
Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

A bloodsucking mosquito with the soul of a student, seeking revenge, rose from being weak to powerful, step by step from this unassuming life planet 'Earth', becoming a powerful force in the entire universe! Literary version: Reborn as a larva, striving for self-improvement, and ultimately transforming into a terrifying giant mosquito. From then on, I roamed freely across the universe, traveling the vast universe's starry sky! Passionate version: You weak cosmic creatures! I'm using my mouthparts to consume the core nutrients of your mother star. What can you do about it? Funny version: You think I'm disgusting? You hate me because I suck blood? Want to swat me dead with one slap? Just wait, one day I'll stomp your house down!

Step leap · SF
651 Chs

Chapter 18 Things remain the same, People change...【Seeking Recommendations】_1

After getting off the car, Ye Tongyu swiftly headed toward the nearby Media University.

After all, it was the middle of the night, and the surrounding area was pitch black. As a girl alone, she naturally felt frightened.

Jia Yan didn't play the clichéd role of escorting the beauty.

Even if he had wanted to, what help could a mosquito be in case of trouble? Rushing up to bite someone? That would be more like a suicide.

So, when he saw Ye Tongyu head toward the campus gate, Jia Yan dodged slightly and flew in another direction!

They had met by chance, and Jia Yan hadn't thought there would be another opportunity to see her. He certainly didn't have any delusions about this beauty; he was an insect now. Admiring a human beauty is fine, but pursuing her genuinely was out of reach...

As for Tongyu, she didn't even know that such a mosquito existed. How could she think of meeting again?

However, what Jia Yan didn't expect was that he would later have some entanglement with this girl!

But of course, all that is a story for another time.

Now, Jia Yan was slowly fluttering in the air.

At this neighborhood, he could find vivid impressions from his previous life's memory.

The further he flew, the more buildings and shops he remembered!

At this time of the night, many shops were still open. Jia Yan saw a snack stall in an alley, and a smile appeared on his face. That was the place where his dorm mates said they had found a delicacy and invited others to taste.

There were many such memories.

During his two years of college life, Jia Yan left countless memories in this city.

Thus, Jia Yan continued flying, absorbing the changes the purple-red Potion brought to him. It was not just in the enlargement of his body but also the enhancement of his strength and stamina. Now, Jia Yan could fly for a long time.

He wondered how his brothers were doing...

When Jia Yan remembered these things, he naturally missed his dorm mates from college.

He flew towards his university.

About three kilometers from the Media University where Ye Tongyu was, stood 'Shanghai Engineering Technology University,' where Jia Yan attended in his previous life.

Jia Yan slowly flew over there, relying on his mosquito's body

In this large city, there generally wouldn't be large predators or natural enemies.

Smaller ones, like dragonflies, also seemed to be no longer a significant threat to Jia Yan.

And he didn't encounter any on his way!

So although the flight was tiring, he got to Shanghai Engineering Technology University's front gate safe and sound...

If calculated from the small pond, after a journey of more than two thousand kilometers, Jia Yan, as a mosquito, have finally returned to his alma mater, where he, as a human, had left many past memories.

Upon seeing the familiar scene of the university's gate, Jia Yan's mosquito body trembled!

The gate was still the same, and the porter's lodge was also the same.

All the scenes seemed to remain the same compared to just a month ago when he left.

The only thing different was, he came back, while others remained the same, the one who changed was him!

Things remained, but the man was gone, and the one 'gone' was himself.

Jia Yan felt extremely upset in his heart and entered the university gate with a buzz from his wings.

Shanghai Engineering Technology University was a fairly famous undergraduate university in Shanghai City and prioritized practical talent training. This meant that every year, the graduates had strong competitiveness.

The computer major was over saturated now, but the computer majors who graduated from this university were still favorites in the job market.

But Jia Yan, who was supposed to have such a bright future, was sadly dead and could no longer graduate from here...

At eleven o'clock, the campus was deserted, and the lighting was very dim.

Only some couples who were secretly dating were strolling through the campus, along with some boys preparing to sneak out to surf the Internet, secretly gesturing at the wall's roots and planning to climb over the wall.

As Jia Yan passed by these clumsy boys, he couldn't help but smile. Although he was a homebody during his college days, he had also spent some time climbing over walls to go to Internet cafes to play online games with older students or roommates. Even until now, he didn't like those games, but he still remembered the atmosphere vividly.

Due to the excellent greenery on their campus, Jia Yan, from above, saw some flying silhouettes!

Some of these figures were even bats!

Bats were indeed a great enemy of mosquitoes, especially at night!

Jia Yan quickly avoided that area and flew towards his dormitory.

He had not returned for anything special; he simply wanted to see his brothers in the dorm.

Fortuitously, in the black night there is ample food for the bats. After deliberately avoiding them, Jia Yan finally sneaked to the front of a building.

Most of the buildings at Shanghai Engineering Technology University are fairly new. The dormitory before Jia Yan's eyes was also nearly brand new, with a pure white exterior that gave a refreshing and pleasant feeling.

"Why didn't I ever notice how good our dormitory looked before? Maybe we only appreciate things when we lose them..."

Jia Yan gazed at the dormitory building for a long time before flying along the wall.

Flying from the outside and looking at the familiar dormitory scenery gave him an unusual taste.

Soon, Jia Yan flew to the height of the third floor.

Before him were dormitory windows one after another.

"This side should be 305, and this one is 306, so this one must...307!"

Jia Yan tried to control his excitement as he quietly headed towards the window of dormitory 307.

"What's going on?!" Suddenly, he was taken aback.

The window of dormitory 307 was closed.

But that didn't prevent Jia Yan from peering through the bright glass at the view inside!

Inside the dormitory, a large pile of miscellaneous items were in plain sight - some waste wood, bedding, and various books and teaching equipment, all piled up in this dorm room.

"What on earth happened! What happened to our 307 dorm?"

Jia Yan, as if he had lost his soul, looked one by one at the windows around him!

Some students in these dormitories were still awake. When the dormitory lost power, they continued to watch movies or play games using laptop power.

One familiar face after another!

Jia Yan was flying hurriedly when, finally, in one dormitory, he saw two students who were excitedly playing online games via a wireless network card...

"Little Zheng, Brother Gong!" Seeing these two, ripples appeared in Jia Yan's heart.

These two people were his roommates. Brother Gong was his upper bunkmate. This guy was constantly playing online games. Jia Yan remembered requesting multiple times that he stop climbing up and down in the middle of the night, disturbing his sleep!

"Isn't this dorm 302? What are they doing here?" Jia Yan was very puzzled.

This confusion was fleeting, and he soon guessed the reason...

It must be that he had died, and was killed at that. And so the school abandoned that dormitory, relocating his roommates to other dorms one by one.

Jia Yan laughed bitterly within, glancing once again at the two former roommates in the dormitory who were enthusiastically playing the game.

"They look so happy. Maybe my death doesn't matter to them at all. After all, I was the one who didn't fit in the most in the dorm ..."

As for the whereabouts of the remaining roommate, Jia Yan had no more desire to look. Since the dormitory from his memory no longer existed, what use would finding these people be?

The only thing left in Jia Yan's heart were the good memories of this dormitory, this room, and these roommates.

Memories are just memories after all, and the reality was that these roommates also left the place filled with memories. They will slowly forget themselves!

Jia Yan began to beat his wings in agony, flying towards the campus exit...

This way I'll have no more attachments, goodbye my campus!

What he didn't know was that, when he despondently flew out of the university gate, in dormitory 302, a student shouted helplessly, "You two, let people sleep, will you? Always playing games so late at night!"

"What's it to you if we play?" Brother Gong put down his mouse, looking at their new roommate. "Can we sleep if we don't play? As soon as we close our eyes, we see Jia Yan's face! He was beaten to death, how can you ask us to sleep?" Gong's fists were clenched tightly, making a crackling sound.

Jia Yan didn't see this little squabble in the dormitory, nor did he hear it. Perhaps if he had seen this scene, he might have felt a bit more affection for the school...

But he didn't witness this!

So, once he flew past this area….

Inside Jia Yan's heart, he forced himself to seal away the memory of the campus, including the two years of campus life, deep within his mind.

"Let those beautiful and youthful times be preserved in the deepest place, just like in a fairy tale."

Jia Yan was still flying.

"Alright, since I have no more attachments to the campus, it's time to start planning my revenge..."

To be continued.

Thanks to the 'World of Sword Demon' book fans for their tips!

My book has been officially contracted today. If it does well, I will definitely complete it. So, I hope everyone will continue to give me their support. Thank you all!!