
Reborn as a Trashy Side Character

In Many Novels, There are Reborn or Reincarnated in Novel And that They Steal Opportunity of Villain or Protagonist and then Become Stronger than protagonist that protagonist look up to or become strong as protagonist in Novel. But This novel is not everyday novel but very unique one. This Novel is in a fantasy world where Kingdom and Empire existed and also other Races. In the Novel There are 5 Protagonists, and they are Monsters, literally Monsters A day they are born and some of they become that. And Rare one is that, and not all the protagonist are male In the 5 of them 1 is female She is like empress and lone wolf She is so strong that no one dare to near her and even in end of the novel she not becomes any protagonist heroine, She became independent and lone empress no one conquer her even all the other male protagonist have there heram. And Of course the main villains are strong that can destroying the word. Yes! One of the Main Villain in the Novel is Overpowered Necromancer that you read in novels that Can Destroying World with his Overpowered army and rule over it. Yes, you think right, how strong villains are in this story. In this Novel, Our MC Reborn as a Trashy supportive Side character, A winkling In this Magic Fantasy Novel. Now, How can that Our MC Survive or become strong to protect him self in this overpowered Novel, It can only time can say. If you want to Know Join This Journey Of Our MC, Read the Novel. Thank you (Note :- this is my first time writing novel, so there are some mistakes and I writing in mobile, so please consider it, And if anyone is like this novel like it or dislike it please comment I try my best to solve the problem Thank you) [YOU CAN CHECK MY OTHER NOVELS ] [HALF SYSTEM IN CULTIVATION MULTIVERSE]

KING_Novel · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Body Enhancement Vs Physical Enhancement

Why is there difference between them?

When i read a novel The Most common Skill adventures are used is Body Enhancement and also i see many of knight that are using this skill.

But i never heard of this or Seen anyone use this, it because this skill nobody known or It weak compare to the Body Enhancement skill.

Iet's Try fist by I use it the physical enhancement on my self .My Body are felling strong.My hall body is strong.but is just like body Enhancement.

I then try to use this to lift haveiy rock and it lift easily means that it work but what the difference.

Wait When they use this Body Enhancement then mana Surrounded them and make them powerful temporary For 10 Min.

But in this Physical Enhancement The body are Strengthening by mana internally.

Means i can Enhance my body internally.This skill are powerful and also low cost mp because it only internally enhance the body or i can even enhance the specific body part.So i can make my mana consumption at minimum.

This is way batter than Body Enhancement.But at least i check This to.

Then i began to emit the process of Body Enhancement.One hour later i have successfully aquire the Body Enhancement(G).

I then try it out, yes this time the mana are surrounded my body and begun to enhance my Body.

The effect were same also the strength Enhance are same both of them.

But the biggest difference is 1.that in physical enhancement the mana consumption are low compare to Body Enhancement

2. we can control the part we are wanted to enhance.This is best Part.

and is it Only possible for B rank to do it they have so much control on there self in mana or aura.They can control the Body Enhancement there will.

I hit the jackpot!!

Now let's continue the experiment i am doing with mana or you can also say training.

and this time i am trying to learn a speed enhancement.

I know about from novel that it has to do with your legs and also your speed ,which direction are you going is important.

I then try to use Mana around my legs and trying to run and using to Air as support to my body it trying to run fast as possible.

But it was failure.yes but i want to try at again.

It try multiple time.but i failed but i learn from mistake and try again with solutions.and then i think i can get the speed Enhancement.

in 4 hours of doing this i finally done.

speed enhancement (G) i learn it.

" Oh !! yes !! "i say loudly

But it already night and i also forgot about the kendo.Now let's start kendo tomorrow.

Then i walk in home and starting to eat dinner that i cook.

Then i thought about something while i am eating.; i thing the creative thinking are comes when we are eating it only my guess or i follow it .

Now the idea is that The what happened if i use Body Enhancement(G) and Physical Enhancement together (G).

also same goes for speed Enhancement.

Then i try out The body Enhancement (G) and Physical Enhancement (G) at same time.

But the at that time i fell my body power i increase double compare to when i using one of them.but this is to awsome

and that what i am thinking but the mana consumption are far more than before and it even more than my Own mana.

I can only maintain this for 2 miniate and then fainted by empty mana.

It is best that i am in old house if i am in Out of house what will happen to me???