
Reborn as a Royal?

Ismail_Alim · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The end and a new beginning

'So…this is how I die huh…?' I thought as I looked at the speeding truck that was about to hit me any second now.

Initially, I was on my way back home after a long day of work. Whilst crossing a road on my way back, I failed to notice a truck speeding right at me until it was too late.

That's when I felt everything around me go black and felt a floating sensation. The last thing I remembered was hearing a loud thud as my lifeless body hit the side of the road.

After who knows how long of floating in the endless pitch black without being able to do anything, had passed, was when I saw it, a light, so bright that I couldn't keep my eyes opened.

Before I could think about anything else, I felt a slight sensation that I was being pulled towards the light. And as time went on, the pulling sensation gradually became worse and worse.

After I was pulled in and completely embraced by the light, I saw something.

Surrounding me was a room, surrounded in luxurious furniture and some giant women wearing maid uniforms.


'…. Giant women!?!?!?'

'…. maid uniforms!?!?!?'

Anyways, I started looking around the new environment I was in and I noticed another giant woman lying on a bed near me. She had shiny silver hair, green eyes and her pale white skin tone made her look all the more mesmerizing.

At this point even a child would've figured out what's going on by now…

It's obvious that I was wearing a VR headset! It does indeed make sense as I couldn't move my body or anything. Another thing to take note is that, the people here are literal giants. Plus, women that beautiful, to the point of having no flaw, doesn't exist.

On the other hand, what doesn't make sense is, why the hell does everything feel so realistic?!?!

Plus, why is the giant woman holding me in her hands….? Wait… why is she turning me ove-



What the hell is she slapping my butt for!?!?!?

"waaaa...waaaa…" When I screamed what came out of my mouth were the cries of a baby…

"Congratulations, your majesty. The prince seems to be a healthy little boy!" the lady wearing maid outfit said to the other lady on the bed.


It was at this moment that I realized, that I was a baby....