
Reborn as a powerful puppeteer

The main character, Seiki, was transported to another world with a special ability, but initially intended to live a normal life. However, his intentions change as he begins to gradually uncover a harsh realization.

DaoistD12Ix9 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 1:( part 1) THE REVELATION

A very long time ago, there was a being who identified as the Author, creator of all that exists, including the multiverse. He keeps inventing paradoxes and parallel universes until his works of art exceed his wildest dreams. Subsequently, the Author decided to create gods, a class of superior creatures who oversee and govern the multiverse. The gods cannot fulfill their assigned tasks as the multiverse grows larger over time. In order to preserve the multiverse's equilibrium, the gods decided to request help from their creator, the "Author." They require an entity that will never grow weary of his labor, an entity devoid of feelings, merely a submissive being who completes all tasks assigned to him. The "Author" then creates the entity he later called "Myriad", the gods immediately praised the Author for creating "Myriad," saying that it would be of great assistance to them. The author then grants the gods control over the entity, fulfilling their wish to create an entity that is capable of controlling time and space and is never get tired. Many years later without the presence of the Author, a war broke out between the gods, and the battle lasted for eons of years, ultimately leading to the destruction of the multiverse. Under Zues's control, "Myriad" was given orders to fix the multiverse and bring back all of the time lines. However, Athena suggested that since Myriad is not an boundless being, it would be impossible for Myriad to fix the timeline and that they would still need to request permission from the author to be granted such power. Zeus was too scared to reach out to the Author because he was one of the gods who started the war. It is very possible that the author will visit his works and be shocked by the destruction they have caused. Unsure of what to do, Zues gives Myriad the order to fix the multiverse by any means necessary. Then, Myriad abruptly sucked Athena whole, leaving Zues stunned. Zues saw his grave error: Myriad had to be an boundless being in order for him to complete its mission. And for Myriad to accomplish so, he needs energy that originates with the Author; for this reason, he consumes Athena and the other Gods. Zues then fled, but it's too late; Myriad is drawing Zues in, as though Myriad were turning into a black hole. Myriad expands to an unfathomable degree and is able to experience all the emotions that the other gods do. After consuming everything, Myriad constructs his own timeline and multiverse.

After many years later, the Author looked in on his creation and became furious to learn that Myriad had demolished his work and had created a new multiverse without his consent. Then, he talks to Myriad about what has happened to his most treasured creations: the gods that served as guardian deities, the multiverse, the timeline, parallel worlds, and so on are all no longer there. Myriad simply replied that he completed the necessary tasks. The turmoil caused by his cherished creations merely stands in the way of the timelines' permanent peace. To put it briefly, his creations are a collection of errors and trash. In an attempt to create a better one that would please his creator, he met me with a look of hatred and anger instead. The author teaches Myriad a lesson. , suddenly, a large black pen appears, and the author writes the word "enfeeble" on the face of "Myriad." A large, menacing voice then repeats the word but it is ineffective against a boundless entity. Myriad became furious upon seeing that his creator was attempting to weaken him, and he abruptly broke the fourth wall separating him and his creator. The Author then wrote the word "infinity", allowing him to create an endless distance between Myriad and himself. He promptly established branches of universes where Myriad could act freely and decided to not interfere with him. This action marked the conclusion of the story, as Seiki, the puppeteer and leader of the phantom clown troupe, closed the book titled "Myriad." 

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