
Reborn as a Goblin!? - Goblin System

Enter a world of endless possibilities and intertwining destinies, where tragedy befalls Garu, the protagonist. Suddenly reborn as a feeble level 1 goblin in a Western Fantasy realm, he stumbles upon the fascinating Goblin System—a portal to quests, rewards, and evolution. Determined to redeem himself, Garu embarks on an enthralling journey of growth and self-discovery, unlocking the enigmas of this new world.

SnoozePanda · ファンタジー
41 Chs

The Tale of the Two Moons

In the vast expanse of the Nexus, a mesmerizing spectacle of twin moons emerged. One gleamed with a silvery blue hue, while the other radiated a warm golden amber. This dance of lights and shadows on the crystalline ground was a scene straight out of legends.

As the team ventured into this new realm, they felt the profound sorrow lingering in the air. Elara, with her innate sensitivity to the cosmos, softly uttered, "A love story as old as time itself resides here."

Their path led to an ancient shrine, its stone weathered by countless eons, etched with runes of a forgotten language. Around this shrine, the very essence of the Nexus seemed to vibrate with a melancholic tune. As Lena deciphered the runes, her voice echoed the sad tale, "When moons diverged, love was severed. Unite the moons, and love shall be forever."

By the shrine stood two beautiful statuettes, exuding an aura of longing. These were representations of lovers, their fingers tantalizingly close yet eternally apart. Their silent yearning tugged at the team's heartstrings.

Garu, lost in thought, started recounting an old tale, "Legends spoke of the twin moons as lovers. One ruled the day while the other the night. Fate decreed they never meet, symbolizing a love that defied the very laws of nature."

The group then noticed a spectral figure, an old celestial seer, hovering near the moons' reflection. With a voice echoing ages, he intoned, "To merge their essence is to defy fate itself. But if you succeed, the rewards are beyond any mortal's dreams."

Understanding their quest, the team set about aligning the moons. A beautiful ballet of powers commenced: Lena's barriers manipulating the lights, Selene stirring the winds to aid their mission, and Mia creating shadowy illusions to add depth and contrast.

But as the twin moons gravitated towards each other, the Nexus reacted. Shadowy apparitions, remnants of thwarted lovers and guardians of the moons' tale, emerged, their eerie voices warning against disturbing the ancient sorrow.

The ensuing battle was epic. Each team member channeled their celestial might, holding back the relentless tide of shadows. Garu unleashed cosmic whirlwinds, while Elara's arrows became beams of concentrated moonlight, piercing through their adversaries.

Amidst the chaos, Mia and Selene found themselves back-to-back, warding off an onslaught. Mia quipped, "For celestial beings, these shadows sure have a grudge!" Selene, with a smirk, replied, "Guess they're just not fans of happy endings."

With the team's combined efforts, the moons moved closer. The entire realm shook, and time seemed suspended. The once withered shrine rejuvenated, blossoming with flowers of ethereal beauty. The statuettes united in an embrace, symbolizing a love that defied fate.

As the dust settled, Garu discovered a cache containing numerous Goblin Tokens and a twin-moon amulet, its significance clear but its powers unknown.

Exiting the clearing, the team felt an unspoken bond. Garu's voice, filled with emotion, broke the silence, "Throughout time, love has faced countless adversities. And yet, it finds a way. We too shall overcome whatever the Nexus throws at us."

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