I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
William goes smashing through several holographic buildings..
William coughs up blood and he notices a few of his bones are cracked, along with his armor!
"Damnit.. that fucking hurts..,I'll have to get creative when dealing with a hulk! - William"
He was about to expand his senses when he heard the beast yell in the distance...
the green giant comes flying in from above with his feet extended, clearly looking to stomp!
William flies out of the way in time to miss the foot but was still blasted a few feet away by the force, he leaps up supposedly to get a better view but after he rises to a certain point he cups his hands and yells out.
"Hey Scott mind giving me a moon?- William"
Scott who was watching the beating with a light smirk was confused but soon pressed a few buttons to have the moon begins breaking over the horizon!
It would take a few minutes before it reaches a point where William could use it to transform..
William floated in the air with a stern look on his face he knows a physical fight with the hulk is not going to end well for him at this level!
"Let's see how you like the taste of a ki blast! - William"
Green light cascades from wills hands as he charges the ki in his hands.
Hulk wasn't going to just sit back and let me attack and almost immediately started throwing debris in Williams direction!
William dodges some and uses larger pieces to move causing the hulk to become extremely frustrated, and soon stopped throwing objects and started glaring at William with pure unadulterated rage!
Hulk takes a few steps back to gather momentum and performs a running jump and soon hulk is flying towards me trying to throw a punch!
William is nearly taken off guard but reorients himself to launch his ki blasts
"Take this you bastard! - William"
The orbs of green energy melted through whatever it hit before they landed on hulks body with a powerful explosion!
Hulk goes flying in the opposite direction with a glowing green blood trail left in his wake but William knows all he did was piss the hulk off, so William flies higher in order to both get an aerial view of where hulk is and get a better view when the moon finally completes its ascent into the sky!
A ferocious roar shook the surroundings!
Hulk stepped out from the rubble with heavy steps that cracked the earth before looking up to see his foe basking in moonlight like he won or something which pissed him off even more!
William was floating in the air as the first shafts of moonlight fell on him and for a moment time seemed to stop.
Hulk was running towards William with clear killing intent but in Williams perception he was moving at a snails pace and soon before the holographic hulks eyes dense black hair formed over the majority of Williams body, his muscles expanded to four times the normal mass and density and his face elongated as fangs emerged from his mouth which opens up to release a roar that shook the room and even beyond causing a few professors and extra powerful students to take notice in alarm!
The air around William seemed to form a bubble or vaccume where the only thing that exists is this monstrosity.
Hulk soon reached William and threw an extra angry punch into the chest of William!
William went sliding back several feet his enormous and clawed feet forming canyons in the field
Hulk sent an uppercut into the China of William sending him flying into the air and hulk was about to follow up with another attack when he notices something.
Hulk looked down and realized he was bleeding and 3 of his fingers were missing!
William who was sent flying was seen in the air and his jaw was moving up and down with an audible crunching noise reverberating from his face.
Green blood oozes from Williams maw as he smiles at the green Goliath and a look of disdain formed on his ape like features.
If looks could kill William would be long dead from the sheer hatred and the hulk soon charged at William again sending a kick toward his torso but William easily saw this coming and dodged to the left with a flourish before throwing a series of hooks and straights into the hulks ribs and head consecutively causing the giant to temporarily lose balance which William took advantage of by charging a ki blast in his clawed hand and sent it into the face of hulk!
The hulk was blasted into the distance destroying buildings and trees that were there and hulk himself was plastered into a cliff side momentarily causing a temporary lull of silence.
Scott in the control room was flabbergasted as not many people can actually send the hulk flying even this weakened version puts Colossus on the permanent back foot, the rustling of footsteps entering the room broke his trance and he noticed wolverine and Xavier enter the room with stern expressions.
"Professor..? What are you doing here? -Scott"
Xavier rolled up to the display screen adjacent to Scott and looked at the feed!
"I felt a fluctuation that managed to even touch on the psychic level and wanted to come see, I'm assuming Logan is here for
somewhat the same reason. - Professor x"
Wolverine didn't say anything he just walked casually up to the display and stared with eyes showing deep interest, he knows first hand what it's like to be punched by a hulk and he wants to see if William can really take it!
Both Scott and Xavier State at wolverine for a second before looking back to the screen to see the Hologram of Hulk and William currently almost evenly trading blows!
William punched Hulk in the ribs and chest with thunderous blows causing the green giant to cough up green blood, however the hulk was smiling as he stretched out his arms and grabbed William with a bear hug!
The sound of bones beginning to break soon reverberated throughout the danger room causing the three in the control room to suck in a cold breath.
William struggled with all his might but couldn't escape the giants grip and the grip was only getting tighter!
"I've got to get out of this grip, I'm a sitting duck like this. - William"
As a last resort William summons the Power pole in his left hand at a very specific angle and yells.
The staff extended quickly catching the Hulk in his ball's causing the giant to stumble and collapse in a fetal position.
William puts away the power pole and began to pummel and slash at the hulk for a few seconds before a shadow loomed over William and suddenly..
Hulk backhanded William with a fury that caused him to cough up blood, William went flying into a building that collapsed on top of him and as he was struggling to remove the pieces of building the sound of air breaking entered wills ears before
Hulk landed directly on top of the rubble and precedes to start smashing the building into powder with William under it!
Hulk continued to pummel the remains of the building but he was slowing down clearly winded!
"Pwwer pllle extend!"
A muffled voice emerged from under the dust as the power pole shot through the fine powder surface and hit Hulk in his sternum with an audible breaking noise!
The power pole kept lengthening until hulk hit the roof of the danger room and when the pole finally retracted he fell like a sack of potatoes
William Rose shakily from the rubble caked in blood, sweat and debris and using the power pole to hold himself up!
The lights shifted and the room returned to its original chrome appearance.
Professor X rolled into the room with a stretcher in town being pushed by Scott which causes William to smile sheepishly before collapsing!
"You know I really didn't think I'd be fighting a Hulk today.. - William"
Xavier threw a glance at Scott before saying
"It was a weaker Hulk but still it's impressive that you could hold on long enough to knock him out. - Xavier"
Scott put on a fake confident pose and said.
"I knew he had it in him hahaha. - Scott"
Xavier rolled his eyes..