
Reborn As A Ring

On the border of a kingdom named Caradel in a deep and great forest a man could be seen running, being chased by a group of men wearing armor as arrows flew in the air. One striking true to its target striking the man in the shoulder nevertheless the man continued running. The man named Baranor, a young man who had orange eyes black hair and tanned skin with a slight scruffy beard was running for his life while thinking to himself. 'How did this happen?!' Baranor running out of air feeling exhausted, and the blood flowing from his shoulder running down his back mixing with his sweat, Baranor stared in front of him only to see a drop off nearly 100 meters in front of him. The men behind him also seemed to notice that Baranor was running out of time, as nearly every single one of them let out a grin, as they approached the edge Baranor slowed to a halt, as did the men behind him. "Give up prince! Just accept what's to come, after all the throne is no longer yours to inherit!" Said the man leading the soldiers "I will never! Not after what you did to my men, not after what he did to my father!" Baranor replied "Hmph! So be it, I offer you life just for you to accept death" The man stated "Life? Life! you offer me death now or later, do you really think i'd be stupid enough to hand over the throne after witnessing your coupe against my father!" Baranor replied "Hmm, it seems your unwilling even till the end, Very well, Archer's! Fire!" The man commanded Baranor was now stuck between a rock and a hard place either jump off the cliff to a seemingly doomed fate or accept the fate that the man in front of him was offering. As he thought what he should do he heard the command the man spouted feeling the stress of the situation and his adrenalin nearly running out he decided. He'd rather die by his own hands than give the man in front of him that satisfaction! As he thought this he immediately took a step back falling to his doom. The man not expecting this looked rather confused only for his face to twist into a grin. 'Finally! Good riddance my dear prince!' The man said as he looked as the boy fell through the tough branches of the trees below Baranor looking up at one of the men that betrayed him thought to himself 'Is this how i really die? Well what can i say, i tried, i gave it my all.......' As Baranor was accepting his fate he thought back on his life only to be filled with rage 'No! I refuse to accept this laying down! Quintin I will come for you! I will come for all those who dare raise their sword to their king! No matter what! even if i have to accept a deal from the devi-' that was the last thought Baranor had before he hit the ground When Baranor hit the ground he didn't even feel the pain, just the shock, as it traveled through his body as his eyes slowly blurred he built up all his will to not pass out 'I refuse! I have to keep moving!' Baranor thought as he turned his body over back up When Baranor was starting to lose hope he started to hear faint whispers as he looked at the direction the whispers came he saw a cave, almost as if the whispers were drawing him in he forced himself to crawl and keep crawling, no matter what Baranor refused to stop crawling. Finally when Baranor arrived to where he heard the faint whispers they became louder almost screaming in his head as he saw it, a ring, resting on what looked to be an ancient place holder for it. Baranor grabbed the ring and lay on his back as he gathered his strength and said "My Fate! Is my own!" As he slid the ring on his finger. -------------------- -Author here Just a quick disclaimer! This novel is heavily inspired by lord of the rings if you couldn't tell also it's because i only ever saw one other story on a ring.

Soul_Monarch000 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

The Village? (2)

When Baranor took a peak inside the walls he saw multiple heads on stakes of various species including their own and humans, with flags of a single design, two cleavers crossed. He also witnessed many caged animals and even a few humans with a few guards roaming around with many bags of meat hanging on hooks still dripping red and a few barrels of whatever the orcs drink was. All it took was this scene for Baranor to make up his mind that the orcs had to go, because if they continued to grow it would only result in havoc in his lands which he didn't want. Baranor sent a mental command to Crebain to meet him with the few packs of ghouls he had called for and sacrificed around 20 ghouls under his command he knew weren't close by or one of the groups coming to his aid. While Baranor awaited the arrival of his ghouls he walked up to the gate with two uruk's in crude armor standing there with a menacing glare directed to whoever was walking up to them. When Baranor approached them to the point where they could see him one of them spoke up.

"Pig meat! This is a outpost of the great one! Who are you to trespass onto our land!" One of the uruks said

Baranor didn't respond and simply walked to the 2 uruks until he was about 5 meters away and stopped. The two uruk's were confused and were about to attack this human trespasser, until Baranor looked up with burning bright blue eyes and reached out his hand as if he were grabbing something.

"Server me, orcs!" Baranor said as the 2 uruks fell onto their knees

Once Baranor started to dominate their minds he noted extreme resistance equal to that of the ghoul krul if not more, however with the help of the ring it helped to further suppress their will enough to let Baranor finish the job. When Baranor completely dominated their minds he started to view the two memories looking at the time between shifts, the leader of this small group and how many their truly was. When Baranor was done gathering all the information he wanted only a few seconds had past and the 2 uruks rose once again.

"Act like nothing happened and carry out your regular plan of the day, and don't worry about anything until I give a order, got it?" Baranor said

The two uruks look at each other and shook their heads

"We understand, boss!" One of them replied

"Good, now carry on" Baranor said as he walked away to the other side of the compound

Baranor made his way to the other side of the compound and repeated the same actions slowly but surely increasing his forces in this small compound. After nearly an hour of waiting the uruk's night shift was trading out and this also happened to be around the same time as the arrival of Crebain and his pack of ghouls. When the ghouls arrived Baranor ordered them to be on standby as Baranor once again repeated the cycle of dominating them, however this time he slowly started to see he was starting to struggle a little more each time. When Baranor had around 20 uruk's under his command he set a plan in motion, starting with waiting till sun break. 

Since Baranor dominated all the guards he could, as such he had some information coming to him about the camp and the rotating shifts still happening, as such Baranor had need only wait until the slaves which consisted of nearly one-third of the entire compound to leave for their hunts. While the slaves were away this was when he needed to strike the most, especially since he had a few uruk's on his side which were of a higher quality than the orcs and even some of their own kind. Once daylight struck Baranor and the ghouls hid as they watched the orcs leave in their own little hunting groups and the sorry few who happened to catch one or two ghouls astray were instantly silenced by Baranor to not cause a ruckus. 

Once the leaving hunting parties were no longer seen leaving the compound Baranor commanded 4 of his uruk's to replace the current guards, as they did as they were instructed Baranor walked up to one of the front gates with a horde of ghouls following behind him and Crebain leading his own horde on the other side along with the support of Talon. With one simple command he started one of the first ever strikes against the looming darkness not even Baranor himself knew was coming.

"Attack!" Baranor shouted as the uruk's under his command could hear his voice in their head they prepared to attack but knew now wasn't the time to act

The ghouls charged as the gates were opened by the uruk's under Baranor's control and the hordes of ghouls rushed in from both sides. The Uruk's surprised but not scared quickly pulled out their weapons and the archers prepared their bows.

"Ghoul surprise attack! Everyone, kill them all!" One of the uruk's said who had multiple scars and red patterns on his armor with a headdress made of a dire wolf head

The uruk's in the area instantly started to rush toward the hordes of ghouls with ferocity unmatched by anything Baranor has ever seen, as if they had infinite stamina and no regard for their well being, lucky for Baranor though he had something similar up his sleeve as well. Baranor continued to command his ghouls in a way where he could minimize the ghoul casualties while maximizing the uruk's by forcing the uruk's to take on more than one ghoul at a time and having the support of the mutated ghouls. The uruk leader seeing his uruk's die by mere ghouls he started to get aggravated and reigned in his small army making sure they could support each other while not getting in each others way. Baranor slowly losing ground looked toward the direction of Crebain and Talon where he could them fairing even worse then they were.

Seeing how much they were struggling even with this much of a number advantage and the enemies army being split into thirds, Baranor found himself in quite a predicament. As Baranor saw his numbers slowly dwindle and his uruk's in the back making sure not to damage Baranor's ghoul horde came up with an idea. Baranor sprinted his way through the crowd pushing through until he could clearly see the uruk's putting up a fight as he locked eyes with a uruk who was fighting off his ghouls.

"Pigskin! What type of sorcery did you pull? either way you can't stop the dark lords march with just this!" The uruk said

Baranor didn't care too much for its words and stood there waiting for the uruk to rush at him and rush at him it did. The Uruk not caring for its surrounding's rushed to Baranor with a great sword in hand, Baranor not doing anything and just watching looked on at the rushing uruk and finally reached his hand out as his eyes flashed blue.

"You serve me now!" Baranor said

The uruk stopped in it's track locked in position, as a few seconds passed it's eyes flickered a blue hue as the uruk turned to its former companions. Baranor decided now was the time for his forces to strike as the uruk's under his command reacted to his call and started to attack within the backline of their formation nearly wiping out all the archers instantly. At this point the ghouls and the uruk's were attacking with as much ferocity as they could, Lunamir looking at the scene before him decided this would be the perfect time to give Baranor a quest.


-Quest: Defeat the uruk's before you

-Reward: Skill: Wrath(Lvl 1)


Baranor smirked at the new quest given to him and reinforced his will, by now the ghouls started to slow their march to the center of the uruk's formation who Baranor could only guess their leader was. As the number of ghouls under his command were constantly dropping and the uruk's betrayal could only slow their onslaught by so much and even then a few of them already died. Baranor not sure if they could win started to slowly but surely dominate the enemy in front of him to turn the tables to his favor. Baranor once again starting to feel the mental exhaustion and pain of overusing the ring and the power of domination having its toll. Baranor started to slowly but surely depend more and more on the ring not realizing the effect it was having on himself and not caring for it at this moment.

Baranor rush forward with his few uruk's to shorten the enemies numbers and support the uruk's he already dominated. As he advanced he started to become more aggressive and almost prideful as he started to see everything around himself as lower than himself invoking a sense of rage within him that refused to quell down. Baranor refused to back down and rushed forward with a new mission, kill the disgusting creatures before him.