
Selene Crimson Or Selene Mariette?

"Holy shit!" Maruti screamed, her voice cracking with desperation as she pressed her hands over her ears. "Someone shut this kid up! I just want to sleep, damn it!"

Esdeath, equally annoyed, pointed a finger at her without hesitation. "How should I know? You probably did something to upset her. This is all your fault!"

Maruti glared at Esdeath. "Me? What could *I* have done?! She was fine a second ago!"

The child's cries were powerful at first, shaking the air like a dragon's roar. But, being a newborn, she soon ran out of energy. Her wails softened to the level of a normal baby's crying—still irritating but no longer ear-splitting.

Finally, both women caught their breath, slowly removing their hands from their ears. They sat on the bed, staring at the tiny, tear-streaked face of the dragon child.

Maruti broke the silence first. "I think she's hungry. She's alive now, so she needs food, right? Give her something to eat!"

Esdeath turned to Maruti with a look that could pierce steel. Her eyes narrowed in utter disappointment. "You really don't know how to take care of a child, do you? How the hell is she supposed to eat at this age? She needs milk!"

Maruti blinked in confusion, scratching her head. "Milk? Where the hell are we supposed to get milk in a place like this?"

Unlike Maruti, Esdeath had a very clear idea. She stared at Maruti's chest without blinking, her gaze fixed and determined.

Maruti followed her gaze, and realization struck her like lightning. Her eyes widened in sheer panic.

"NO! No way!" she shouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't even think about it! You have your own damn chest, and you're legally her mother or fathr whatever...! You feed her!"

Esdeath crossed her arms smugly, raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me? I'm only seventeen. How on earth would I have breast milk? Your body, on the other hand, is way more mature, especially in that department."

She took a slow step forward, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Come on, Maruti. You want to sleep in peace, don't you? It's the quickest solution. Just get it over with!"

Esdeath's predatory grin sent shivers down Maruti's spine. She backed away, her face pale as a ghost.

"You've lost your mind! I'd rather die than do something like that!" Maruti shouted, holding up her hands like a shield. "We have to try something else!"

Maruti's brain fired at full speed, her thoughts racing like a storm as she struggled to find a solution. She scanned every corner of her memories, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck her.

"The treasure room!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "There were so many food-type Rank E essence stones in there—like Turn Water and Turn Meat essence stones! If there's one for water and meat, there's gotta be one for milk too!"

Esdeath paused, considering the idea. It made sense. "Hmm, not a bad thought for once," she muttered, though her tone carried a hint of sarcasm.

Grabbing the crying baby, they forced their exhausted bodies to climb up to the third floor where the treasure room was. Every step felt like a mountain, their legs trembling and threatening to give up, but the baby's wails gave them no choice.

Finally, they arrived. Among the countless essence stones neatly stored on shelves, their eyes locked onto a glowing pile labeled "Turn Milk Essence Stones." Relief washed over both of them like a soothing wave.

"Finally!" Maruti breathed, slumping against the wall, her energy completely drained.

Esdeath wasted no time. She grabbed one of the essence stones, poured her mana into it, and positioned her hand right above the baby's mouth. With a sharp snap, she broke the stone.

What happened next was pure chaos.

Instead of a gentle stream, a torrent of milk gushed out like a broken dam, splashing all over the baby. The poor child flailed her arms, her tiny face scrunched in panic as she tried to gasp for air. Milk drenched her clothes and soaked the bed beneath her.

The crying didn't stop—it got worse.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Maruti burst into uncontrollable laughter, falling to the ground and rolling as tears streamed down her face. "You… you drowned her! I can't—Hahaha! This is too much!" She even punched the ground as if it would help her catch her breath.

Esdeath's face turned bright red, a mix of embarrassment and frustration bubbling inside her. "Shut up, you idiot!" she snapped, but Maruti was too far gone, her laughter echoing in the room.

Esdeath looked around and spotted a beautiful golden cup sitting on one of the treasure shelves. She grabbed it with quick precision, ignoring Maruti's continued chuckles.

"Let's try this again," Esdeath muttered under her breath. She picked up a second Turn Milk essence stone, infused it with mana, and carefully directed the flow into the golden cup. This time, the milk poured smoothly, collecting in the cup like liquid moonlight.

With a firm but gentle touch, she cradled the baby and slowly fed her the milk from the cup. The child immediately stopped crying, her little hands grasping the edge of the cup as she eagerly drank.

Maruti finally calmed down, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "I can't believe you nearly drowned her with milk. And you called me clueless!"

Esdeath shot her a glare that could freeze lava. "One more word, and I'll drown you next," she growled, though her voice lacked real venom.

"Oops, no more jokes then!" Maruti raised both her hands in exaggerated surrender, her voice dripping with exhaustion.

But instead of getting up, she flopped down where she had been sitting and let out a long, dramatic sigh. "I'm not walking back to that room again. Nope. I'm sleeping right here." Closing her eyes, she stretched out on the cold floor.

Esdeath, equally drained, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's better this way." She gently placed the baby beside her, then collapsed onto the floor as well.

The hard, cold surface should've been uncomfortable, but their exhaustion turned it into the most inviting place in the world. They both smiled, feeling a rare moment of peace. Sweet dreams were finally within reach.



The baby's cries erupted like a siren, shattering the calm.

Maruti shot up, clutching her head as if the sound physically hurt her. "AHHH! Someone save me! I'm gonna die at this rate!" She glared at Esdeath with wild eyes. "I'm sure this kid is doing it on purpose. She totally resembles you!"

Esdeath groaned, rubbing her temples. "I think we need to do something to make her fall asleep before we lose our minds."

Maruti jumped to her feet, determination burning in her eyes. "Fine! Watch and learn, Esdeath. How real world's greatest hitman charms this kid to sleep in no time!"

She crouched in front of the baby and began making the most ridiculous faces imaginable—sticking out her tongue, puffing up her cheeks, and crossing her eyes. "Blah-blah! Look at me!" she babbled, waving her hands wildly.

Esdeath leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching with a raised eyebrow. "Are you auditioning to join the circus, or is this your actual plan?" she mocked.

Maruti ignored her, doubling down on her antics. She even started dancing awkwardly, her movements resembling a mix between a chicken and a robot. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she began singing off-key. "Twinkle, twinkle, little staaaaar… How I wonder what you aaaare…"

To everyone's surprise, the baby stopped crying. Her little eyes widened, and a gurgling laugh escaped her lips.

Maruti froze mid-dance, blinking in disbelief. "It worked? It actually worked!" She collapsed onto the floor with a relieved sigh, her hands over her heart. "Finally, some peace!"

But the moment she stopped, the baby's laughter turned into another loud wail.

"NOOOO!" Maruti screamed, her head falling back dramatically. "Why, cruel world, why?!"

Fueled by frustration, she scooped up the baby and began tossing her gently into the air, catching her each time. "There, there! Wheee! Isn't this fun?"

Esdeath's eyes widened in alarm. "Maruti! Are you sure that's a good ide—"

Before she could finish, Maruti threw the baby a little too high–I mean tooooooo high.

It was only then they remembered the roof was still destroyed from Michael's earlier attack. The baby soared into the open night sky, her tiny form silhouetted against the glowing full moon. For a brief moment, she looked like a celestial being—a true child of the moon.

"PREDICTOR!" Esdeath shrieked, her heart leaping into her throat.

Maruti panicked but managed to catch the baby on her way down. She clutched her tightly, her face pale with shock. "Got her! See? I got her!"

Esdeath rushed over, glaring daggers at Maruti. "Are you insane?! What if you'd dropped her? All of my effort would have gone to waste!"

Maruti tried to laugh it off, though her voice wavered. "She's fine, see? She even looks happy—"

The baby, now safe in Maruti's arms, let out a giggle.

Esdeath groaned and took the baby from her, cradling her protectively. "You're done. No more circus tricks," she said firmly.

Walking back and forth, Esdeath began to gently rock the baby, softly shushing her. "Shh… Ssshhh...For fuck's sake, Please fall asleep…" Her voice was soothing, her movements slow and rhythmic.

The baby gradually quieted, her tiny body relaxing against Esdeath's chest.

Finally, the baby drifted off to sleep, her soft breaths filling the air. Esdeath let out a long sigh of relief, sitting down beside Maruti.

"Let's just pray she stays asleep this time," Esdeath whispered, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

Maruti nodded. "If she wakes up again, I'm joining her in the crying competition."

All three of them finally settled on the cold floor, their exhaustion overpowering any discomfort. Their heads formed a triangle, each pointing in a different direction, with the baby nestled safely in the center. The silvery glow of the full moon bathed them in its soft, ethereal light.

Maruti lay on her back, gazing up at the serene sky. The moon seemed especially beautiful tonight, its light pouring directly onto the trio as if blessing them.

"You know," she murmured, breaking the peaceful silence, "does this kid even have a name? If not, why shouldn't we just give her one?"

Esdeath, her eyes half-closed, turned slightly toward Maruti. "You're right," she admitted, her voice soft with fatigue. "But what should it be?"

Her gaze shifted upward to the moon. The image of the baby earlier—soaring through the sky, framed perfectly by the moon's glow—flashed through her mind. The memory of the moonlight cascading behind the child, making her look like a celestial being, lingered.

A small smile crept onto Esdeath's face. "I've got it," she said quietly. "Her name will be Selene. It means 'moon.' In Greek mythology, Selene was the goddess of the moon."

Maruti tilted her head to look at Esdeath, a hint of surprise on her face. "Selene… Crimson, huh? That's a pretty nice name," she mused, her lips curling into a soft smile.

She closed her eyes, letting the peaceful moment wash over her, the exhaustion finally winning.

Esdeath, however, gazed at the moon at the moon, her thoughts swirling. "Selene Mariette, Now that… is quite the wonderful name." She thought as she fell asleep too.