In the secluded recesses of an ancient forest, Bruce, the dragon with the most formidable intellect in his lineage, sought to explore the enigmatic realms of illusion. He led his companion, Gas, to the site of a desolate acid pool, ensuring their isolation from prying eyes. With a nod of satisfaction, Bruce prompted Gas, "Here, in this secluded spot, divulge everything you comprehend about the art of illusion."
"Very well, Master," Gas began, his voice steady and informative. "Illusion, in essence, is a mirage—intangible yet eerily mimetic of reality, akin to alchemical mastery."
"Illusion is primarily a mental onslaught. It employs one's potent mental forces along with subtle yet strategic actions, sounds, images, drugs, or objects to induce a trance-like state in others, giving rise to vivid hallucinations."