
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Deepest Part!

As Ryan's eyes fluttered open, the room was bathed in the soft hues of dusk. A golden slant of sunlight pierced through the window, casting elongated shadows that danced on the bulwark. He rubbed his eyes, disbelief shadowing his features.

"Have I really been asleep that long?" Ryan murmured to himself, a hint of astonishment lacing his voice. He stretched, feeling the weight of fatigue from the earlier skirmish with the Skull Pirates, a toll more taxing than he'd initially realized.

His gaze drifted across the room to a wooden table where a simple meal awaited. A small, grateful smile played on his lips. Freni, despite her fearsome demeanor during battle, where she dispatched pirates with brutal efficiency, always took care of the little things. Her acts of kindness, like leaving food for him, warmed his heart in a way the evening sun could not.

Settling down at the table, Ryan's attention was soon captured by the peculiar ring resting on his palm. Intricately carved with an octopus, its tentacles seemed to writhe, imbuing the ring with an eerie, almost lifelike presence. He squinted at the gray text that floated before his eyes, describing the item:

[Low-level Rare Item·Ring of Black Eclipse: After use, creates a 'black mist area' with a radius of five meters. All living beings within, except the user, will suffer from weakening, blood loss, and blindness, lasting one minute. Usage Condition: Sacrifice one-fifth of the user's blood (the higher the rank, the lesser the cost).]

[This strange artifact harbors a faint spiritual essence, capable of enhancing the repair rate of [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] upon absorption.]

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. "It can enhance the repair rate of the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture]?!" he exclaimed softly, his voice a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

Until now, Ryan had been under the impression that the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] could only be mended upon conquering the 'Traveled Place' and locating the [Anchor Point]. The revelation that this ring could potentially accelerate the process was a game-changer, stirring a mix of hope and urgency within him.

As the last light of day faded, Ryan sat back, the wheels in his mind turning furiously. He contemplated the possibilities this ring opened up, aware that each decision could drastically alter their course. The evening quiet hummed with potential as he plotted their next move.

"It's not right!" Ryan exclaimed, his voice echoing in the dimly lit cabin as a wave of realization swept over him.

He remembered vividly the day he first arrived in this strange world, an arrival marked by a chilling act. Under the influence of an enigmatic force, Ryan had pulled the trigger, ending the life of a baron from the Augustus Kingdom and the Violet Family. The gravity of that moment had haunted him, but now he understood more of its significance. It was after that grim incident that the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] had mysteriously activated, or rather, began its initial restoration.

This force, this inexplicable power, must have stemmed from a strange artifact whose energies were subsequently absorbed by the sculpture, accounting for a mere 1% repair rate. With this epiphany, Ryan felt as if a fog had lifted from his mind.

"The owner of that artifact must be the architect of the conspiracy that branded me with this 'bloody mark'!" Ryan muttered under his breath, piecing together the fragments of his troubled thoughts.

Regrettably, because the sculpture had not fully restored itself at that critical moment, Ryan had been deprived of any clues about the artifact or the identity of its mysterious owner. The lack of information gnawed at him, as did the implications of an object powerful enough to manipulate one's actions.

Pushing aside thoughts of the mastermind for a moment, Ryan's gaze fell back to the [Black Eclipse Ring] lying dormant in his palm, pulling him into a deep dilemma.

Should he keep the ring for personal use, or allow the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] to absorb it, potentially speeding up its repair? The ring's powers were undeniably strong, capable of casting a deadly black mist that induced weakness, blood loss, and blindness for a full minute, effects that could decisively turn the tide of any battle. However, the cost of using the ring was severe, sapping one-fifth of his blood and triggering symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations, and debilitating weakness.

Yet, the potential increase in the sculpture's repair rate if it absorbed the [Black Erosion Ring] remained an enigma. Were it not for the risks associated with the 'Pirate Potion,' which might have otherwise countered the ring's adverse effects, Ryan would have been more inclined to make an immediate decision.

With the weight of these choices bearing down on him, Ryan sat silently, the ring cold against his skin, as he contemplated the lesser of two dangers in the flickering candlelight.

However, the pressing issue remained that, in his current state, Ryan couldn't officially take office or assert any real command. Yet, this rare itemn, the [Black Eclipse Ring], held the potential to significantly boost his combat prowess, a fact that could prove crucial in his looming confrontation with the "Dragon-Headed Cancer."

The sheer magnitude of the "Dragon-headed Cancer" was enough for Ryan to deduce that its defenses were formidably high, making any typical assault nearly futile. But the debilitating effects of the [Black Eclipse Ring] could precisely target and diminish the beast's formidable defense and strength, offering a glimmer of hope.

After careful deliberation and considering multiple factors, Ryan resolved to retain the artifact for now.

"Huh..." He sighed softly, a mix of resignation coloring his exhale.

Rising from his seat, Ryan decided to take a walk on the deck to clear his mind, after a light meal, he planned to return and practice his swordplay deep into the night, until he ventured into the "Travel Place" the following midnight. Today's skirmish had starkly highlighted his vulnerabilities; even mere foot soldiers like the Skull Pirates had posed a significant threat, intensifying his sense of urgency and the palpable need to enhance his abilities, especially given the latent risks associated with the "magic potion."

As he pushed open the cabin door, the nocturnal sea breeze greeted him, carrying a refreshing coolness that contrasted sharply with the day's earlier tensions.

The [Black Rose] glided gently across the ocean waves, her movement slow and deliberate.

The creak of the door turning on its hinges drew the attention of a few pirates on duty. Their heads snapped towards Ryan, their expressions quickly shifting to one of obsequious respect. They flashed him ingratiating smiles before hastily averting their gazes, returning to their duties with a renewed sense of deference.

Ryan noted the shift in their demeanor but chose not to comment. In the pirate world, strength commanded respect and determined survival. This unspoken rule was as pervasive as the salt in the sea air.

Walking against the sea breeze, Ryan found solitude on the deck, the rhythmic crashing of the waves the only sound accompanying his thoughts. Amidst this solitude, a rare peace settled over him, as vast as the ocean stretching out beneath the starlit sky.

Without realizing it, Ryan had traversed the entire length of the ship, moving from the bow to the stern. As he arrived at the stern, he paused, his steps halting abruptly as surprise flickered across his face.

There, at the stern's deck, a mysterious figure cloaked in dark blue leaned nonchalantly against the bulwark. The soft moonlight bathed her, casting an ethereal glow that flickered like fireflies, lending an air of beauty and mystique to the scene.

Beside her stood a female knight, her presence marked by the silver chain armor she wore, which caught the moon's rays and reflected them with a chilly luminance.

"Mr. Lane, how was your rest?" The voice that broke the silence was crisp and clear, like a mountain spring, belonging to none other than Freni. She turned her head slightly towards Ryan, a subtle smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you for your concern, Captain Freni. I'm nearly restored," Ryan replied, stepping forward to join them at the bulwark, maintaining a respectful distance.

After a moment's pause, Ryan broke the silence again, his voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Lady Freni, I must admit, as the navigator of the [Black Rose], I am still unaware of our destination. Without knowing the specific location, I can't offer accurate navigational advice."

"This is an oversight on my part," Freni admitted, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. "But, for now, we don't have an exact waypoint. Our target is the deepest part of the sea, the place where everything originates."

"The deepest part of the sea? The place where everything originates?" Ryan echoed, his voice filled with wonder and a trace of disbelief.

"Yes, the deepest part..." Freni spread her arms wide, as if attempting to encompass the vast sea in her embrace. "Mr. Ryan, do you recall the golden tree I once spoke of?"