
Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

A bloodsucking mosquito with the soul of a student, seeking revenge, rose from being weak to powerful, step by step from this unassuming life planet 'Earth', becoming a powerful force in the entire universe! Literary version: Reborn as a larva, striving for self-improvement, and ultimately transforming into a terrifying giant mosquito. From then on, I roamed freely across the universe, traveling the vast universe's starry sky! Passionate version: You weak cosmic creatures! I'm using my mouthparts to consume the core nutrients of your mother star. What can you do about it? Funny version: You think I'm disgusting? You hate me because I suck blood? Want to swat me dead with one slap? Just wait, one day I'll stomp your house down!

Step leap · SF
673 Chs

Chapter 31 Battle of the Monsters!【Request for Collection】_1

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Jia Yan crouched down again. The liquid ingested into his body began to exert its mutating power!

Such a small amount of liquid naturally couldn't make Jia Yan undergo major mutations again.

But it could gradually improve his body. One giant glires might not provide a significant change, but what about ten, twenty, or a hundred?!

What about killing every single one of the giant glires in this underground world and obtaining the mysterious liquid from their brains?!

Then, to what extent would Jia Yan's body mutate?

Even if he didn't reach a complete fourth mutation, he wouldn't be far off.

Jia Yan still crouched, lying on the protruding rock, slowly feeling the changes in his body…

Compared to previous mutations, this subtle mysterious liquid brought a whole new sensation of change.

If one had to describe it with a word, it would be — comfortable!

He could feel a kind of energy slowly pervading his body!