
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Giant Cancer!

Typically, a person with average physical fitness takes about 7 to 9 seconds to sprint 60 meters. Those in slightly better shape might shave this down to 7.5 seconds, though the difference is generally marginal.

Yet, perhaps influenced by his Viking ancestry, Ryan felt an unprecedented surge of speed, as if the centuries-old warrior spirits had awakened within him, allowing him to dash the 60-meter stretch in less than 7 seconds.

To put this into perspective, the standard for American national first-level athletes is just 6.8 seconds for the same distance! Clearly, Ryan was moving incredibly fast.

He bolted forward, the gap between him and his target narrowing swiftly. Unfortunately, the thunderous vibrations from his rapid footsteps alerted the massive green and black crab.

The creature deftly thrust one of its colossal pincers into the sand, pivoting its body on the other four legs to face the incoming threat. By then, Ryan was merely ten meters away.

Unfazed by the failed surprise attack, Ryan's eyes sparkled with determination. He knew the element of surprise was lost, but he was ready for a head-on challenge. A veteran player of notoriously tough action games, he was no stranger to adversity.

As he closed in, a series of gray text appeared before him, floating next to the formidable crustacean.

[Beach Cancer: A mystical, oversized crustacean with an exceptionally hard shell. Vulnerability observed at the joint between the fifth and sixth abdominal segments, a lighter-colored, recently damaged area suggesting weakened defenses.]

Ryan's gaze locked onto the lighter patch on the crab's underbelly, a ten-centimeter vulnerability amidst the armored exterior.

The distance was closing rapidly.

Reacting to Ryan's approach, the crab scuttled sideways, its enormous claw swinging down with the force of a sledgehammer. The sight of the descending pincer, looming like a giant hammer, was enough to send shivers down one's spine.

Ryan, however, was quick on his feet. He sidestepped just as the deadly claw slammed into the sand where he had stood moments earlier, evading what would have been a crushing blow.

The fierce howl of the wind tousled Ryan's short, medium-length hair as he stood face-to-face with the formidable beach giant crab. At such proximity, he could discern every minute, blackened dot speckling the creature's massive pincers.

In that moment, a spike of adrenaline narrowed Ryan's pupils. The crab's other claw, previously hidden by its aggressive maneuvers, now snapped open with a wrathful speed. With Ryan's vision still recovering from the last attack, he found himself unable to dodge in time.

At the last possible second, a surge of instinct took over. Ryan angled the wooden shield in his left hand, bracing for impact.

The collision came with a thunderous "Boom," sending shockwaves through Ryan's frame. Despite employing a technique meant to absorb and redistribute the force, the wooden shield nearly wrenched itself free from his grasp. The sheer power of the Beach Cancer dwarfed his own by magnitudes.

Reeling from the impact yet relieved that the crab paused, seemingly disoriented by its own ferocity, Ryan seized the moment.

Ignoring the creeping numbness in his left side, he locked his eyes on his target. Adopting the 'Bull Posture' a sword stance of swordsmanship, he lunged forward. His blade's tip found the lightly colored, vulnerable spot on the crab's abdomen.

With a crisp "pop," the blade punctured the thin carapace, and a stream of blue, translucent liquid the creature's lifeblood, gushed forth. The internal damage sent the crab into a frenzied state, its shell flushing with light-red veins that pulsed with fluorescent liquid, resembling a crustacean on the verge of boiling.

The crab's pincers, now frantically swinging, sliced through the air at blinding speeds.

Everything unfolded in mere seconds. Ryan barely managed to raise his shield again before another blow landed. The force was overwhelming, shattering the wooden barrier and hurling Ryan back onto the sandy beach, his body skidding to a harsh stop three meters away.

As he crashed to the ground, his eyes caught a menacing shadow looming overhead. Ignoring the throbbing pain that enveloped him, Ryan rolled away with a grunt.


The crab's pincer, engorged with pulsating red veins, slammed into the sand where Ryan had just lain. Seizing the chance, he scrambled to his feet and dashed away, every step fueled by a mix of fear and determination.

Grievously wounded and lacking the strength for another confrontation, Ryan knew he couldn't afford another clash with the enraged Beach Cancer.

As he turned to flee, the crab, freshly liberated from the sand, showed no intention of making his escape easy.

Fuelled by rage, the Beach Cancer not only grew stronger but faster, outpacing Ryan in a direct chase. From the corner of his eye, Ryan saw the distance between them closing rapidly. A quick mental calculation confirmed his fear: he wouldn't make it back to his raft in time.

In a moment of desperation, Ryan's gaze fixed on a nearby coconut tree. With a grimace of determination, he sprinted towards it, taking the tree in powerful strides, and hoisted himself up. As his forward momentum faded, he used the long sword in his hand as a makeshift spike, jabbing it into the tree's trunk to aid his climb.

The coconut tree's bark, rough with regularly spaced rings, provided decent footholds, and the sword made for an effective climbing tool.


At the base of the tree, the beach crab struck the trunk in fury, its pincers clanging loudly against the thick bark. Unfortunately for the crab, the tree's massive girth, a daunting three meters in diameter and standing a colossal 100 meters tall, proved impervious to its brute force. Despite its formidable strength, the crab couldn't damage the stout trunk.

Frustrated yet undeterred, the crab remained below, its vibrant red veins slowly fading as it settled in to wait. It seemed prepared to bide its time, anticipating that Ryan would eventually weaken and drop.

Perched nearly ten meters up, Ryan panted heavily, his gaze drifting to the wound on the crab's abdomen where his sword had struck. The injury continued to seep blue blood, hinting at the creature's gradual weakening.

Yet, Ryan's own predicament was dire. As the rush of adrenaline wore off, waves of pain washed over him. Clinging to the tree was draining, and he couldn't help but wonder which would come first: the crab succumbing to its injuries or him losing his grip from exhaustion.

It was a perilous gamble, hanging in the balance.

Is he really betting on who will falter first: him or the Beach Cancer? Ryan clenched his jaw at the thought.

He despised the notion that his fate was slipping from his control, yet he was cornered into this precarious standoff...

If his plan failed, this venture would end in defeat.

Ryan sighed inwardly.

At least, he mused, this harrowing ordeal would steel his nerves for future encounters with the Beach Cancer.

As minutes trickled into hours, the sky ominously clouded over, a precursor to an impending storm.

The wind picked up, ushering in a stronger gale that shook the trees around him. Suddenly, a hefty coconut dislodged from its branch, crashing to the ground with a loud "bang," momentarily startling the beach giant crab.

Had it fallen a few seconds later, it would have struck the crab squarely. The crab, now visibly perturbed, paced anxiously around the tree. When another large coconut thudded to the earth, the creature, recognizing the hazard, finally opted to retreat.

Rain began to pour, transforming the serene island into a tempestuous landscape within moments. Ryan watched from his high vantage point as the giant crab lumbered away across the wet sand, the rain cloaking its retreat.

He exhaled a deep breath of relief and began his descent, the coarse bark scraping painfully against his palms.

With the rain intensifying, Ryan squinted through the downpour at the retreating figure of the crab. He then glanced at the trail of blue blood staining the sand, gripped his sword tighter, and set off like a silent hunter in pursuit.

Though both predator and prey were battered and weary, the hunt was far from over.

Who was the hunter and who was the prey would only be determined when the ordeal concluded.

Guided by the trail of blue blood, Ryan soon arrived near a cluster of rocks. The trail ended at a cavernous hole, large enough for a person to stand in, nestled among the stones. Clearly, he had found the lair of the Beach Crab.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, Ryan took a deep, steadying breath before cautiously edging along the wall, making his way into the shadowy depths.

The interior of the cave was dimly lit, with only a few strides needed to reach its end. What unfolded before him was a spacious cavern, where slivers of light seeped through crevices above, casting a ghostly illumination.

In the corner of the grotto, the beach crab was busily stuffing bits of unknown algae into its mouth. The wound on its abdomen and umbilicus still oozed blood, though the flow had significantly slowed. Clearly, given time, this wound would heal.

After its meal, the crab sought a damp corner of the cave. It glanced around vigilantly, and, seeming satisfied with the safety of its surroundings, settled down to rest.