
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · ファンタジー
107 Chs


"Wow..." Leon gasped in awe, his heart still racing as he observed the relentless waves crashing into each other, churning into frothy white foam.

A humble sailing raft, barely over three meters in length with a crude and basic structure, bobbed gently on the surface of the sea. Its darkened planks, charred by past fires, told stories of survival and escape. A swollen canvas sail, pushed by the persistent sea breeze, propelled the raft slowly forward.

Beneath the mast, Leon, drenched and panting, struggled to regain his composure. He gazed upward, the clear blue sky offering a moment of peace, completely opposite to the ordeal he had just endured. Relief flooded through him, a sense of surviving against all odds. He inhaled deeply, savoring the salty air.

Moments later, his gaze shifted downward to the makeshift raft that bore him. His reflection in the turbulent water was a distorted silhouette, his features blurred yet discernible. Light blond hair, cut short, framed a face with clear, deep-set features. Youth marked his expression, but there was an undeniable maturity in his gaze, a striking blend of youthful vigor and old age wisdom.

Leon's appearance had transformed dramatically. He no longer resembled the social worker who had graduated years ago from University. Now, he embodied the persona of Ryan Leland, a young man marked by a Viking heritage that lent him strength beyond ordinary men, destined to navigate ancient waves of sea.

Specifications of his new reality began to show on his system panel:

- Raft Dimensions: 3.3 meters in length, 1.8 meters in width, capable of reaching 4 knots with the wind and 1 knot against it.

- Identity: Leon, now Ryan Leland, 18 years old.

- Heritage: Descendant of Vikings, his strong physique and affinity with water.

- Title: Son of Blood, cursed to attract danger from the Royal Navy and intrigue from clandestine factions due to violations of the 'Golden Rule'.

- Innate Ability: Soul of Another World, granting him unusual resistance to supernatural forces, perhaps a gift from his extensive knowledge from another realm.

- Spirituality: A stark zero, a clean slate in this new world.

- Path Profession: Yet to be chosen.

- Skills Acquired: Basic introductions to Storm Swordsmanship, Navigation, and the handling of Strange Objects.

As Leon, now Ryan, pieced together the fragments of his new identity and circumstances, a complex mix of dread and excitement stirred within him. He was far from the shores of his old life, adrift in a sea of unknowns, his journey only just beginning.

As the mechanisms of the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] revealed themselves, Ryan formerly known as Leon began to understand the gravity of his situation. Professions, natural abilities, professional skills... these terms, now integral to his identity, suggested he had been thrust into a wold teeming with the fantastical.

Yet, the specific implications of these descriptors eluded him.

The [Learning Skills] listed on the panel were remnants of the original Ryan Leland's expertise. Now, they integrated into Ryan's consciousness like fragmented memories becoming instinct. It was a surreal sensation; despite never having practiced these skills, they felt as familiar as if they were extensions of his own body.

"It's incredible," Ryan mused aloud, a mix of awe and frustration in his voice. "If only I had a long sword right now, I could actually test these skills."

Despite the thrill of these newfound abilities, a sense of loss nagged at him. The memory fragments were incomplete, beyond his name and three vividly ingrained abilities, little remained. He couldn't recall the origins of his predecessor or why he had ended up aboard the pirate ship, the "Blood Shark."

Staring out at the vast, unending ocean, Ryan sighed deeply. "This is truly a descent into hell..." His moment of respite allowed him to piece together the fragmented story of Ryan Leland.

For reasons unknown, Ryan Leland had been captured by pirates of the "Blood Shark." He was coerced into an assassination plot against a baron from the Augustus Dynasty and the Violet Family, a task that would forcibly enlist him as a crew member of the "Blood Shark."

In a bizarre twist of fate, Ryan Leland met his demise under mysterious circumstances, and Leon, traversing through time, found himself in the midst of this dire plot. With no intention of fulfilling the grim task, an unexplained mystical force compelled him. He pulled the trigger of the flintlock pistol, ending the baron's life and thereby marking himself under the ominous [Golden Rule].

After everything had settled, a massive explosion obliterated everything, reducing it all to ash and rubble.

This catastrophic event clearly wasn't a mere accident; it bore all the hallmarks of a meticulously orchestrated "game," its primary aim seeming to eliminate the baron of the Violet family.

Both "Ryan Leland" and the entire crew of the "Blood Shark" had been engulfed by this calamity. The [Golden Rule], that bloody mark... it seemed the person intent on removing the baron had not dared to act openly, opting instead for these convoluted, indirect methods.

Did this mean that "Ryan Leland" was also an intended target of this shadowy puppeteer?

Ryan had very little information to work with, but the bits he possessed painted a dire picture of his current predicament.

What would the mastermind do upon discovering Ryan's survival? It was clear, Ryan, the sole survivor, would never be left in peace.

The orchestrator of this conspiracy had managed to annihilate the "Blood Shark" under the noses of all on board, manipulate spiritual forces to compel "Ryan Leland" to assassinate the baron, and cover his tracks with chilling efficiency. This mastermind wielded a formidable power, one that Ryan was not yet equipped to confront.

However, Ryan had his own set of advantages. For now, he remained a shadow in the dark; the puppeteer might not even be aware of his survival. And even if his existence was suspected, locating him in the vast, unending sea, even with powers like "spirituality" would be no small feat.

"This is my chance," Ryan resolved, understanding that his survival depended on gaining strength swiftly.

With these thoughts heavy on his mind, Ryan cast his gaze out to the endless sea before him, plotting his next moves in this high-stakes game of survival and deception.

Now, Ryan faced a more immediate and severe problem than the scheming mastermind: survival on this vast ocean without access to fresh water or food.

Gazing at his makeshift raft, a wave of melancholy washed over him. The wreckage he had clung to was minimal; even after being "attached" to the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] and transforming, it was merely enough to cobble together a small sailing raft.

"Relying on this to cross the sea…" Ryan mused, his voice tinged with uncertainty. The weather was favorable for now, the sun bright above and the waves gentle. "But if a larger wave were to strike, it could easily be the end for me and this fragile craft."

"I hope I can survive today," he sighed deeply, his situation precarious. The [Attachment] function of the sculpture could only be used once per day. Surrounded by endless seawater, his only hope was to encounter a deserted island or another ship before his strength and luck ran out.

With time to think and little else to do, Ryan turned his attention to the third feature of the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture]—[Travel].

Previously, this function had indicated that an [Attachment] and a personal ship were prerequisites for use.

Glancing doubtfully at his simple, primitive raft, Ryan wondered, "Can this really be considered a ship?"

Deciding to explore further, he opened the panel once more and focused on [Travel]. This time, a new description unfolded before him.

[Travel lv.1]: Navigate the spiritual sea, anchor coordinates, and voyage to diverse destinations. This function is available once daily.

Armed with this newfound capability, Ryan's spirits lifted slightly. Perhaps this feature could offer him a lifeline or an escape from his dire circumstances.