
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Golden Rule!

Ryan stared at the two bottles of potions labeled in faint gray script before him, a sense of longing stirring within him. All this time, his quest had been to acquire a "path career," a pursuit that promised to elevate his abilities beyond the mundane.

Clutching the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture], he felt the symbiotic strength that flowed between his body and his travel clone. Every enhancement his clone gained through its adventures slightly boosted his own physical capabilities, and vice versa. This mutual enhancement had been limited to physical attributes, until now.

If he could secure a "path profession," the scenario would change drastically. His travel clone would not only share in his physical upgrades but could also adopt "professional" skills, vastly amplifying its combat prowess.

Ryan remembered the crucial requirement to awaken the "Blue Medal", defeating a "special species" on his own. However, the sheer scale of the "Dragon-Headed Cancer," as massive as a small house, loomed dauntingly in his memory. How immense must one's strength be to conquer such a formidable beast?

Originally, Ryan's strategy involved eliminating all the lesser monsters on the periphery of the secluded island to bolster his clone's level before facing the "Dragon-Headed Cancer." Despite these preparations, he doubted his chances of victory.

Yet, the prospect of obtaining a "Path Profession" could dramatically turn the tides in his favor. With renewed hope, he exhaled deeply, striving to quell the surge of excitement and focus on the monumental task ahead.

He lifted his gaze, meeting the ice-blue eyes that shimmered with a smile:

"I am at your service, Lady Freni."

With a gesture of reverence, Ryan knelt on one knee, his hand brushing his chest in a solemn salute.

The transition from addressing her as "Captain" to "Lady Freni" subtly altered the atmosphere, rendering the smile on the young woman's face significantly more genuine.

"It's an honor to welcome you to our ranks, Mr. Soros," Freni responded warmly.

Her smile persisted as she posed a question, "So, which potion will you choose?"

"Is it possible to take both?" Ryan inquired with a mix of hope and curiosity.

"Absolutely not," Freni chuckled lightly, her demeanor still friendly. "Each person possesses their own unique spirit, yet it remains faint until one steps onto the path of a profession. The only method to awaken and elevate this spirit is by consuming a magical potion. This act sublimates your spirit and aligns it with the Golden Rule, etching your presence into the vast ocean of spirituality, allowing it to transcend mundane existence."

"And it is this very spirit that elevates professionals above ordinary individuals," she added, her eyes twinkling with wisdom.

"That makes sense," Ryan nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Lady Freni, I'm unfamiliar with the paths each of these potions represents. Which would you recommend for me? And could you explain what the Golden Rule is?"

Seizing the moment to unravel the mysteries of this world, Ryan eagerly awaited her explanations.

Freni's expression softened slightly, a hint of surprise in her smile. "It appears your family has left much unspoken... No matter, I shall guide you through it."

"Let's begin with the Golden Rule," she said, her voice a gentle echo of forgotten lore.

"This world has evolved profoundly from its barbaric beginnings to the heights of civilization. Drawing from ancient texts and archaeological remnants, scholars have divided the timeline into four distinct ages: the Original Era, the Prehistoric Era, the Era of Gods, and the Golden Era."

"The Original Era is shrouded in the mists of myth and legend. Various churches recount this time in different tones; take their tales with a grain of salt. This epoch is more symbolic than anything, a concept rather than a concrete reality."

"The Prehistoric Era followed the primal times. It was an age of colossal creatures, a time lost to history due to the scarcity of fossils. Hence, it's dubbed 'prehistoric' because we lack written records or substantial evidence to fully understand it."

Freni then shifted to a more documented period, her voice rich with reverence, "The Era of Gods is well chronicled, with most of the continent's contemporary churches tracing their origins back to this epoch. It was a time when deities walked the earth, and divine kingdoms were scattered across the sky. Every creature had a deity to worship, and those devoid of faith were doomed to vanish into the abyss upon death."

She continued, "This divine age endured for eons, until a millennium ago when a golden tree sprouted at the world's heart. The [Golden Law], woven from its branches, intertwined with the very fabric of existence, precipitating the gods' descent from the heavens."

"No one truly knows what transpired during those tumultuous times, but their aftermath marked the disappearance of the gods and ushered in the Golden Age. From then on, our continent was renamed the 'Golden Continent.'"

Her eyes sparkled with a blend of mystery and pride as she explained, "The [Golden Laws] inscribe the path for the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary. Through these millennia, we've uncovered twelve distinct paths, each comprising nine monumental steps known as the 'long ascent to divinity.' It is said that reaching the ninth step can elevate a professional to godhood."

Freni paused, a wistful sigh escaping her, "Sadly, the ranks of those who have ascended to such celestial heights are thin. Even high-level professionals are rare in our kingdom." Her tone mixed admiration for the ancient lore with the somber reality of the present.

"Though twelve paths have been charted, the names of these paths are closely guarded secrets. As of now, I am privy to only six: [Scholar], [Soldier], [Pirate], [Night Watcher], [Lawkeeper], and [Bard]."

"The name of a path does give a hint about its nature, but it's not an absolute definition. We can delve into each one in more detail when time allows," Freni mentioned with a hint of intrigue.

"For now, let's discuss the [Pirate] and [Night Watcher] paths."

"The [Pirate] path, as the name implies, excels in naval warfare. A first-level [Pirate] is skilled in traditional weaponry and possesses war cries, a unique ability that boosts the morale and status of both themselves and their allies. For instance, the infamous 'Mountain of Meat,' Salem, once captain of the 'Skeleton' with a bounty of 18,000 pounds, was a formidable first-tier [Pirate]."

"On the other hand, the [Night Watcher] path is highly esteemed among the continent's major churches. Even at the first level, professionals in this path demonstrate formidable combat abilities, particularly under the cover of night. However, their ranks are sparse due to stringent employment requirements."

"If I were to advise you, I'd lean towards recommending the [Pirate] path for two reasons. Firstly, you already meet the necessary criteria, physical fitness and proficiency in weaponry. Secondly, joining the [Night Watchers] requires participation in a night prayer ceremony during a full moon, and since we just passed that phase, you'd have to wait nearly a month for the next one. Considering the unpredictable nature of encountering sea monsters, and your current capabilities, facing them without having assumed the [Night Watcher] role might be impractical."

Ryan looked at Freni, her smile broad and knowing, and found himself momentarily lost for words.

He thought wryly, 'You've really thought of everything, yet you still offer me a choice between two potions? At this point, isn't the [Pirate] path practically my only viable option?'