With that last scene playing in his mind Baranor woke up from the shock of having to witness the scene he wished he could forget. He jumped up remembering the last few moments before he passed out, Baranor expecting to either be dead or captured was still just fine and in the area where he was fighting. Baranor looked around just to see Talon by his side ready to make a move and the ghoul krul looking around not too far away from them. Baranor confused on what happened nearly rushed to the ghoul krul just to feel a strange connection to it and stop halfway and said in a unsure tone.
"Turn around... please?" Baranor said as he prepared to rush in, just in case
When the ghoul krul turned around he heaved a sigh of relief after seeing its eyes glowing a slight blue hue, obeying its masters command. Baranor now even more confused was left with more questions than answers at the moment, while he was still questioning what was happening a sudden headache emerged and a sudden rush of memories rushed through his head. He saw himself still moving and dominating the mind of the ghoul krul before suddenly collapsing on Talon. Baranor, still with no clear answers, at least knew what had happened to him after he believed himself to have passed out.
Baranor moving his hand away from his head looked down at his hand and figured that the only answer he would get was from the ring on his hand.
'What strange magic is this? What even is this ring?' Baranor thought to himself, however no matter how much he thought about it, he still couldn't come up with a answer, as no where in the texts he had read in his entire life, including the secret text the royal family kept hidden had no writing of a ring this powerful.
Baranor realizing he was wasting time just standing there thinking of what caused such a thing decided to instead use his time scouting the nearby forest with his newly recruited ghouls. Scouting the nearby terrain Baranor found that the area the ghouls covered was quite large as nearly two-thirds of the ghouls under his command have still yet to return to their homes and they have already covered about 50 miles. Baranor having an idea of the surrounding area walked to a nearby brush where he pushed away some of the dirt revealing a hole big enough for a man to fit in, without any hesitation Baranor jumped straight down and into a ghouls nest. When Baranor jumped down he instinctively covered his nose after a waft of a putrid smell entered his nostrils, Baranor continuing on through the smell found himself in a opening of a cave that still stretched forward and a few ghouls surrounded a fire with eyes shining a blue hue. Baranor not paying any mind to these ghouls marched forward almost as if he was looking for something, He continued his march until he neared the end of the cave and came to a halt.
'It should be here somewhere.' Baranor thought to himself
Baranor started to tap the walls little by little until he heard a hollow sound, once he heard this he immediately struck at the wall making the thin layer of rock and dirt collapse around his feet as he took a step forward. What he saw was a room full of random resources to old weapons and armor to recent ones but most importantly a giant pile of metals from common copper to even a small amount of mithril. Baranor couldn't believe his eyes even when he saw it, even though he saw it in the ghoul kruls memories. The items in this room alone could help fuel his war efforts if he could ever get them started. Baranor although satisfied with such a large group of ghouls knew that if he were to clash against the kings armies it would be worthless, it would be even easier than batting a fly, However with these supplies he could slowly arm his forces and even increase the quality of his gear.
The things the ghouls stole or pillaged were all collected into one area where the ghoul krul called it's home, which included the loot of those they slain which had a long list of victims as the ghouls had a strange addiction to all things that shined. Baranor didn't think too hard on his newly founded loot and started to sort through the goods tossing out the useless things like old and run down chainmail with the worthwhile items like a new set of armor with even a blood stain still on it.....
'It must've sucked being that guy.' Baranor thought to himself as he picked up the armor for himself
The armor was made out of a silver like material with engraved markings all over it with a robe made of a silver fur and red coloring on the inside with a mark that Baranor found familiar. Baranor not thinking for a moment more grabbed the armor and put it to the side for himself, Looking at his sword which at this point had a few chips in it and was looking slightly dull, Baranor decided to also see if he could find himself a new weapon. When Baranor was looking for a weapon he saw a sudden glow in the pile of gear he was looking through which was further reinforced by the glow of the ring as if they were calling each other.
Baranor instantly started to dig through the pile searching for the weapon until he finally found it. It was a sword with a dirty silver blade that seemed stained with blood and strange writing on it with orange, glowing, runic looking symbols on the hilt and leather wrapped around the handle. Baranor looked at the sword absorbed with its beauty until a sudden prompt appeared before him.
-You have stumble upon a a sword of ruin with a grudge that is yes to be had
-Will you cleanse the sword of its impurities and burn the darkness within it with the brightness?
Baranor was slightly confused with the sudden prompt that appeared in front of him, slightly hesitant on what this would do to him and sword he looked at the ring once again and thought to himself
'It hasn't done me wrong so far!' Baranor said as he thought to himself yes
With conformation Baranor's hand that was holding the sword started to let out a light and a audible sizzle could be heard. While the sword was being 'cleansed' it started to let out strange aggressive whispers and black smoke could be seen leaving it as it emitted a ghastly aura that was being repelled by the light. When the smoke settled the once dirty and dark sword was now shining a bright light and the runes disappearing and a single one in the center now shining a bright blue. When Baranor looked at the sword he saw a renewed sharpness to it, as he swung the heavy, now light and balanced blade in the air. Noticing it was quite a nice fit to his being, he searched for a sheath and soon found one matching its shape, although in a somewhat rough condition he still would use it nevertheless.
Baranor continued to looked through the ghouls belongs found a number of useful things that he knew he didn't have a need for currently. The only other things he chose out from the pile was a bow with a quiver with a few arrows, A dagger and a few throwing knives. Baranor now satisfied with his findings left the cave of the ghouls, when he exited the hole he came into he filled the hole with dirt and other debris while Talon was still waiting outside for him. Baranor rubbing the bears fur for a bit before looking to the ghoul krul.
"I should come up with a name for you too, right?" Baranor said out loud
The ghoul krul understanding the intention behind his new masters words let out a low chirping noise that Baranor didn't expect. Baranor thinking hard on what to name his new companion thought back to a bird he remembered from his childhood.
"Crebain, Your new name is Crebain" Baranor said
With another weird sounding chirp albeit this one was a bit more enthusiastic it seemed the ghoul krul accepted the new name its master has given it. When Baranor was done naming the ghoul krul he decided to give his companions so much needed rest as he set up a night watch of 5 ghouls to rotate every half hour or so for the ghouls in the cave below them so they could get adequate sleep. As everyone was getting ready to rest for the day, Baranor was still wide awake pondering on many things including on where the gear he had sorted and collected came from until and idea came to his mind to search for any nearby village for the next few weeks.
I am sorry once again ;( as these next few weeks are going to be busy, However I will try to spend atleast an hour or two everyday on working on a new chapter making it an average of about a new chapter every 2 days