more than aware of that by now."

Hancock wrung her hands together awkwardly as she looked aside, an awkward smile adorning her face.

"Well... I doubt you'll be allowed to do much of anything on the island. Unfortunately, it will take some time for my people to warm up to you."

Dante mulled over what his plans were for a few moments, before he eventually settled on returning to Sabaody to continue training his Haki with Rayleigh.

He figured he would need every weapon in his arsenal for what he suspected to be a coming clash with Vergil. Much as he didn't want to leave the company of the Empress, he needed to manage his time properly.

His knowledge of One Piece was limited beyond scope, however one thing he knew was that Ace being captured was the catalyst for Marineford, and that happened a few weeks ago. Soon, it would come.

"I see. Well then, your Grace, I reckon I'll take my leave temporarily. I hope you won't mind if I leave my ship here for a while."

Hancock in that moment felt overwhelming dismay at the idea of Dante leaving. She had to keep him there, she didn't know why, but she refused to allow him to go.

"Wait, wait! Mineself would be a fool to not allow you to enjoy the culture of the great Kuja! I could offer you a tour of the island if you so please?"

With Hancock now having moved into his personal space, Dante noticed that they were almost exactly the same height. Intent on making a good impression and ensuring his first alliance would last, Dante knelt down and kissed the hand of Hancock in a show of respect, before saying a temporary goodbye. After all, he would more than likely be back in a day or two.

"It's been a pleasure, Hancock, I'll see you soon. If you really get lonely, you can call my Mushi. Ta-ta!"

Had he known that Hancock was currently experiencing a crisis over blooming feelings of attraction towards him, Dante would have stayed with no hesitation, happily making himself at home in the Palace.

However... he had no such knowledge, so in what could be considered either the best or worst idea he ever had, he left through a portal opened with the Yamato, seeking quick and easy travel and not wanting to get lost again.

Hancock was far too annoyed by him leaving her alone to properly give any thought to the portal he opened with a sword of all things, instead focusing on how empty she felt then. She held the small scrap of paper with his Mushi contact information with reverence.

Perhaps Elder Nyon would know what was wrong with her. Hancock certainly didn't.


The moment a tear in reality opened beside the destitute land Rayleigh had used for training, Dante swiftly walked through and closed it behind him to minimise witnesses. However there was nobody here. Not even his Haki could sense a soul around other than wildlife and snakes.

With no idea why exactly his usual place of training was so barren, Dante settled for simply going to the bar Rayleigh had told him to go to if he was ever late, or even not there. He supposed Rayleigh wouldn't show up every day given that Dante was enjoying a nice boat trip at the time.

The location was quite remote and off-grid, being a small bar simply known as 'Shakky's', which he had honestly never heard of before. Then again, if he were a retired pirate who wanted to avoid eyes it was quite a nice place to stay in.

Except, Dante never made it to Shakky's bar. See, due to his actions, Dante had become renowned among the Revolutionary Army as a person of interest, a possible ally.

Furthermore, the reason for Rayleigh's disappearance was much deeper than simple convenience. He was dealing with a much greater issue than Dante had expected. The Straw Hats were currently on Sabaody.

Due to Dante's intervention, Kizaru was nowhere to be seen. Kuzan was off in the New World, as far away from Dante as he could be. The only Admiral available when Luffy socked a Celestial Dragon was the newly enhanced, far more vengeful Akainu.

His experimentation at the hands of Vegapunk had been nothing short of ruthless. His nature as a Logia meant that no anaesthetic could be used, as it would wash out of his system, and the surgical tools needed to be laced with Haki. Yet, he endured and he survived, driven by his hatred of everything Dante represented, and fueled by the purpose of revenge.

The main difference in appearance now was the entirety of his lower jaw being returned in the form of a large metal brace in the shape of a human jaw, covering his lower mouth and upper throat. His jaw was unusable, the damage to it after colliding with Dante's bat rendered it nothing more than bone powder in a skin glove. His voice was much less human as a result, instead coming out in mettalic gurgles and deep baritone.

To ensure that Akainu could not slaughter the Straw Hats due to their association with Dante, Rayleigh had to rush out and engage in combat with the Admiral, leading to utter devastation in the surrounding greenery.


It had been decided then and there that Kuma, the Shichibukai with Revolutionary Army allegiance and a victim of Vegapunks machinations would send the Straw Hats away to be trained, as they were not prepared for the future ahead of them.

Dragon was more than a little sentimental when it came to his son, and so he watched the clash with Rayleigh and Akainu, prepared to intervene. He had sent an agent of his to ensure that Dante did not reach the Straw Hats, as his intervention would mean Kuma would not be able to guarantee the Straw Hats reach the locations they needed to.

Back to Dante, though, his inability to reach Shakky's bar came in the form of a cloaked figure approaching him and holding him by the arm, whispering into his ear words that would both intrigue and confuse him.

"The Revolutionary Army acknowledges you, Red Devil Dante. We seek an audience. There is a small island off the shore of the Dreylilands, the island of Cunolan. We hope you will entertain our request."

Three times now Dante had been approached in this manner, and each time it had led to information that changed his perception of the world. He certainly wasn't going to decline in this instance, he was more than intrigued by the idea of a Revolutionary Army. He patted the cloaked figure that was clearly a woman on the back, and became allies to a terrorist with one simple sentence.

"Sure thing, shady lady! I'll be there."

thats right, Dantes a terrorist now. somewhat. anyways, I needed him to leave Hancock momentarily for her to succumb to love sickness, and i wanted it to feel rational so I simply had Dante try return to training to avoid an ass whooping at vergils hands. I'm definitely gonna have them clash at the end of marineford, since I don't want the arc to be just Dante and vergil. maybe even have shanks get involved.

emonoccreators' thoughts