
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Gluttony Hunter!

As Ryan absorbed the details of these formidable skills, he was left speechless, with one word echoing through his mind: 'incredible'. In comparison, the "Pirate" profession seemed almost pitiful, its skills nowhere near as impactful.

Among these, [Food War] stood out as the sole active skill, its effectiveness directly correlated to the might of the beasts Ryan vanquished. While its strength might vary in the hands of another, in Ryan's grasp, it promised untold power...

"Consider this," Ryan mused aloud, his voice echoing slightly in the dimly lit room. "Is a 'lower-level apex' creature, like a male fire dragon leader, measuring over 20 meters and weighing several hundred tons, not formidable enough?"