Skill: Bright Lords Salvation- created: Passive(Level: Max) Banished from death! increased base healing by 200% -Active (lvl 1): Able to sacrifice a dominated being to heal the bearer can also be used on other dominated beings
-Error: Insufficient skill level
-Skill: Light of Salvation (Lvl 4) required level- 10
Lunamir looked at the new prompt disappointed making a perplexed but slightly aggravated facial expression.
'Well, Shit!' Lunamir thought to himself annoyed at the prompt
Lunamir although upset at this revelation wasn't too disappointed as he now knew what had to be done to acquire this skill. Looking forward at his now small sized army knew he didn't have the time nor the resources currently to have them stay by his side. In the end he commanded them to carry out their normal plan of the day and disperse except for the ghoul krul and Talon who awaited by their masters side. Talon knowing that Baranor was acting quite strange looked at his master with a worried look, Lunamir looked at the bear with a hint of curiosity in his eyes that were shining a hue of blue, when Lunamir went to go pet the bears fur he collapsed as his vision reverted back to what it was in the ring. Lunamir looked at the scene quite disappointed as he saw Baranor now resting atop the bears side.
'Hmm, I was quite curious as to why Baranor kept petting that creature, welp its unfortunate but what can I do?' Lunamir thought to himself as he started to go into his resting state knowing Baranor would take a while to awaken
Baranor who was in a deep sleep, was fighting his own battles as he began having these dreams that were more of night terrors if anything. Baranor who seemed to be in a child like state, stood in front of his teacher in the back yard of his home, the royal palace, the 2 were sparring until finally the the sword instructor slapped the sword out of Baranor's hand and kicking his feet our form underneath him, making the kid version of Baranor fall to the ground.
"That's not fair! You big cheater!" the kid version of Baranor said
"Hahahahaha, my young prince, you don't really expect your enemies to play nice with you, do you?" The sword instructor Talon replied
"Well... no, But!-" before Baranor could continue he was cut off
"Either way! You improved once again my young prince" Talon said as he had a slight smirk
"You have a lot more talent with the sword than i originally did at your age kid" Talon told him
"Hmph! Its to be expected of a prince like myself a small noble like yourself wouldn't understand!" Baranor said trying to cope with his lost
"Oooh so you must think your strong enough to fight off an ogre right? Heck, you couldn't even beat a goblin with your skills! Hahahahaha" Baranor said poking at the young prince
Baranor the young prince who just turned 6 recently looked at his teacher with anger before getting up and picking up his sword.
"One more time!" The kid Baranor said
"Hmph! Very, Well my young prince, However, if you happen to lose this one 10 laps around the practice grounds with a sack of rocks tied to your back, fair?" Talon replied
Baranor hearing this hesitated for moment, that was until Talon provoked him even further.
"Oh, please don't tell me the mighty prince of the kingdom of Caradel is afraid of a little running now!" When Talon said this it was the last straw for Baranor
That day Baranor could be seen running while sobbing at his lost against his teacher once more as his teacher was right behind him making sure he didn't quit. When Baranor was remembering the nice times as a kid he started to hear strange whispers then all of a sudden, he started to see flashes of his current predicament. A sudden protest outside the royal palace walls called for the kings guards to be moved away from the throne leaving just Talon and Baranor with his father, mother and sisters. When all of a sudden a suspicious group of armed men barged into the throne room being lead by one figure in dark armor lined with gold and long black hair tanned skin orange eyes with a face full of hair.
"What is the meaning of this, Brother!" King Adur said
Without saying anything the group surrounded the family as Baranor and Talon were both put on guard. Talon thinking fast immediately realized this was a coup and readied to grab and blow his horn, However before he could continue that train of thought the brother of the king, Akuda replied
"Don't even bother! This room is under a spell and even if it wasn't I doubt your guards are alive right now." Akuda said
"Brother! I will ask again, what is the meaning of this!" King Adur said
"Are you seriously asking me that brother? This is a coup, what else would it be?" Akuda said
King Adur still in absolute disbelief replied "Do you seriously think the people, the guards or the standing army would stand for this betrayal!"
"Of course they wouldn't, under any other circumstance! As you can see the royal palace is surrounded by those men and women asking for retribution for their deceased children, asking for the resources the nobility of this kingdom selfishly horde! Asking for the medical help your subjects refuse to provide!" Akuda replied
"Brother! Can't you see, I know the people are suffering, why do you think I have been sending supplies to the villages in need! The fact I have been sending the priest out on these expeditions to heal those who cry for help! The fact I attempt to negotiate the power of the nobles to the people?!" King Adur said
"Heh, that's what you think brother! The supplies you send never arrive! The priest never return, and the nobility just get fatter! Why do you think that is brother?" Akuda said
"Don't tell me.... my subjects are thwarting my attempts to help those in need?"Adur said
"Yes, Exactly brother! However it is too late the people cry out for help that you were to blind to give brother, and now they need a new ruler, a king to not only help his subjects but to rid this place of nobility!" Akuda said
"Brother! You know the sacrifices that will be made if you were to attempt to rid the nobles of their titles and lands, do you not?! Why do you think I've been trying to peacefully negotiate with them!" King Adur replied
"It's to late brother! You can not change my mind on the matter!" Akuda said
As if on queue the door of the throne room swung open and a person in black and gold knight armor walked through the door wielding a spear and a shield bearing a lion on it. The king saw this person and his expression immediately brightened
"Lionhart! Thank god! Save me my royal guard!" King Adur ordered
The man Lionhart was a tier-5 being easily the strongest person in the kingdom and also the royal guard captain. Lionhart marched forward, however instead of going straight to his king he slowed to a halt beside the brother of the king as king Adur's face darkened as he realized that Lionhart was covered in blood and now standing next to the man who wanted to claim the throne.
"Ha... Hahhahah! It make's sense now! Why would my brother plan something so foolish and dangerous without a guarantee involved! So, Lionhart before this continues explain to me why, why have you decided to betray me." King Adur said
"Please forgive me, my king, however I know the pain of the people outside this palace! My wife! My child! they were both taken from me by those disgusting nobles and blackmailed me to never make a move against them, I did as they said! Yet they still took them from me, they took my family your majesty! I knew when the advisor Akuda told me his plan of getting rid of the nobility that it was foolish, However if I could make it so no one had to experience a similar pain to mine I would do anything!" Lionhart responded as tears fell down his face as he fell to his knees disgusted as to what he had to do to his fellow royal guards
"Its ok Lionhart I don't blame you in fact I blame myself for not being able to help you, I have broken my promise to you my friend, however I have one last request for you, please do me a favor and make sure my children and wife leave this room in one piece" King Adur said
"I will assure their safety!" Lionhart said as he knelt down one last time while shedding tears
"Enough of this!" Akuda said as he ordered his men to take the kings head no matter the price
The only one to stand between the king and these men in armor was nonetheless Talon, the king Adur looked at him and locked eyes with him. Seeing his determination the king didn't speak a word and also pulled out his own sword ready to face his brother.
Sorry for not making more chapters i have been really busy lately with school and work