
Reborn as a professor in a fantasy world!

Mark is a sixteen-year-old trapped in his body, which looks like its twenty-five. Standing on the edge of the Empire State Building, he contemplates ending his life, burdened by failed dreams and the looming threat of his family being homeless. His plan to secure life insurance money for his family by dying seems foolproof—until he jumps. Instead of meeting death, Mark finds himself in a dark void, hearing familiar voices in his head: Asshole, Momma, and Pervert. These voices have been his constant companions, reflecting different facets of his psyche. When a rift opens, Mark is pulled into a new world and awakens in an unfamiliar body, covered in sweat, in a small, dimly lit room. As Mark acclimates to his surroundings, he discovers that he now inhabits the body of a noblewoman named Markaleria. The room holds strange, luxurious items, including medals and a ruby-embedded tunic. He quickly realizes he has become a vampire, a being with enhanced abilities but a severe weakness to sunlight. Determined to adapt, Mark finds a letter from the prestigious Gregonian Eternum Wizarding Academy, determined to fulfil his once dead dream of becoming a teacher, he shall strive to do his best while he wrestles with his new identity and past trauma.

WompyWompi · ファンタジー
5 Chs


There will be mature themes ahead, such as suicide, gender dysmorphia, stress, drug use, death, and so on. I do not condone any of these acts. If you're considering committing suicide, please seek help. I know it's hard to do—I've been there—but it's better with someone than alone.

Here, you can find a helpline: https://findahelpline.com

I will not tolerate hate, rude behavior, or any kind of mean comments or reviews. If you are too emotional to express yourself like a civilized human, please refrain from commenting until you can do so maturely.

Any similarities to present-day people, governments, institutions, and/or companies from real life are purely coincidental. These entities are in no way related to my novel.

Extreme ideologies in this novel are included purely for entertainment or to advance the story. I do not endorse or propagate these beliefs.

Reader discretion is advised.

With these formalities out of the way, I hope you enjoy my silly little thing! :D


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